Level Up (A5E) Necromancer archetype question


In the write-up, it says the following for Create Minion:
Your minion may be any non-elite undead creature with a Challenge Rating lower than half your wizard level (round down)."

Reading it as raw, it seems to indicate that the undead must be a lower level than yours. It gives examples for 3rd and 7th level:

For example, at 3rd level, you can create a CR 1 minion such as a ghoul, and at 7th level you may create a CR 3 minion, such as a mummy."

But it doesn't give an example for an even-numbered level. For clarification, does this mean if I was a level 2 character, the undead would have to be lower than a CR1 undead (e.g. ½ or lower)? Not a CR 1 undead. Thanks!

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In the write-up, it says the following for Create Minion:
Your minion may be any non-elite undead creature with a Challenge Rating lower than half your wizard level (round down)."

Reading it as raw, it seems to indicate that the undead must be a lower level than yours. It gives examples for 3rd and 7th level:

For example, at 3rd level, you can create a CR 1 minion such as a ghoul, and at 7th level you may create a CR 3 minion, such as a mummy."

But it doesn't give an example for an even-numbered level. For clarification, does this mean if I was a level 2 character, the undead would have to be lower than a CR1 undead (e.g. ½ or lower)? Not a CR 1 undead. Thanks!
Yeah, that is is weird wording, but I think it is intended to be equal or lower


Next archetype feature, next question:

In the "one of your spells" in the Necrotic Mastery the number 1 or "any one of your spells, if you want to right now"?

Or in other words: Does the Necromancer have to choose one specific spell at 6th level or can he decide "at will" that the fireball he is casting doesn't burn things but does necrotic damage (and probably gives him lots of temp hp thanks to touch of death if someone fails the save)

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