Nerf Player Characters!


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Irontooth sad now. Winterhaven suburbs a sad, dangerous place now.

Long time, Irontooth was do a kill many players.

Was happy times in A3:Kobold Lair, Inside.

Human Wizard and Half-Elf Cleric and Dwarf Fighter run in die fast.

Now Characters much strong. Last moon ninja and cleric man (?) come in themselves. All us die. Only two them.

Why cleric man have slashings and metal blockings? One or other! Why he challenge me? He priest!

Ninja never stop. Irontooth axe too slow. Kill many little ones. Little ones for Irontooth eat, not ninja punch.

Irontooth know they new. Irontooth have ear. Time ago Irontooth hear fear. Now irontooth hear brag - come here to learn fight before attack big boss in keep shadowfell.

Irontooth sad now.

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Irontooth need understand, heroes of this age not their grandparent's heroes. Things different these days. Heroes used to be weak, take long time grow strong. Now heroes start strong, grow stronger.
If gods meant for heroes be scared, gods would put more Irontooths and bigger Irontooths in heroes' way.
Me sure other lands with other gods where things different, where heroes not weak, less brag. These days, being hero less work, more fun. Less worry about 'did we bring rope, what me saving throw versus rod, how high me thaco?'. More powers and skills make heroes seem like stories.
Also, heroes different now, not all follow same rules as before. Some prayer men no like fight, like help friends instead. Others like carry big swords, like cut Irontooth open. New way of new world.
If gods wanted things different, maybe gods build world different?

Squire James

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I think the Tarzan-to-English translations comes out to something more like "PCs made from Player's Handbook 3 rules are much more powerful than PCs made from Player's Handbook 1 rules". D&D 4e is certainly not immune to the "power creep" that earlier editions exhibited.

There's also a lot to be said about whether the players are mentally prepared to fight something like Irontooth as level 1 characters. Two characters played by people who know what's coming up will be a LOT more likely to win than three characters played by people who think those Kobold Dragonshields represent the worst they're going to meet at level 1...


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And... most players are much more experience with 4e combat mechanics and tactics than they were before. My first group I played with was so unwilling to use dailies and AP's that even during the Irontooth fight they weren't sure if they should use them despite the defender being ko'd and only a rogue, warlock and ranger left...


My question is rather: How boring is it to play the same module twice or even more often?
Not boring at all, in my experience. I've run the same pre-gen campaign three times. Each time it has been wildly different, due to different PCs (some different players), different choices, different ideas, and different inspirations that combined into completely different stories, each of which I've treasured.
Isn't the most of the fun of being a DM in creating your own adventures?
Not for me. For me, the fun is in creating a story with my players, one that none of us really expected but all talk about for years to come. That happens at the table, not when I'm scheming between sessions.


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I wish I had the time I used to have to create my own adventures, unfortunately, as a professional with two young kids at home and one on the way my D&D prep time is far more limited than it was before. If I didn't run premade adventures I wouldn't be running anything.

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