Andrew Dixon
A couple of my players have expressed interest in playing a PSI judge, but when reading the options available have come to the conclusion that PSI feels a bit underpowered when compared to other Judge careers. So I have decided to take a look at adding some new PSI careers for Judge characters and increasing the number of options and eventually re-jigging the PSI exploits
Looking at the 2000AD wiki and PSI judges it would appear that we have a Dept of Magic, that later gets subsumed by the Future Crimes Dept - but that sounds cool and a number of PSI judges that display pyrokinesis powers [which makes me think there will be other types of kinesis [hydro, electro etc] so that could be interesting to play as well
So I give you 2 new Academy of Law Advanced programs for PSI Cadets to take after basic Psionics along with a slight spreading of psionic skills into 2 groups
[psionics] examples: biopsionics, clairsentience, clairvoyance, metapsionics, telepathy, teleportation
[kinesis] examples: cryokinesis, hydrokinesis, pyrokinesis, electrokinesis, telekinesis,
Kineticist Psi Cadet [1year]
You are skilled in the creation, manipulation, and destruction of matter. Kineticists will often specialise in gaining complete mastery of one element. They dedicate themselves to honing mind, body and will to a razors edge
Prerequisites: Basic Psionics, PSI 1+
Attributes: END +1, INT +1, WIL +1, PSI +1
Skill Choices: [kinesis], law, concentration, [physical]
Sleep Is For The Weak. Your skill at meditation allows you to block out external distractions, you only need 4 hours sleep to be fully rested.
Harm Me Not. The connection to your kinesis element affords you protection from its damage. Gain +5 SOAK against attacks that contain the element of your kinesis skill. This exploit can be taken for every element kinesis skill you have.
Dept. of Magic Cadet [1 year]
Prerequisites: Basic Psionics, PSI 1+
Attributes: INT +1, WIL +1, CHA +1, PSI +1
Skill Choices: law, magic languages, occult, rituals
Book Smart. Those hours of late-night study have paid off, you gain two rank in occult and one rank in magic languages or rituals.
Slow Burn. By taking double the number of actions to activate a PSI exploit the PP cost is halved [to a minimum of 1]
I have also had a stab at the relevant Specialties for each one
Kineticist [1d6 years]
Kineticists are skilled in the creation, manipulation, and destruction of matter. With an ascetic zeal, they dedicate themselves to honing mind, body and will to a razors edge to gain mastery over their chosen element
Prerequisites: Kineticist Psi Cadet, PSI 5+
Attributes: END +1, INT +1, WIL +1, PSI +1
Skill Choices: [kinesis], law, meditation, [development]
Accurate Kinesis. When making any ranged kinesis PSI attack you gain +1d6 to the attack roll
Power Up. Any damage you cause with a successful ranged kinesis PSI attack gains +1d6 damage
Just Like Hermes. As a Free Action you gain +2 SPEED until the end of your turn
Spring-heeled Jack. As a Free Action you double your Long Jump and High Jump distance until the end of your turn
I Am Fire/Water/Lightning/Ice (requires Harm Me Not) mastering your connection to your chosen kinesis element reduces the damage it can cause to you. Increase the SOAK granted from Harm Me Not to +10
Dept. of Magic [1d6 years]
A member of the Dept. of Magic understands that there are things in the universe that can’t be swept away under the “its all just psionics” carpet. Spells, potions, incantations, magic wands and the old “bell, book and candle” all fall under their jurisdiction. Knowing how to send back a devil summoned by some juves meddling with “forces beyond their ken” is a very useful skill to have. Dept. of Magic Psi Judges that survive multiple encounters with extraplanar entities, are often drafted to the Exorcist Division.
Prerequisites: Dept. of Magic Cadet, PSI 5+
Attributes: INT +1, WIL +1, CHA +1, PSI +1
Skill Choices: law, magic languages, occult, rituals
As If By Magic. Your understanding of the flow of PSI/magic energies allows you to prepare a PSI exploit ahead of time, ready to be deployed when you need it most. Spend PP as normal for the PSI exploit, which can’t be recovered until the exploit is activated. As an action you can activate the prepared exploit. The prepared exploit can be held a number of hours equal to a PSI roll
Break magic. You can “turn off” a persistent magical effect on a person, place, or item by performing the correct incantations, gestures, and ritual. If successful, the target is returned it to its normal mundane state. This takes 2 action and 10 PP, make a PSI roll vs a difficulty assigned by the GM.
Let Me Take A Look At That. As a Free Action you can focus your psionic senses on to an object, you automatically know if it is magical or if the object has been in a magical ritual within the last 24 hrs. By concentrating on the object for a turn [2 actions] and making a PSI [10] roll, you can determine its general function, you can spend dice to gain more detailed information about the object.
Ritual Magic. By following ascribed ritual and rote, you can perform magical rituals to enhance PSI exploits or cast a spell – such enhancements could be greater range, increased area, or effect. PP costs can be shared by all participants. This takes a minimum of 10 actions, make a PSI roll vs a difficulty assigned by the GM. At the end of the ritual, make an END roll vs the original difficulty, if you fail you are reduced to 1 hit point as the ritual enacts it toll upon you. The player & GM should work out what they want the ritual to accomplish.
Looking at the 2000AD wiki and PSI judges it would appear that we have a Dept of Magic, that later gets subsumed by the Future Crimes Dept - but that sounds cool and a number of PSI judges that display pyrokinesis powers [which makes me think there will be other types of kinesis [hydro, electro etc] so that could be interesting to play as well
So I give you 2 new Academy of Law Advanced programs for PSI Cadets to take after basic Psionics along with a slight spreading of psionic skills into 2 groups
[psionics] examples: biopsionics, clairsentience, clairvoyance, metapsionics, telepathy, teleportation
[kinesis] examples: cryokinesis, hydrokinesis, pyrokinesis, electrokinesis, telekinesis,
Kineticist Psi Cadet [1year]
You are skilled in the creation, manipulation, and destruction of matter. Kineticists will often specialise in gaining complete mastery of one element. They dedicate themselves to honing mind, body and will to a razors edge
Prerequisites: Basic Psionics, PSI 1+
Attributes: END +1, INT +1, WIL +1, PSI +1
Skill Choices: [kinesis], law, concentration, [physical]
Sleep Is For The Weak. Your skill at meditation allows you to block out external distractions, you only need 4 hours sleep to be fully rested.
Harm Me Not. The connection to your kinesis element affords you protection from its damage. Gain +5 SOAK against attacks that contain the element of your kinesis skill. This exploit can be taken for every element kinesis skill you have.
Dept. of Magic Cadet [1 year]
Prerequisites: Basic Psionics, PSI 1+
Attributes: INT +1, WIL +1, CHA +1, PSI +1
Skill Choices: law, magic languages, occult, rituals
Book Smart. Those hours of late-night study have paid off, you gain two rank in occult and one rank in magic languages or rituals.
Slow Burn. By taking double the number of actions to activate a PSI exploit the PP cost is halved [to a minimum of 1]
I have also had a stab at the relevant Specialties for each one
Kineticist [1d6 years]
Kineticists are skilled in the creation, manipulation, and destruction of matter. With an ascetic zeal, they dedicate themselves to honing mind, body and will to a razors edge to gain mastery over their chosen element
Prerequisites: Kineticist Psi Cadet, PSI 5+
Attributes: END +1, INT +1, WIL +1, PSI +1
Skill Choices: [kinesis], law, meditation, [development]
Accurate Kinesis. When making any ranged kinesis PSI attack you gain +1d6 to the attack roll
Power Up. Any damage you cause with a successful ranged kinesis PSI attack gains +1d6 damage
Just Like Hermes. As a Free Action you gain +2 SPEED until the end of your turn
Spring-heeled Jack. As a Free Action you double your Long Jump and High Jump distance until the end of your turn
I Am Fire/Water/Lightning/Ice (requires Harm Me Not) mastering your connection to your chosen kinesis element reduces the damage it can cause to you. Increase the SOAK granted from Harm Me Not to +10
Dept. of Magic [1d6 years]
A member of the Dept. of Magic understands that there are things in the universe that can’t be swept away under the “its all just psionics” carpet. Spells, potions, incantations, magic wands and the old “bell, book and candle” all fall under their jurisdiction. Knowing how to send back a devil summoned by some juves meddling with “forces beyond their ken” is a very useful skill to have. Dept. of Magic Psi Judges that survive multiple encounters with extraplanar entities, are often drafted to the Exorcist Division.
Prerequisites: Dept. of Magic Cadet, PSI 5+
Attributes: INT +1, WIL +1, CHA +1, PSI +1
Skill Choices: law, magic languages, occult, rituals
As If By Magic. Your understanding of the flow of PSI/magic energies allows you to prepare a PSI exploit ahead of time, ready to be deployed when you need it most. Spend PP as normal for the PSI exploit, which can’t be recovered until the exploit is activated. As an action you can activate the prepared exploit. The prepared exploit can be held a number of hours equal to a PSI roll
Break magic. You can “turn off” a persistent magical effect on a person, place, or item by performing the correct incantations, gestures, and ritual. If successful, the target is returned it to its normal mundane state. This takes 2 action and 10 PP, make a PSI roll vs a difficulty assigned by the GM.
Let Me Take A Look At That. As a Free Action you can focus your psionic senses on to an object, you automatically know if it is magical or if the object has been in a magical ritual within the last 24 hrs. By concentrating on the object for a turn [2 actions] and making a PSI [10] roll, you can determine its general function, you can spend dice to gain more detailed information about the object.
Ritual Magic. By following ascribed ritual and rote, you can perform magical rituals to enhance PSI exploits or cast a spell – such enhancements could be greater range, increased area, or effect. PP costs can be shared by all participants. This takes a minimum of 10 actions, make a PSI roll vs a difficulty assigned by the GM. At the end of the ritual, make an END roll vs the original difficulty, if you fail you are reduced to 1 hit point as the ritual enacts it toll upon you. The player & GM should work out what they want the ritual to accomplish.
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