New Agenda Publishing To Promote Diverse Voices In RPG Communities

A group of designers, publishers and editors have come together to form New Agenda Publishing, a publishing cooperative/consortium made up of Misha Bushyager, designer for Chill: Save and Lovecraftesque as well as being an editor of the award winning #FEMINISM microgame collection, Eloy Lasanta, the ENnie Award winning publisher of Third Eye Games, and designer and publisher Jerry Grayson of Khepera Publishing.

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A group of designers, publishers and editors have come together to form New Agenda Publishing, a publishing cooperative/consortium made up of Misha Bushyager, designer for Chill: Save and Lovecraftesque as well as being an editor of the award winning #FEMINISM microgame collection, Eloy Lasanta, the ENnie Award winning publisher of Third Eye Games, and designer and publisher Jerry Grayson of Khepera Publishing.

From their new website, their mission statement is:
"New Agenda Publishing is a consortium dedicated to promoting diversity in the RPG community through our hiring and choices. We want to amplify underrepresented voices and help them tell new stories from their perspective. We want to bring more people of color and especially women of color to the table and we think the best way to do that is by hiring them to help us create the games and worlds they want to play in."

No announcements regarding what games will be released through this new imprint, or if any of the existing game lines already produced by the members will move to this new home.

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So will NAP (now I'm sleepy) mirror Brown University's policy of allowing interested biomasses (or is it biomassi?) to self identify as people of color or womyn in order to get hired and help them create the games and worlds we want to play in? That would like, be so teh awesome!

Am I supposed to want to support a company whose opening statement says the color and gender of the author is more important than the quality of the product?


First Post
You know a company is destined for greatness when their opening announcement contains nothing other than a racially-charged opening statement and no product information or teasers of any kind. Then again, with a name like "New Agenda Publishing" at least they're being pretty transparent that making good games is obviously secondary to pushing their own ideology, so I expect nothing of note to come from this group.


Been here a while...
I haven't looked at anything by Misha Bushyager, but I liked Eloy Lasanta's AMP series. Everything I've gotten from Jerry Grayson has been excellent.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
As a designer and gamer who is the farthest possible demographic from this group’s target audience, that I am exceptionally excited about this development, and depressed about unsurprised I am at the reactions to it. Games that appeal to a broader and more diverse audience are objectively and unequivocally good the hobby, regardless of whether or not those games specifically appeal to you (or me, for that matter).

Given the pedigree of the group’s leads I expect them to produce great games (or at the very least, interesting ones).


The ideal of DIVERSITY includes straight white males being proud of being straight white males.

Equal voices includes everyone.

As a designer and gamer who is the farthest possible demographic from this group’s target audience, that I am exceptionally excited about this development, and depressed about unsurprised I am at the reactions to it. Games that appeal to a broader and more diverse audience are objectively and unequivocally good the hobby, regardless of whether or not those games specifically appeal to you (or me, for that matter).

Given the pedigree of the group’s leads I expect them to produce great games (or at the very least, interesting ones).

Agreed. Everyone should welcome new perspectives, new ideas, and new games.

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