New D&D Monsters and More in Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica

Do you want dozens of new D&D monsters from Wizards of the Coast? Does exploring a planet spanning city via membership in one of ten competing guilds sound challenging? If you play or DM Dungeons & Dragons, then Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica will have something for you. Gleaned from WotC interviews and news, this is what we know so far about Ravnica.

Do you want dozens of new D&D monsters from Wizards of the Coast? Does exploring a planet spanning city via membership in one of ten competing guilds sound challenging? If you play or DM Dungeons & Dragons, then Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica will have something for you. Gleaned from WotC interviews and news, this is what we know so far about Ravnica.

Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica, releasing in November, is thoroughly a D&D book for D&D players. Magic the Gathering uses colors in the metagame but flavor text on cards do not mention colors. The colors would be meaningless in a D&D world. Guilds are defined based on philosophy not color. The setting focuses on adventurers, not MtG play. An example is new full page art depicting an adventuring party in the rain with four different guild members on a bridge behind them. An image that is grounded in D&D game play.

Ravnica’s ten guilds serve as both government and voluntary organizations. They clash with opposing philosophies and goals. The traditional magical power keeping the peace is the guildpact. The guildpact currently flows from one man and he is often on other planes, leaving Ravnica open to guild intrigue and tension filled conflict.

The guild is the lens through which the PCs see the world. A player may select a guild in place of a background. Guilds are more about exploration and interaction than combat. Guilds provide skills, special abilities, and NPC contacts. The DM looks at all of the PCs’ guilds and builds a campaign around opposing guilds. Advice covers good guilds to serve as adversaries, plots to oppose the PCs, typical NPCs and monsters to use, and what locations would fit the campaign. The players‘ guild choice combined with the advice for DMs provides a solid direction for a campaign.

James Wyatt gives brief guild descriptions. The Boros Legion are paladins, armored mages wielding fire, and military forces. The Golgari Swarm are sewer dwelling elves living in darkness, using insects, and wielding necromancy. The Selesnya Conclave is a cult speaking in one voice and trying to convert others. House Dimir consists of spies and assassins. The Orzhov Syndicate are a combination of organized crime, bank, and church. The Izzet League is home to inventors and conduct grand experiments. The Gruul Clans combine fiery emotion with a connection to the natural world expressed through barbarian clans. The Azorius Senate governs Ravnica and enforces the law. The Cult of Rakdos is a demonic cult circus. The Simic Combine masters life science and is heavily into body modification and hybrid creatures.

D&D players will benefit from a plethora of new content and rules. The number of new monsters nearly equals those in Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes. Rules playtested in Unearthed Arcana debuting officially include new races (centaurs, minotaurs, loxodons, Simic hybrids, vedalken, and viashino), the order domain for clerics, and the circle of spores druid subclass. City design in Guildmasters’ provides local description and street level information rather than block by block descriptions. Maps are isometric and have a painted look.

Monsters from Ravnica could easily cross over to other D&D worlds. The circus in Waterdeep from Dragon Heist could be filled with monsters from Ravnica. And the Cult of Rakdos could actually be that circus. The chase rules in Dragon Heist could be used in Ravnica.

Sources for information from WotC on the upcoming book include the official website, a Wizards of the Coast podcast called Dragon Talk with James Wyatt and Greg Tito, and D&D Beyond on YouTube with James Wyatt, Mike Mearls, and Ari Levitch. James Wyatt started merging Magic the Gathering with D&D in his Plane Shift articles. Guilds of Ravnica for MtG releases on October 5 while the D&D Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica releases on November 20.

This article was contributed by Charles Dunwoody as part of EN World's Columnist (ENWC) program.We are always on the lookout for freelance columnists! If you have a pitch, please contact us!

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Charles Dunwoody

Charles Dunwoody

Guilds that represent different philosophies, a giant city full of intrigue with portals to other worlds? Sounds to me like Magic the Gathering basically ripped off Sigil of Planescape to make this setting back then. Funny that now that they are owned by WotC, things come full circle.

According to Mark Rosewater, Ravnica started with the mechanics of taking all the mana color pairs and doing something different than a previous set.

Going into the block, I knew only one thing about the set: it was going to have a multicolor theme. We had done Invasion block in 2000 to huge fanfare, and its success had convinced us to do another multicolor block as soon as we felt it was possible. After much discussion, we decided the appropriate amount of time was five years. Part of me was happy because I knew multicolor themes were very popular, but I also knew we would be designing in the shadow of Invasion, a very popular block. My goal was to capture as much as we could of what made multicolor fun while feeling as little like Invasion block as possible. I started the design of Ravnica with the mantra "Gold, but not Invasion." Mark Rosewater

The guilds came after the mana pair idea not the other way around.

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Guilds that represent different philosophies, a giant city full of intrigue with portals to other worlds? Sounds to me like Magic the Gathering basically ripped off Sigil of Planescape to make this setting back then. Funny that now that they are owned by WotC, things come full circle.

Ravnica doesn't have any portals to other worlds, at least not yet, and in fact for 10,000 years planar travel to and from the plane was blocked by the first guild pact.

Ravnica in many ways is far, far different from Sigil. Sigil can't have urban sprawl, it's usable space is too small,, but Ravnica has tons of it. Ravnica even has it's own kind of Underdark, Old Ravnica. A Plane of Shadows type place were the dead go, called Agyrem, the Ghost Quarter.

Ravnica doesn't have any portals to other worlds, at least not yet, and in fact for 10,000 years planar travel to and from the plane was blocked by the first guild pact.

Ravnica in many ways is far, far different from Sigil. Sigil can't have urban sprawl, it's usable space is too small,, but Ravnica has tons of it. Ravnica even has it's own kind of Underdark, Old Ravnica. A Plane of Shadows type place were the dead go, called Agyrem, the Ghost Quarter.

I'm still learning the history of Ravnica. Did Jace planewalk there after the first Guildpact was broken?


I'm still learning the history of Ravnica. Did Jace planewalk there after the first Guildpact was broken?

I don't think Jace appeared on Ravnica until after the Guild Pact was broken. He was born on another plane, Vyrn I think. He thinks of himself as a Ravnica native because he really doesn't remember much before it and he arrived on Ravnica as a child.

Just going to say, as a long time D&D player and MtG (though not really active for years), I have never been nearly as excited about a D&D setting as I have been for this MtG crossover stuff. When I run D&D, I almost always run a homebrew setting of some sort. This MtG crossover makes me want to run D&D in the setting. The Planeshift articles I kind of got to late, but upon actually looking at them was absolutely thrilled to see this stuff. Now I come to hear they are making a full fledged book like these? Awesome, I want more. I want to see books for other planes or more Planeshift articles, I want to see this succeed and them to print more of this and feel like they can invest in this. I want to play a Lorwyn flamekin planeswalker druid. I want to have adventures take me varied time-flow lands of the Tolarian Academy on Dominaria. I want to delve into forgotten ruins buried in the forests of Krosa in remains of Ontaria. I want to chase villains across worlds, into places that exist in endless skies, or worlds with the surface on the inside of a sphere where the sky is in the center rather than the ground. I want see the horror of Phyrexian infestation taking root and trying to stop it.

Other old settings hold either little interest to me, have plenty of old material to work with, or anything new would be just plundered mechanics for use in whatever setting I find myself using (Eberron, I'm excited to see some updated mechanics for, because the setting grew on me after years playing DDO, but a lot of the world information is covered by previous edition books just fine). This is the first setting book since my attempt to run a Dragonlance game many years ago in 3.5e that I would actually be interested in getting for actually using the setting material rather than just plundering mechanics and reflavoring if necessary. Which for that matter, I can absolutely do this with MtG crossover material for homebrew games as well.

Bring me Ravnica, then bring me more.

Also as another note, I have one person in my game group that runs MtG D&D game already that I am super jealous of, another person who pretty much knows nothing of MtG at all and is excited by this book, and at least one that has also played a bunch of MtG that would probably be interested in such a game.

And for the record, while I think Ravnica is cool, it is far from my most interested MtG plane. Putting aside classics like Dominaria, I would love to see stuff for Lorwyn, Mirrodin, and Mercadia. There's a Planeshift article for Ixalan which I really don't know all that much about (since I wasn't playing MtG then) but from what I have seen and read from that Planeshift article I would love to see more dealing with that world. Crazy brilliantly colored dinosaurs, some mesoamerican themes, island-high-sea adventures, hidden underwater realms beneath the roots of trees, ancient ruins? Sign me up.


Still not feeling this really. Given how past playtested rules have gone, I'm not expecting any exciting overhauls on things we've already seen, which doesn't inspire confidence. The monsters sound cool, since Magic has no shortage of interesting variants, but they'll need to be really really good to warrant the purchase. On that note I'm a little more optimistic though, Mordenkainen's was basically the same way, a bunch of awesome monsters weighed down by filler. Sadly the 'street level' view also seems like it will be terrible, since as both player and DM I want a more comprehensive overview of the factions' beliefs and methods, which seems to run contrary to this form of presentation.

I'd be suprised if there isn't a major overview of the Guilds methods and beliefs/philosphies, ironically that is vital to a street level view of Ravnica. Why would your character join a guild? It's beliefs, methods, job opportunities, cultures, and rewards. What challenges and opportunities might a character face from within their Guild and from other Guilds? You need an understandering of Guild politics and magic. What do you see each of the Guilds doing street level? Stuff dictated by it's agreed to roles in society, but various factions within the Guild pushing their adgendas.

What they are talking about excluding by saying street level, it stuff like MtG metasetting specific stuff that normal characters would have no idea about. Example Colours of Mana, the Aether, Planewalkers (sort of aside from Jace, but they don't know he is a Planeswalker, they just know him as the living Guildpact), other MtG planes like Innistrad or Alara, stuff that really is irrelevant to D&D play.

Example in MtG terms Demons are made from purified black mana (in some cases with another man a type added for flavour). But GGR isn't going to say that. Instead it's going to express the idea in philophical terms, demons are made of the very essence of selfishness and darkness. It won't say Angels are made out of pure White Mana with potentially other mana influences, it'll say Angels are made out of essence of order and community and in some cases good and light. If it talks about cosmology it will use D&D terms or Ravnica specific ones, not common MtG terms.

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