Name that alias (GoT edition)

It has been a while since Game of Thrones came to a disappointing conclusion, and plenty of people are still awaiting the new book Winds of Winter (if George ever finishes it). But until that time, how well do you know your Song of Ice and Fire characters? Can you match the full name of the character to their nickname?

The Hound
The Mountain that rides
The red viper
The imp
The young wolf
The white wolf
The kingslayer
The mad king
The Khaleesi
The beggar king
The red priestess
The toothless lion
The king who knelt
The builder
The Flayman
The oncoming storm
The old bear
The blackfish
Fat Walda
The spider
The onion knight
The usurper
The queen of thorns
The knight of flowers
Crows Eye
The sword of the morning
The sandsnakes
The lightning lord
The late

How many of these did you get without Googling them?
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I know about 20 of them, but then I’ve only watched the show. I haven’t read any of the books.

20 is pretty good.

I included only characters from the show and books that were memorable. In the books there are a lot more characters with nicknames, but some are mentioned only once, or just in the back. I figured I'd only list the important.

Btw, The Lightning Lord does appear on the show, but they never refer to him as such, and he doesn't wear the sigil that earned him his nickname either.
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I got all of them except the Flayman and the Ongoing Storm, and Google was no help on either of those. Who are they? The former must be a Bolton and I would guess the latter is a Greyjoy?

I got all of them except the Flayman and the Ongoing Storm, and Google was no help on either of those. Who are they? The former must be a Bolton and I would guess the latter is a Greyjoy?

I see auto correct on my phone messed up one of the names, it should be the Oncoming Storm, which was lord Carmine Greyburn. The Flayman was Lord Ramsond Bolton, Roose Bolton's father, Lord of the Dreadfort. I threw those in for extra difficulty.

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