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NC Game Day XIX (April 25-26): GenCon Jr. Rides Again!


Liquid Awesome
The long awaited, much anticipated, annual two-day event is here! I'm proud to say that, outside of GenCon itself, you will not find a larger gathering of ENWorld/Circvs Maximvs people anywhere. If history is any indicator at all, the amount of fun we're going to have will be nothing short of epic. So here's what you need to know:

Our official website can be found HERE. Here is some important info that you need to know, especially if this is your first time attending:

To schedule a game, the following must happen in order:

1) You must register on this site, and request to be a GM. If you were a GM on a previous Game Day, you should still be a GM on future Game Days, so go to step 3.

2) An admin (Rel or Morgenes) approves you as a GM. *

3) You submit your event (My Events -> Submit), filling out the required fields and submitting it.

4) An admin reviews and accepts the event, and assigns it to a table.

Important: Right now we are only taking submissions for GM's to run games. If you're going to run a game send it in as soon as possible. Players can take a couple weeks to look over their options. At 5PM on Friday, April 3rd we will open up registration for players to sign up for these games. We will continue to take submissions for games after this but there is a good chance that folks will already have signed up for stuff so the sooner you get it in, the better your chances of having players.

If you want folks to be able to sign up for your game in advance, use Open Game as the "Game Type".

The "slots" on Saturday are 5 hours long and run from 9 AM - 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM. On Sunday we are trying to finish up a bit earlier so the slots are 4 hours long from 9:00 AM- 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM. When you submit your event, you probably want the start and end times to line up with those slots so that it doesn't interfere with other games your players might want to play.

The additional notes field is so you can tell the administrators about any special needs you might have, like a certain size or shape of table, or power needs.

If you have previously registered at the NC Game Day site then you don't have to do that part. If you've previously run a game at NC Game Day then you don't need to register as a GM. All you have to do at that point is submit your game and have it approved and slotted.

Questions? Post them here. Just trust me that if you are anywhere even remotely close to this event you want to be here. For anybody who might be coming from out of town that needs a hotel room, I have arranged a special rate from the local Best Western. I'll be confirming that with the manager on Monday, after which I will post the phone number and info you need to get the group rate.

*One wrinkle with requests to be new GMs: We have suddenly had a HUGE spam problem at the site and, since the end of January, over a THOUSAND spam GM requests have come in. If you are a first-time GM this Game Day, please post that you are making such a request along with whatever username you are using at the site so that I can make sure your request gets approved. If you don't get approved within a day or two, let me know and I'll check it again.

Finally don't miss the various social event that will be happening in the evenings. This time around on Friday night we'll be having a gathering in the meeting room at the Best Western (Canadiana Suite Jr.) and a party at my place on Saturday night after gaming (SammichCon '09 Jr.). Then we'll pick a place to go out to dinner on Sunday night for those staying the night before heading home.

I can't wait! It's gonna be a blast!

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This may be our lat one in a long time, so we will have to make it count!

I will be running a Supernatural themed game using the Saga Edition rules. The game will feature a group of Hunters investigating a string of murders in an old town in the Appalachian mountains. I will post the game description later.

Mark Causey

I'll be running as many games as I can prep for. I have, so far, almost completed prep for a Hellboy game where you play the next generation BPRD agents at a training academy similar to the X-Men. I'll be using Risus (with a little more serious bent than normal Risus).

Well, I have good news and I have bad news. First the bad news: I will not be able to make game day this year. Amber will be attending Tufts in the fall so we're saving everything for her tuition. But the good news: starting in August or September of 2010, Amber and I will be moving back to Raleigh and I will be at every single NC Game Day from then on.

Have fun everyone. I'll be thinking about yah on the 25th.


Liquid Awesome
Well, I have good news and I have bad news. First the bad news: I will not be able to make game day this year. Amber will be attending Tufts in the fall so we're saving everything for her tuition. But the good news: starting in August or September of 2010, Amber and I will be moving back to Raleigh and I will be at every single NC Game Day from then on.

Have fun everyone. I'll be thinking about yah on the 25th.

Well I am bummed at the bad news but I am absolutely thrilled at the good news! We're losing Belen & Alenda to Texas but at least we're getting you guys back.

Be well in the meantime my friend.

Oh and the family and I are planning a trip up to Boston this summer so we'll have to try and get together then!


Supernatural: Welcome to Dillsboro, N.C., population: 235.

This walking town -- just two blocks long -- is best enjoyed by daylight. As Cotton Nolan, the town's lone employee says: "They roll the sidewalks up at 8 p.m."

Well, Cot Nolan is a prick. Hunters have a more descriptive name for the town. It has been plagued by any number of freaky occult occurrences over the last century and change. Lore says that more Hunters have died in Dillsboro than any other location in North America. The natives roll up the sidewalks at 8 and line the doors and windows with salt at 8:01. Lately, though, things seem to have changed in Dillsboro. Cot Nolan is dead and he was a damn fine hunter, even if he was a prick. Anything that can kill Cot, well, it deserves some killin, and a lot of Hunters have a debt to repay to Cot.


Liquid Awesome
Ok people, listen up!

Here is the Hotel Info: Best Western, Walnut St. in Cary. You want to call 919-481-1200 and tell them that you want one of the rooms in the NC Game Day block. The rate should be $63.75 plus tax.

PLEASE NOTE: They are holding us 15 rooms. 10 have two double beds and the other 5 have a king. When they are gone they are gone.

ALSO NOTE: They are holding these rooms until April 10th. IF YOU DON'T RESERVE YOUR ROOM PRIOR TO THAT THEN YOU MAY NOT GET ONE.

I'll be going by on Wednesday to sign the contract for the meeting room, which is going to run us $75 plus tax. If you have money burning a hole in your pocket and want to defray part of that cost then your generous contribution will be accepted. I feel pretty confident that we won't have trouble funding it. Any funds in excess of the cost of that room can go toward supplies for SammichCon Jr. '09 on Saturday night. Also I'm planning to buy dinner on Sunday night for Clueless' boyfriend, Andy because he is the guy who is our university representative that reserved the space for us next year. Least we can do I figure.

Mark Causey

Hellgirl and the Class of 2013

The world is coming to an end. No, really, it is! Beth "Hellgirl" Sherman and her friends are facing the greatest evil ever seen this side of hell ... high school!

At least they're not alone - it is a prep school for the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense, after all.

/Unto the Shadows/

In this adventure, Hellgirl and her friends must discover the origin of the new girl, Strange, rescue Hellboy, and seal Pandora's Box, lest the world be covered in shadow for all eternity!

In their first adventures since their origin appearances, you can play:

Hellgirl Sherman, the tough, red-skinned heir to the most infamous BPRD field agents ever!
Grigori the Second, the son of the most diabolical enemy the Bureau has ever faced!
Sybil, powerful pschyometrist and demon binder!
Olly, the immortal Aztec skinwalker!
Strange, the shadow mage with a mysterious past!

Voidrunner's Codex

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