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Need a system recommendation


Exactly what it says on the tin. I need a system to run a modern fantasy game in (as in, our modern world with guns etc. but as a fantasy world that continued to technologically advance, which means there's magic and demihuman races etc.) that should fit those criteria:

Not too rules-heavy
Not being FATE
Run without a battlemat and overly tactical combat
Be able to include (or have them already) guns as well as magic
Be able to support investigative scenarios as well as combat-heavy ones.

Now...Savage Worlds is a contender, but I am not sure it could hold up for longer campaigns...
Check out Morrus' W.O.I.N. system. It has fantasy, modern, and sci fi options designed to work together. I am playing a sci fi game and it is fun.

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From "Lightest" to "Heavyist" in terms of rules...

Dungeon World + Apocalypse World: This might do the trick. It REALLY does require that the GM and the Players all be on the same page, working together, to create 'the world and story' though. If you want total control over the 'world' or your players are ones to not enjoy this aspect (or, worse, deliberately try and "screw it up"), this might not work so well.

D6 System: This is the old system from WEG (West End Games). You can find the PDF's online or pick up used copies all over the place if you look around (internet). It's a 'dice pool' system, but pools rarely crest 7D, and it's super-sleek in terms of how it runs. Everything is handled with a TN and a roll. Because of the way it is, you can use D6 Space, D6 Fantasy, and any other D6 book all at the same time with very little finagling (if any).

Masterbook System: This is a bit more crunchy, but in all honesty you can easily just ignore half the modifiers and the game will run just fine (typically what I do). It's a 2d10 based game with simple bonus chart on the bottom of the character sheet. A result is generated and that is looked on a single 'universal table' that has results for the "tasks/effects" of the game. The company that owns the whole Masterbook stuff is Precis Intermedia Games (http://www.pigames.net/store/default.php). They do have one 'game' that sounds like it may be exactly what you want...maybe...

Bloodshadows (Masterbook [older version; GenreSystem [new version]): They/he just released a new version of this game, here: http://www.pigames.net/store/default.php?cPath=129 It is a "Fantasy Noir" rpg though...not sure if you wanted modern day or not. It's basically "1930's...but with magic". I have the PDF's of the Masterbook (older) version and it sounds like it would be a really fun change of pace for our group. One day I'll run it...one day... As I've never played the new, GenreSystem version, I can't comment on it's crunch specifically, but if it's anything like Masterbook, it shouldn't be to hard to grasp.

OH, one important last point about the Masterbook System: It has the "Drama Deck" and "Plot Deck" you can use. :D Check it out on the PIGames site...basically they are cards that really add a VERY cool dimension to the game as it plays! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND using both the Drama and the Plot decks together! Great stuff to keep everyone's imagination and story-focus going around the table! :D


Paul L. Ming


Mod Squad
Staff member
Now...Savage Worlds is a contender, but I am not sure it could hold up for longer campaigns...

Why not? Its progenitor (Classic Deadlands) certainly does. What is it about Savage Worlds that you think doesn't hold up, specifically?

Other options...

Urban Shadows is the Powered by the Apocalypse modern fantasy game. For folks used to D&D and Shadowrun, it may seem out in left field in terms of how it approaches play. The narrative control is very different.

Cortex+ might be a decent engine, but I don't know if it's modern fantasy variants are in print. If so, they may work for you. Some Cortex and Cortex+ games are build specifically for playing in a particular universe, with the property's original characters, which can be a pain. Marvel Heroic, for example, didn't have good character generation, because they expected you to use their published Marvel superhero characters, in their published adventures modelling the major events from the comics.

GUMESHOE has some prospects, but again no modern fantasy variants I'm aware of. There's modern horror - like Night's Black Agents, the Esoterrorists, Fear Itself, Trail of Cthulhu. There' fantasy in Lorefinder. But some adaptation would likely be required.
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Exactly what it says on the tin. I need a system to run a modern fantasy game in (as in, our modern world with guns etc. but as a fantasy world that continued to technologically advance, which means there's magic and demihuman races etc.) that should fit those criteria:

Not too rules-heavy
Not being FATE
Run without a battlemat and overly tactical combat
Be able to include (or have them already) guns as well as magic
Be able to support investigative scenarios as well as combat-heavy ones.

Now...Savage Worlds is a contender, but I am not sure it could hold up for longer campaigns...

I think WOIN covers this, "What's O.L.D. is N.E.W."
I haven't played it myself, but it might be worth checking out.


Stuck in the 90s
I'll toss in a recommendation for Mythic D6.

This was a kickstarter I backed that delivered amazingly!


I would call it 'rules-light', in that there's really only a few mechanics to grasp, and a ton of customization for your characters with a point-buy based creation system.

Ranges are handled with simple increments, or zones (similar to fate), so battle maps are definitely not necessary.

Using it myself for a modern-fantasy game. It does require you to create characters -with- your players, as opposed to everyone 'do their own thing' unless you don't mind a mess of a party. It wasn't designed with nit-picky balance in mind, rather a great deal of diversity in character creation, since it is a cooperative game and not a competitive one.

Built in power levels for different degrees of play, from mundane people in a modern world to super heroes saving the universe. Hope it gives you more options, OP.

What about using the original D&D rules and then modifying as you go.

Simply take notes and see how your players create your system for you.

If you want to add Skills into things you can use the OD&D combat chart and modify the die rolls base on attributes, or have a skill experience system of sorts but keep it simple. Thus, I am a 7th level computer programmer and I can make my die roll Vs. Cracking into this Armor class 3 computer...

Perhaps each specialization has it's own experience track.

If you used Intelligence as a basis for learned knowledge such as history or technical things, and then used wisdom as intuitive knowledge like spotting hidden things, or just plain old common sense, you could have super high IQ wonks who can think their way through things easily, but have trouble turning a doorknob because of low Wisdom.

As others mentioned a basic core rules system with quick and easy mecahnics already exists, it's more of matter of personal taste at this point. Savage worlds might be ideal too.

I like the approach a lot: a simple game system for a fast paced non combat oriented RPG.


First Post
Shadowrun Anarchy might be worth checking out, it uses the Shadowrun setting with a different more narrative focused ruleset.
+1. I really like the Shadowrun setting but the standard rules continue to be terrible and waaaaay too simulationist (and thus clunky). Shadowrun Anarchy keeps what's good and throws away the bad, imho, that is.

aramis erak

Exactly what it says on the tin. I need a system to run a modern fantasy game in (as in, our modern world with guns etc. but as a fantasy world that continued to technologically advance, which means there's magic and demihuman races etc.) that should fit those criteria:

Not too rules-heavy
Not being FATE
Run without a battlemat and overly tactical combat
Be able to include (or have them already) guns as well as magic
Be able to support investigative scenarios as well as combat-heavy ones.

Now...Savage Worlds is a contender, but I am not sure it could hold up for longer campaigns...

Genesys - at least if willing to buy the dice or die-roller.
Same system as FFG Star Wars. No provisions for for gridded/miniatures type combat.

d6 Fantasy. Simple in concept, room to make it more detailed, uses only 6-sided dice. can support tactical combat, but doesn't require nor even strongly encourage use of mats.
Combine with d6 adventure for guns and moders, or d6 space.
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Something from the d100/BRP family would be my suggestion. Take Delta Green or one of Call of Cthulhu's supplements for play later than the default 1920s era, and add one of the fantasy versions for more magic. They certainly meet all five conditions. Although I have to say that I don't see why Savage Worlds wouldn't work if you have it, as while I don't really like it myself it's perfectly fine for longer campaigns.

I believe Chaosium is bringing back the "big yellow book" for Basic Roleplaying -- it really is a versatile system, and easy to pick up if you have ever played Call of Cthulhu. Here's a review:


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