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New Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


The doorway is darkened once more, and the smell of rotting fish and seaweed wafts into the inn to mix with the smoke and alcoholic vapors. An extremely tall and muscular woman walks in, ducking her head to clear the lintel at the top of the entry. Her hair is brown, bleached blond by the sun in some places. It falls like ropes in long braids that come down to the middle of her back. Her skin is weathered and tanned to a deep brown that matches the animal-skin and hide armor she wears. The fringe of her clothing is encrusted with precipitated sea salt. Across her back is strapped a battleaxe that looks more like a hatchet than a weapon when observed in the context over her own enormous 7'8" frame. She sits in a half-lotus in front of the bar so that her head is on-level with the other patrons. She leans in politely, as if she needs to, in order to get the bartender's attention, "Dearie, could yew fetch me fahve appahs anna pitchera watah? Thanks sweetie."

" 'course ma'am." The bartender reaches into the applebarrel, being selective so as not to grab any that have spoiled, and produces five beautiful, red apples. Reaching under the counter, he produces a jug and fills it from the water tun against the back wall, "There ye go ma'am."

"Thank yew. Mah name's Eithal Lemindt Arehei. Ah've been out on that li'l ole ship for soooo many years, ahm just so glead to git mahself on layand." She leans in a little closer and lowers her voice, "Aes of today, Ahm on per-mee-nent shore leave. Now all ah need is a job."

[sblock=OOC]Eithal Lemindt Arehei Female Goliath Warden, Level 1. Not yet approved, but looking for an adventure.[/sblock]

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This one does not say that the spirit-talker of the honored traveler clan was so mistaken; and yet, in this one's poor judgment, it seems so."

"I dunno mate, I dunno. The ancestors work in strange ways," Says Yimayngurr shaing his head, "Maybe it was I had to leave in order to make meself ready to help my people. Then again, maybe it's just that old bugger Dhakanmirr put them words into the ancestors mouths, eh?"

"This one is too ignorant to know what activities suit the occasion, but allow him to suggest humbly that it is not a time for 'melon'choly." He looks again at Yimayngurr. "The honored traveler will perhaps be good enough to forgive this one if his comments caused any offense; this one would not be thought a 'medlar.'"

"You're right though mate, now isn't the time for being blue. We're all looking for something here, eh? Like the lady here," he nods to Eithal saying, "G'day ma'am," and turning back to One-Who-Waits, "She been come here looking for a job. Meself, I'm looking for some good folk to go exploring Daunton with. The rumors of Daunton's great heroes and powerful treasures have reached even my people on Kythira, and I been thinking this may be just the place to find such folk."


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"I dunno mate, I dunno. The ancestors work in strange ways," Says Yimayngurr shaing his head, "Maybe it was I had to leave in order to make meself ready to help my people. Then again, maybe it's just that old bugger Dhakanmirr put them words into the ancestors mouths, eh?"

"It is a grave error to deliberately misrepresent the wishes of the spirits because of one's personal hostility to another,"
says One-Who-Waits. "Which unfortunately does not mean that it is an uncommon failing. But it is more common, this one believes, to simply hear that which one wishes to hear."

"You're right though mate, now isn't the time for being blue. We're all looking for something here, eh? Like the lady here," he nods to Eithal saying, "G'day ma'am," and turning back to One-Who-Waits, "She been come here looking for a job. Meself, I'm looking for some good folk to go exploring Daunton with. The rumors of Daunton's great heroes and powerful treasures have reached even my people on Kythira, and I been thinking this may be just the place to find such folk."

One-Who-Waits nods. "The honored traveler should take heart: the spirits are not so fickle as they often appear. If they sent the honored traveler a warning, it most likely was a useful warning, and there will be time and opportunity for action. This one has not been long in Daunton himself"--a ghost of a smile flits across the face of One-Who-Waits as he says this--"but he has learned that magical portals abound in this area, and it may be possible to get very quickly back to the honored traveler's home, when such is necessary."


Eithal, not being able to help but overhear the last part of the deva's conversation, turns to the purple-skinned man, "Wael yew kin haeve mah home layand dearie! Not a tooth's skin's worth of anything Ah'd wanna go bayack foah." She hands the deva an apple, "Wanan appah?"


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Gellan looks around at the new arrivals. "So many different types of people in this place...my shaman was right about that." To the half-orc he says "I agree with...erm...That One. The shaman of my people tells us the spirits are not kind, but not needlessly cruel either. To punish a people for an act that was done to one of them seems wicked, and the spirits are not so. That is a fine spear you carry there. Such are not well suited for my people, but I can see the workmanship."


First Post
has learned that magical portals abound in this area, and it may be possible to get very quickly back to the honored traveler's home, when such is necessary."

"That's a bleedin good idea mate. Might just have to look into that I reckon."

That is a fine spear you carry there. Such are not well suited for my people, but I can see the workmanship."

"Aye that it is mate, and I'll thankee for sayin so. It's not a proper hunting tool though, eh? That's a fighting spear that is. See most times life is peaceful among my people on Kythira, but now and again the clans get to fighting over this and that: who has the rights to the best hunting ground, who gets the freshest water holes, who has the best claim to marry into the elder's family. So, when words can't settle it, best be reaching for one of these, eh? The point's real sharp. Made of fire glass, it is. so sharp it can slide right between the plates of a giant turtle's armor. Every djambatj has one, but normally they only carry em when they're going to war. Well, I took mine with me when they put put me out in my canoe. Figured I'll likely be needing it for what's to come."

Yimayngurr surveys the halflings equipment briefly, pointing to Gellan's boomerang he says, "That's a mighty fine piece you've got there yourself mate, if you don't mind my saying. My people use them to hunt smaller game as well. Nothing beats a spear for hunting at sea though. And these," he says, pointing to Gellan's tangat, "I've never seen the like. Where'd you come by such weapons?"


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Don't you worry, I wouldn't be offended. Thank you for the compliment, unlikely though it is." Dwarf looks in wonder on spirit being, but once it strikes conversation with an orc he seemingly looses interest and returns to his ale.


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Gloom wake up. The dwarf spirit had put him asleep, not use to alcool. He had an headache. "Water please." Gloom looks around and see many new faces.


Eithal attempts to revive gloom, "Here yew go dearie." She presses her pitcher of water up to glooms lips and begins to pour. Water spills out of the sides of glooms mouth, down his chin, soaking the front of his clothes and making a sizable puddle on the floor, "Yew feelin' bettah sweetie? Yew look lahk yew've seen bettah dayes."

Voidrunner's Codex

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