In the write-up, it says the following for Create Minion:
"Your minion may be any non-elite undead creature with a Challenge Rating lower than half your wizard level (round down)."
Reading it as raw, it seems to indicate that the undead must be a lower level than yours. It gives examples for 3rd and 7th level:
"For example, at 3rd level, you can create a CR 1 minion such as a ghoul, and at 7th level you may create a CR 3 minion, such as a mummy."
But it doesn't give an example for an even-numbered level. For clarification, does this mean if I was a level 2 character, the undead would have to be lower than a CR1 undead (e.g. ½ or lower)? Not a CR 1 undead. Thanks!
"Your minion may be any non-elite undead creature with a Challenge Rating lower than half your wizard level (round down)."
Reading it as raw, it seems to indicate that the undead must be a lower level than yours. It gives examples for 3rd and 7th level:
"For example, at 3rd level, you can create a CR 1 minion such as a ghoul, and at 7th level you may create a CR 3 minion, such as a mummy."
But it doesn't give an example for an even-numbered level. For clarification, does this mean if I was a level 2 character, the undead would have to be lower than a CR1 undead (e.g. ½ or lower)? Not a CR 1 undead. Thanks!