D&D 5E Mystara Player's Guide free for download

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The Glen

What other Mystara Player's Guide? Can you provide a link? Hard to answer such a question without a reference.
The differences between the final version and the original v27 that was put out years ago is pretty extensive. Version 113 is much larger, all of the art is original there is no place holder art. You've got more subclasses, and additional race, probably a hundred new spells, and just overall larger in scope.


The differences between the final version and the original v27 that was put out years ago is pretty extensive. Version 113 is much larger, all of the art is original there is no place holder art. You've got more subclasses, and additional race, probably a hundred new spells, and just overall larger in scope.
@Rogerd1 , does that answer the question for you? The one you linked is a much earlier draft. This new one is the completed work.

The Glen

I've got to do some supplemental releases. One of the classes oh, the spirit shaman, heavily depends on the use of spirits in game. In the spirit world is a big deal with lots of different types of spirit creatures on the prime material plane. So I need to get those monsters out. There was a lot of extra stuff that was cut for space as well. The biggest problem was welding newer classes into the setting and making them fit coherently. I left out a lot of newer races because either they were redundant or they directly went against the lore


I've got to do some supplemental releases. One of the classes oh, the spirit shaman, heavily depends on the use of spirits in game. In the spirit world is a big deal with lots of different types of spirit creatures on the prime material plane. So I need to get those monsters out. There was a lot of extra stuff that was cut for space as well. The biggest problem was welding newer classes into the setting and making them fit coherently. I left out a lot of newer races because either they were redundant or they directly went against the lore
I have been wanting to add some spirit beast over at my 5e Monstrous Compendium and would be willing to stat some up if you can point me in the right direction (and let me know what CR your aiming for).

The Glen

I actually did several the spirit creatures as a conversion, you'll have to search for Spirit on this list I couldn't isolate them but it should take you straight to them. These are first drafts so they're not very good but it gives you an idea of what I was thinking when I was converting them



I actually did several the spirit creatures as a conversion, you'll have to search for Spirit on this list I couldn't isolate them but it should take you straight to them. These are first drafts so they're not very good but it gives you an idea of what I was thinking when I was converting them

Cool! I am making stats for the Darklords from VGtR right now, but when I finish that up (probably next week) I will take a crack at them.


2. I had to include the maps as provided by Thorfinn. One of the stipulations was I had to use the maps unskewed, and he updated them frequently. Most of the maps you see were provided about a month ago.
Some of the small labels on the maps are too pixelated to read when blown up. For example on the Atruaghin map on page 18 it is very hard to read some of the three digit dates of the battles and some of the names of the battles or tribes.

I particularly like that the Broken Lands is a straight presentation of the area and does not lean into the cross-eyed stupidity humor flavor of the Jim Holloway interior art of the original gazetteer.

Bookmarks would be nice.

First quick glance I am really liking it.

The Glen

Unfortunately that was a technical restriction. I'm using recreated maps that are four times that size and having to shrink them down so they can fit. There are full size digital maps at atlas of mystara that you can get the correct sized Maps.

Voidrunner's Codex

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