WotBS National Flags


I'm thinking about the overall idea of national flags for the various factions within War of the Burning Sky... something to represent who the various lands are, present their typical colors, and the like. I think I have some decent ideas for the first three nations, but I'd love to hear other inputs for ideas to incorporate, or change to.

Ragesia's flag features three main colors: The black field on the right symbolizes the dark times they once lived in, through war and strife, which leads to the green field that not only symbolizes the unified lands of the north, but the skin of the native orc tribes that have united under this one flag. In the center is a symbol of the old dragon himself, emblazoned in red, and trimmed in silver to denote his pure and righteous claim on the throne.

Shahalesti mainly focuses on blue, representing the elves' mastery of sea and sky. A white sunburst sends golden rays towards the horizon, shining upon the land of the elves.

Dassen has an interesting flag, that changes from realm to realm. Omnipresent is a black field holding nine silver chain links, horizontally spanning the center of the flag. These represent the nine lands, and nine lords of the kingdom (it was originally a set of eight links, but Steppengard inserted a ninth, larger than the others, when he ascended to power). While each link is independently powerful, they are imminently more so when united. The top and bottom borders of the flag change with each lord who flies it. The national flag is brown, while Duke Gallo's color is orange, and Lord Rego's, an ostentatious red. Steppengard's flag is a deep steel color, embroidered with fifteen stars, one for each of his children.

These are my early thoughts. Does anyone else have ideas for pushing these designed further, or for the other nations? Do you think Gate Pass or Seaquen would bear their own flags? What about the Resistance army... how would they depict their forces?

EDIT: Revised Ragesia, to be more in line with standard flag design (such as, animals that face right imply cowardice).


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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Ragesia's flag features three main colors: The black field on the right symbolizes the dark times they once lived in, through war and strife, which leads to the green field that not only symbolizes the unified lands of the north, but the skin of the native orc tribes that have united under this one flag. In the center is a symbol of the old dragon himself, emblazoned in red, and trimmed in silver to denote his pure and righteous claim on the throne.
Ragesia as Wales! I like it! :)

I'm thinking about the overall idea of national flags for the various factions within War of the Burning Sky... something to represent who the various lands are, present their typical colors, and the like. I think I have some decent ideas for the first three nations, but I'd love to hear other inputs for ideas to incorporate, or change to.

Ragesia's flag features three main colors: The black field on the right symbolizes the dark times they once lived in, through war and strife, which leads to the green field that not only symbolizes the unified lands of the north, but the skin of the native orc tribes that have united under this one flag. In the center is a symbol of the old dragon himself, emblazoned in red, and trimmed in silver to denote his pure and righteous claim on the throne.

Shahalesti mainly focuses on blue, representing the elves' mastery of sea and sky. A white sunburst sends golden rays towards the horizon, shining upon the land of the elves.

Dassen has an interesting flag, that changes from realm to realm. Omnipresent is the nine chain links in the center of the flag, representing the nine lords of the kingdom (it was once a set of eight links, but Steppengard inserted a ninth, larger than the others, when he ascended to power). The links are independently powerful, and imminently more so when united. Aside from the black field that the links sit upon, the top and bottom borders of the flag change with each lord who flies it. Duke Gallo, for example, flies a simple, muted brown flag, while Lord Rego is an ostentatious red. Steppengard's flag is a deep steel color, embroidered with fifteen stars, one for each of his children.

These are my early thoughts. Does anyone else have ideas for pushing these designed further, or for the other nations? Do you think Gate Pass or Seaquen would bear their own flags? What about the Resistance army... how would they depict their forces?
I just might nab those for my freshly started campaign. More, please?


I just might nab those for my freshly started campaign. More, please?
Here's my current full compliment of Dasseni flags, subject to revision if I get a better idea... still working on ideas for the other 2 large nations, plus possible flags for Gatepass, Seaquen, or other separate entities (maybe a lost flag from Phorros Irrendra, for example)

National: brown (connection to earth)
Steppengard: gray with stars (military might, heirs)
Dashgoban: yellow and rust (earthy colors for the dwarven lord)
Dene: violet and silver (quiet, reserved)
Gallo: burnt orange (bright, defiant)
Iz: faded blue (stone & steel)
Megadon: red and silver (bright, ostentatious, defiant)
Namin: blue (associations with Shahalesti)
Rego: red & black (hostile, vindictive)
Timor: green (Thornwood, contemplative)

And please, if you have any thoughts or suggestions, throw them my way! I'd love to tweak the designs per your suggestions.


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The flag for Phorros Irrendra, the lost Taranesti colony, is a little different than most others (spoilers ahead). It consists of an emerald tree, representing the wood elf population. It sits in a black field, representing both the city's place on a demi-plane (reachable only through a dark system of caverns), and its Droalesti residents. It is trimmed in silver, to represent the light you must put behind you, to reach the demiplane by following your shadow.


Gate Pass drew inspiration for their flag after the expulsion of the Ragesian people. A lit brazier, a symbol of illumination in the darkness, stands as a symbol of Resistance against the armies that once occupied it, while the white field represents the purity of the city-state's purpose - and the snow that so regularly falls on its streets. Later, once the Torch of the Burning Sky was reclaimed, the flag was repurposed as the banner under which the united Resistance took the fight directly to Ragesia.
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Seaquen, while technically part of Dassen, maintains a sort of de facto independence, thanks to the swamplands that separate it from the mainland. As such, it maintains its own governance and flag, despite technically remaining subservient to the King. Its flag celebrates its rich nautical tradition, featuring a bronze compass rose on a simple, two-toned blue-green background.

Bill T.

Neat! I suggest you cut the bottom half of the sun off in the Shahalesti flag. Then it looks like the sun rising over the sea -- appropriate, since their lands dominate the eastern shore of the continent.

The Seaquen flag begs to be confused with the Shahalesti flag -- blue above blue in both cases. Since the tip of the peninsula is volcanic, maybe you could incorporate that into the flag somehow? A black or red triangle taking up the windward edge of the flag would look good. Also, the compass rose seems overly modern. An anchor seems like a more traditional nautical symbol. Or, if you have a goddess of the sea, her symbol would be appropriate on Seaquen's flag.

Voidrunner's Codex

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