I wanted to share these homebrew archetypes for the savant, let me know what you think
Savant Archetype: The Detective
Discerning Mind
At 1st level, you gain an expertise die on Intelligence or Wisdom ability checks made to locate or identify obscured or out-of-place details, objects, or information, as well as on saving throws made to resist becoming Charmed or Frightened.
Mark of Obsession
Also at 1st level, you can use an action to mark 1 creature you are familiar with. You must know either the creature’s name, title, relationship to another creature you are familiar with, or at least two of the creature’s physical characteristics. This mark lasts indefinitely, or until you choose to end it.
You gain an expertise die on all Intelligence and Wisdom based checks you make to track or find and discern information pertaining to the marked creature.
You can only use this feature to mark a creature once between long rests. Starting at 11th level, you can have two creatures marked by this feature at the same time.
Tricks of the Trade
Finally at 1st level, you have advantage on ability checks made to determine if a creature is being dishonest or misleading, and you can always choose to use your Intelligence modifier when making Persuasion or Deception checks.
Analytical Combatant
At 2nd level, you can use your bonus action to target one creature you can see and make an Investigation check against its AC. On a success, the target is considered marked by you for the duration of 1 minute, until you mark another creature, or until you lose concentration (as if you were concentrating on a spell).
You can choose to make weapon attacks against the marked creature using your Intelligence modifier rather than either your Strength or Dexterity modifiers, and you have advantage on the first weapon attack you make against it during each of your turns.
Additionally, if you are aware that the target of this feature is also the target of your Mark of Obsession feature, you can activate this ability as a free action, and once per turn when you hit that creature with an attack, you deal bonus damage equal to your level in this class.
Uncanny Intuition
At 6th level, you know the spell Augury and can cast it once between short rests. You do not need vocal, somatic, or material components to do so.
Analytical Acumen
Also at 6th level, when you successfully mark a creature using your Analytical Combatant feature, you immediately learn 2 of the following:
A Beautiful Mind
At 11th level, you gain an expertise die on all Intelligence and Wisdom ability checks and saving throws.
Know Your Prey
At 14th level, your combative intuition increases in its potency. After you have successfully marked a creature with your Analytical Combatant feature, you can use a bonus action on a subsequent turn to make an Insight or Investigation check against its Constitution score to learn 2 of the following:
Expect the Unexpected
At 17th level, you are hyper-vigilant and able to always be on your guard when you need to be, regardless of the toll it may take on your powerful mind; you can cast the 9th level spell Foresight on yourself without using vocal, somatic, or material components once per long rest, but you gain 1 level of Strife when you do so.
Savant Archetype: The Paranormalist
Bonus Proficiencies
At 1st level, you gain proficiency in Arcana, Insight, and Intimidation. If you already have proficiency in these skills, you gain an expertise die instead.
Also at 1st Level, you are able to put your study of rare creatures to practical use. Choose one of the following creature types to be your studied cryptid: aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, giants, monstrosities, oozes, plants, or undead.
You gain an expertise die on Intelligence and Wisdom based ability checks made to recall information about, or track, creatures of the chosen type.
You choose 1 additional studied cryptid type at 6th and 11th level.
Memento Mori
At 2nd level, you have a memento mori which could be a humanoid skull, necklace of finger bones, or some other macabre object which serves as a reminder of the inevitability of death.
Once per turn, while you have this object displayed on your person you deal bonus psychic damage equal to your level in this class when you hit a humanoid creature with a weapon attack.
Additionally, you become able to recall departing souls back to their bodies; you learn the cantrip Spare the Dying, and you can use your memento mori as a spellcasting focus for all spells you are able to cast using this archetype’s features.
Sixth Sense
Also at 2nd level, you develop a sixth sense. When you use this ability you benefit from the effects of both the Detect Evil and Good and Detect Magic 1st level spells. You can activate this ability a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses upon completing a short or long rest.
You gain 1 additional use of this feature at 6th, 11th, 14th, and 17th levels (maximum of 10 uses per short rest overall).
Also at 6th level, you cast Speak With Dead as a ritual in tandem with a number of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus, and if you do so you call forth the target’s spirit from beyond, and need not be in possession of the target’s corpse, but instead you must either be familiar with the target, have an item of sentimental value to the target, or conduct the ritual in a place which was either inhabited by the target or where an event of profound emotion happened which pertained to the target.
Upon completing this ritual, all creatures that participated in the séance (including yourself) must make a Wisdom saving throw against your save DC. On a failure, a creature gains 1 level of Strife, and on a success a creature gains an expertise die on two skills of the Narrator’s choice, which pertain to the conversation you had with the spirit, for the duration of 8 hours.
Sight Beyond Sight
Also at 6th level, you can you can open your mind’s eye to peer beyond the veil of life and death; you can cast the spell See Invisibility at will.
Practical Occultism
At 11th level, upon completing a long rest you can prepare a number of spells equal to your Intelligence modifier. These spells must be from the wizard’s spell list, and they must be from either of the Abjuration or Divination schools, and must be of a level equal to your Proficiency bonus or lower. In order to cast once of these spells you must expend one use of your Sixth Sense feature for every level of that spell (i.e. a 4th level spell requires you to expend 4 uses), however the first spell you cast each day is free.
When you cast a spell prepared in this way, you immediately forget it and cannot cast it again until you prepare it again.
Improved Cryptozoology
Also at 11th level, you gain an expertise die on all contested skill checks against your studied cryptids. Additionally, you gain an expertise die on Intelligence and Wisdom based ability checks made to recall information about, or track, all creatures of the following types: aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, giants, monstrosities, oozes, plants, and undead.
Otherworldly Schema
At 14th level, you learn one sorcerer arcane invocation. Also, whenever you learn a new clever scheme or replace an existing one, you can instead choose an arcane invocation. However you can only know 5 arcane invocations at any given time.
If an arcane invocation requires the use of sorcery points, you instead use charges of your Sixth Sense ability.
Spiritual Aegis
At 17th level, whenever a creature that is within 5 feet of you hits you with an attack while you still have at least 1 unexpended charge of your Sixth Sense ability, that creature takes 1d4 force damage.
Savant Archetype: The Detective
Discerning Mind
At 1st level, you gain an expertise die on Intelligence or Wisdom ability checks made to locate or identify obscured or out-of-place details, objects, or information, as well as on saving throws made to resist becoming Charmed or Frightened.
Mark of Obsession
Also at 1st level, you can use an action to mark 1 creature you are familiar with. You must know either the creature’s name, title, relationship to another creature you are familiar with, or at least two of the creature’s physical characteristics. This mark lasts indefinitely, or until you choose to end it.
You gain an expertise die on all Intelligence and Wisdom based checks you make to track or find and discern information pertaining to the marked creature.
You can only use this feature to mark a creature once between long rests. Starting at 11th level, you can have two creatures marked by this feature at the same time.
Tricks of the Trade
Finally at 1st level, you have advantage on ability checks made to determine if a creature is being dishonest or misleading, and you can always choose to use your Intelligence modifier when making Persuasion or Deception checks.
Analytical Combatant
At 2nd level, you can use your bonus action to target one creature you can see and make an Investigation check against its AC. On a success, the target is considered marked by you for the duration of 1 minute, until you mark another creature, or until you lose concentration (as if you were concentrating on a spell).
You can choose to make weapon attacks against the marked creature using your Intelligence modifier rather than either your Strength or Dexterity modifiers, and you have advantage on the first weapon attack you make against it during each of your turns.
Additionally, if you are aware that the target of this feature is also the target of your Mark of Obsession feature, you can activate this ability as a free action, and once per turn when you hit that creature with an attack, you deal bonus damage equal to your level in this class.
Uncanny Intuition
At 6th level, you know the spell Augury and can cast it once between short rests. You do not need vocal, somatic, or material components to do so.
Analytical Acumen
Also at 6th level, when you successfully mark a creature using your Analytical Combatant feature, you immediately learn 2 of the following:
- One of the creature’s ability scores of your choice, in relation to yours.
- The creature’s maximum and current hit points, in relation to yours.
- The creature’s AC, in relation to yours.
- The creature’s movement speed and types, in relation to yours.
- What class levels the creature has, if any.
A Beautiful Mind
At 11th level, you gain an expertise die on all Intelligence and Wisdom ability checks and saving throws.
Know Your Prey
At 14th level, your combative intuition increases in its potency. After you have successfully marked a creature with your Analytical Combatant feature, you can use a bonus action on a subsequent turn to make an Insight or Investigation check against its Constitution score to learn 2 of the following:
- If the creature has any damage immunities, and what they are.
- If the creature has any damage resistances, and what they are.
- If the creature has any damage vulnerabilities, and what they are.
- If the creature has any condition immunities, and what they are.
- If the creature has any advantage against any conditions, and what they are.
Expect the Unexpected
At 17th level, you are hyper-vigilant and able to always be on your guard when you need to be, regardless of the toll it may take on your powerful mind; you can cast the 9th level spell Foresight on yourself without using vocal, somatic, or material components once per long rest, but you gain 1 level of Strife when you do so.
Savant Archetype: The Paranormalist
Bonus Proficiencies
At 1st level, you gain proficiency in Arcana, Insight, and Intimidation. If you already have proficiency in these skills, you gain an expertise die instead.
Also at 1st Level, you are able to put your study of rare creatures to practical use. Choose one of the following creature types to be your studied cryptid: aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, giants, monstrosities, oozes, plants, or undead.
You gain an expertise die on Intelligence and Wisdom based ability checks made to recall information about, or track, creatures of the chosen type.
You choose 1 additional studied cryptid type at 6th and 11th level.
Memento Mori
At 2nd level, you have a memento mori which could be a humanoid skull, necklace of finger bones, or some other macabre object which serves as a reminder of the inevitability of death.
Once per turn, while you have this object displayed on your person you deal bonus psychic damage equal to your level in this class when you hit a humanoid creature with a weapon attack.
Additionally, you become able to recall departing souls back to their bodies; you learn the cantrip Spare the Dying, and you can use your memento mori as a spellcasting focus for all spells you are able to cast using this archetype’s features.
Sixth Sense
Also at 2nd level, you develop a sixth sense. When you use this ability you benefit from the effects of both the Detect Evil and Good and Detect Magic 1st level spells. You can activate this ability a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses upon completing a short or long rest.
You gain 1 additional use of this feature at 6th, 11th, 14th, and 17th levels (maximum of 10 uses per short rest overall).
Also at 6th level, you cast Speak With Dead as a ritual in tandem with a number of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus, and if you do so you call forth the target’s spirit from beyond, and need not be in possession of the target’s corpse, but instead you must either be familiar with the target, have an item of sentimental value to the target, or conduct the ritual in a place which was either inhabited by the target or where an event of profound emotion happened which pertained to the target.
Upon completing this ritual, all creatures that participated in the séance (including yourself) must make a Wisdom saving throw against your save DC. On a failure, a creature gains 1 level of Strife, and on a success a creature gains an expertise die on two skills of the Narrator’s choice, which pertain to the conversation you had with the spirit, for the duration of 8 hours.
Sight Beyond Sight
Also at 6th level, you can you can open your mind’s eye to peer beyond the veil of life and death; you can cast the spell See Invisibility at will.
Practical Occultism
At 11th level, upon completing a long rest you can prepare a number of spells equal to your Intelligence modifier. These spells must be from the wizard’s spell list, and they must be from either of the Abjuration or Divination schools, and must be of a level equal to your Proficiency bonus or lower. In order to cast once of these spells you must expend one use of your Sixth Sense feature for every level of that spell (i.e. a 4th level spell requires you to expend 4 uses), however the first spell you cast each day is free.
When you cast a spell prepared in this way, you immediately forget it and cannot cast it again until you prepare it again.
Improved Cryptozoology
Also at 11th level, you gain an expertise die on all contested skill checks against your studied cryptids. Additionally, you gain an expertise die on Intelligence and Wisdom based ability checks made to recall information about, or track, all creatures of the following types: aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, giants, monstrosities, oozes, plants, and undead.
Otherworldly Schema
At 14th level, you learn one sorcerer arcane invocation. Also, whenever you learn a new clever scheme or replace an existing one, you can instead choose an arcane invocation. However you can only know 5 arcane invocations at any given time.
If an arcane invocation requires the use of sorcery points, you instead use charges of your Sixth Sense ability.
Spiritual Aegis
At 17th level, whenever a creature that is within 5 feet of you hits you with an attack while you still have at least 1 unexpended charge of your Sixth Sense ability, that creature takes 1d4 force damage.