D&D 5E New DM Looking for a Monster


First Post
This is my first time DMing since I was a freshman in high school--about 20 years ago. I decided to run my campiagn with the D&D playtest materails, and it has been going well so far (we just completed session 6).

Story background:
During the first session, the PCs took care of a party of goblins who had invaded an elven city's astronomy tower atop a nearby mountain range. While searching the tower, they found a contraption the goblins had made piecemealing the lens of the telescope together. Naturally, the PCs believed the goblins were making a "death ray" to destroy the Elven city below.

Lately in my campaign, my PCs have been hunting down these ancient artifacts protected by these "guardians." So last night, while thinking about where some of the other hidden temples could be located, I had an idea: what if one of the temples was located within the goblins' land, and what if they hadn't been building a death ray, but were building something to attract a guardian they had accidentally unleashed because they wanted it our of their region--make it someone else's problem.

So, here is my question: Is there a monster who would be attracted to something shiny/bright?

I was thinking a rust monster would be too single-minded...want to eat metal rather then attacking those who would dare disturb the temple. A dragon would be too strong for my PCs and too smart to fall for the goblins distraction. Any other ideas?

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First Post
This is my first time DMing since I was a freshman in high school--about 20 years ago. I decided to run my campiagn with the D&D playtest materails, and it has been going well so far (we just completed session 6).
Welcome back :)

Lately in my campaign, my PCs have been hunting down these ancient artifacts protected by these "guardians." So last night, while thinking about where some of the other hidden temples could be located, I had an idea: what if one of the temples was located within the goblins' land, and what if they hadn't been building a death ray, but were building something to attract a guardian they had accidentally unleashed because they wanted it our of their region--make it someone else's problem.
Tying plot threads together like this is always great.

Have you had any sort of pattern or theme with the guardians or artifacts? Do you have a strong idea of who left them there yet? It'll be easier to fit something into an existing pattern than choose something appropriate in a vacuum.



Steeliest of the dragons
So...either the goblin's lands/temple are very close (within view) of the elvin astronomy tower/mountain...or you wnat something with soem seriosuly good eyesight and a pension for shiny things...

I'm thinkin' bird. Chose something level appropriate (since we don't know what levels you're dealing with)...off the top of my head:
1) some kind of suped-up owlbear?
2) roc
3) griffon[-s ?]


First Post
Have you had any sort of pattern or theme with the guardians or artifacts? Do you have a strong idea of who left them there yet?

These artifacts belonged to seven gods who died thousands of years ago in a great war. The gods' artifacts were rounded up by their now shattered priesthoods and hidden in temples scatted about the land--one of the deceased gods is Dumathoin, very appropriate that his priesthood would lead this endeavorm to hide the artifacts since Dumathoin was the "Secret Keeper". The other gods are: Cyrrollalee, Aerdrie Faenya, Semuanya, Zarus, Bargrivyek (it would be his guardian that had been unleashed), and Bahgtru.

So...either the goblin's lands/temple are very close (within view) of the elvin astronomy tower/mountain...or you wnat something with soem seriosuly good eyesight and a pension for shiny things...

I'm thinkin' bird.

The mountain range separates the elven and goblin lands, so the could aim the lens down into their valley. I like the idea of a bird (or possibly a cat-like) monster chasing the light from a giant steampunk lazer pointer.

Great ideas thanks!


"Near the river source, on a mountain slope
Lies a great machine called the Gummi scope.
It can harness the sunlight and shoot off a stream
That can send out a message or burn with its beam."

How about attracting an airship crewed by a race of Elves (or some other 'new' race) unseen for a millenium?


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
what if one of the temples was located within the goblins' land, and what if they hadn't been building a death ray, but were building something to attract a guardian they had accidentally unleashed because they wanted it our of their region--make it someone else's problem.

So, here is my question: Is there a monster who would be attracted to something shiny/bright

I am just going to toss some ideas out there, with the hope that something sparks your imagination to develop something.

How did the goblins unleash the guardian, by stealing the artifact it was protecting from it's temple? By cutting it off from the artifact? By simply giving it exit from the temple where it had no exit before?

Also, the goblins must know that the beacon they manufactured from the astronomy tower replicates a beacon the guardian is known to respond to. So three possibilities come to mind from that: a) This is knowledge tied to how they released the guardian in the first place (IE they found something describing the beacon, either in the temple they released the guardian from, or some other location or store of knowledge that led them to mess with the temple to begin with), or b) outside research they conducted to try and solve their problem (consulting a specialist or magical divination or oracle, or some location outside the temple the guardian was released from), or c) a third party set them to the task (likely some mysterious protagonist bent of gathering the artifacts for him/her/itself and using the goblins to gather guardians so it can take their artifacts).

I guess, to stay within the theme that it is a guardian, the shiny device must persuade the guardian of one of two things:

a) that another artifact is present at the source of the beacon, that it needs to guard. Either in addition to the artifact it's already guarding, or as a replacement for the artifact the goblins took or cut it off from.


b) The beacon is a signal to the guardian to bring their artifact to that location, presumably to give back to the masters who set it to guard the artifacts in the first place.

So, to your question, what sort of creature would respond to such a beacon? It'd say it's either intelligent and has reason to guard them, or it is an automaton of some sort programmed to protect the artifacts and respond to such a beacon, likely in ancient times.

If it is intelligent, then were looking at a variety of motives: a) persuaded that the artifacts are of some value to it (greed); b) the cause of guarding the artifacts is just or useful; or c) it's own life and livelihood depends on guarding them.

Greed would include any dragon or lesser-creature-related-to-dragons would work, as would dwarves or creature-related-to-dwarves. So a young dragon, or a pseudo-dragon (which is weak enough for your low level party to handle), or a dwarf or Duergar (dark dwarf) would all work well. Other humanoids could work here as well, even orcs or bullywugs.

The cause of guarding the artifacts is just or useful would cover a paladin (even a dark paladin, or anti-paladin), a being from the higher planes, or really any lawfully aligned creature. Examples of such from the current bestiary include: Cultists of Asmodeus, several devils (Imp, Lemure, and Spinagon), Gargoyles, Hell Hounds, Hobgoblins, Manticores, Medusa, Mummy, and Yuan-ti half-blood.

Finally, it's own life and livelihood depends on guarding them would include any creature bound to something else that has something over it, or else it's life is directly tied to being near the artifacts. In general those devils come to mind, as they tend to respond to a master superior devil of some sort, or might have been bound by a mage in some sort of ritual to guard the artifacts. I suppose an Elemental can be enchanted to guard something as well, as can a ghost if it is related to the reason it died.

If instead it is an automaton (construct), golems wold be perfect (probably a flesh golem for a lower level party, maybe even a damaged one). A warforged, or an animated object, would also work.

I hope something in there helps!
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I would not be a proper nerd if I did not suggest that the guardian was in fact a Knight, and the light the goblin's lit was Grail-shaped. That would certainly attract the guardian back to the tower. Plus, everyone knows that goblins like a good spanking.

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