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D&D 5E nature-themed magic items

In a prior campaign, I gave my druid a bracelet that allowed him to cast a spell while in wild shape once/rest. Limited, so as not to step on the high-level class ability, but really cool in a pinch.

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Found some 3e stuff in an old Dragon Magazine (issue 326). Here's my attempt at updating them to the 5e rules:

Acorn of Acuity: Attunement. Grants advantage on Survival checks and allows the user to cast speak with animals 1/day.

Arboreal Armor: Attunement. +1 leather armor that grants the wearer advantage on Dex (Stealth) checks to hide in forested terrain. The armor itself regenerates 1/hp per hour if it gets damaged. The wearer can cast entangle 3/day, while the armor grows 5 goodberries on itself each day.

Briar Staff: Attunement. The staff has 10 charges. You can spend charges to cast entangle (1 charge), spike growth (2 charges), and wall of thorns (6 charges). It regains 1d6 + 4 charges at dawn but only if it is buried under 1 foot of earth in a forest that is at least 1 square mile in size.

Deluge Rod: Attunement. (Cursed?) You have advantage on Con checks/saves to resist extreme heat and thirst, but you have disadvantage on Con checks/saves to resist extreme cold and drowning. It also has the properties of a frostbrand but it is a club rather than a sword. 3/day as a bonus action you can cause it to deal 2d6 extra cold damage when you hit with it. 1/day you can cast a suitable 5e substitute for the acid fog spell. 1/day you can summon one water elemental or 1d4+1 giant sharks.

Eagles' Cry Bow: Attunement. This is a +2 longbow with a range of 300/1,200 ft. When you attack with the bow, you can use a bonus action to have it cry out like an eagle, granting any elf or half-elf within 30 feet of the bow one Bardic Inspiration die (d6). A creature can't have more than one die at a time.

Rod of the Wild: Attunement. A +2 club that has four animal totems on it. Each day, the bearer can choose to gain the benefits of one of the totems. The benefits last for as long as the bearer holds the rod.
  • Bear: You gain a +2 bonus to AC and you have advantage on Strength checks.
  • Hawk: You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks based on sight, and you can cast feather fall on yourself at will.
  • Mouse: You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks, and you can cast reduce person on yourself at will.
  • Salmon: You gain advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to swim, and you can cast water breathing on yourself at will.

Sylvan Cloak: Attunement. You have advantage on ability checks made to escape from being restrained by a grapple or manacles, etc. You have advantage on Con checks/saves to resist extreme heat and cold. Creatures have disadvantage on Survival checks to track you by scent while you are traveling in forested terrain.

Sylvan Cloak, Greater: As the sylvan cloak, except it also grants you the ability to cast tree stride 1/rest, and you can animate a tree 1/day.

Thornblade: Attunement. Has the properties of a scimitar of speed, plus 3/day the wielder can use a bonus action to coat the thorns on the blade with "bloodroot poison" (whatever that does).



In an early campaign where the party was fighting druids, I gave them all +1 magical wooden weapons. So, wooden sword, wooden dagger, etc... They were just normal magical items, but made out of "magical wood" and had elfy, druidic designs.


I was reminded of the magic "ent-draught" that Treebeard gives to Merry and Pippin in the Lord of the Rings. It had the power to heal their wounds and also make them grow taller. So how about a magic potion that acts as a potion of greater healing with the added side effect of causing the imbiber to grow by 1d4+2 inches.
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The guy playing the druid in my campaign had an interesting idea. He told me that he was trying to think of some spells he could have his PC create on his own, but the only one he'd come up with so far was a tree stride-like spell that worked with his summoned bears.

As an aside, the druid PC has a bear theme, so he only ever wildshapes into bears, and he only ever summons bears with his conjure animal spell, and so on.

So his idea is that he can cast this spell and then, while wildshaped, he can use it to teleport between the locations of his summoned bears. He wasn't sure what level the spell should be, and frankly, neither do I. Tree stride is 5th level, for what it's worth. If I limit the distance to, say, 60-120 feet, it could possibly be a 4th level spell instead. Dunno.

But then I got thinking: what if I were to make it a magic item power instead?


So I'm running a one shot and my players are going against a fae like wolf so I made a item as a drop.
Cloth of the forest- is a cloth that only works in forest areas (for invisibility) , can only be us3d with up to 3 creatures, if 3 creatures are under it they all have to make a DC 16 stealth check.


  • Bearfriend Cape - when you assume wildshape as a bear, you may huge an adjacent willing creature which becomes part of your wildshape, increasing your bear form's HP by 1/4 the creature's HP, but any spillover damage also applies to them, they can communicate with you but cannot take actions while you're wildshaped (i.e. it's good for infiltrating/transporting a companion instead of the usual druid-goes-alone)
  • Steam Sphere - captured from the tears of a nereid where a waterfall meets geothermal springs, this sphere can be expended in any of the following ways: 1) throw it into fire to create a 3rd level Fog Cloud, 2) throw it in the direction the wind blows to create a Gust of Wind, 3) crush it in your hand to create a Warding Wind, 4) cast it into a body of water to create a Wall of Water, 5) consume it to gain the ability to see clearly through fog/steam (but suffer the nereid's drowning curse), or 6) return it to the nereid to gain her blessing (cannot die of drowning)
  • Snowmantle's Wise Pigments - when another creature adorns your face with these pigments as an action while you're wildshaped, you gain the ability to speak as a beast for 1 hour (though you cannot cast spells unless you're 18th level as normal); it has 1d4 uses


@Eden_ welcome to the site, you did answer a 7 year old thread so not sure if he still needs help. Others will enjoy your contribution though. Hope you stay and look around.


@Eden_ welcome to the site, you did answer a 7 year old thread so not sure if he still needs help. Others will enjoy your contribution though. Hope you stay and look around.
Yeah nah, the campaigns I was running back when I started this thread are both long finished. It still can serve as a nice repository for nature-themed magic items, though.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Maybe give the druid a pet. Treat is as a living, breathing familiar, and as long as it doesn't enter combat give it plot immunity. Maybe an orphan bearcub to follow him around, or an eagle. Have whatever it is give him cuddles and purr at night, and have NPCs want to talk with him because of it.

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