New Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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"Hmmgh," Jin grunted in response, with no real emotion one way or the other; he simple acknowledged the statement. "I am far from my own home, to which I can never return, so I understand. I hope we find your new home while on the voyage, Fenwick. It would be... interesting to meet the rest of your... ethnic minority. I'm sure they do the... hunter-gatherer cultural activities well."

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[sblock=OOC]OK. It looks like we won't hear from Theroc and WD until Monday at least. I'll wait until then to post a new adventure thread to continue from here. Feel free to RP with Rujah and Riardon when they show up to bring them up to speed. Remember. You've got all night (game time) to talk.[/sblock]

[sblock=ooc]I thought WD was going to be away until the 6th.[/sblock]


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Hey, are Tonk and Fenwick from the same tribe? Or at least associated tribes? It doesn't sound like Fenwick's system of government is exactly communist, so maybe even enemy tribes?


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"Talon? Fenwick? What say you?" Jin asked. "He seemed honest enough."
"I want to go where story is from. Want to see home of Stormshard. And Dayna want to bite thief who got away if we find him again." Talon answers after a moment in thought. "Fenwick, sorry I am to hear about you losing way home. I lost family when young, but not home, so I know some of how you feel. Maybe journey lead me to find brothers or sister along with your home, eh?" the shifter said with weary hope in his voice.


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Jin claps the two companions on the shoulder, though it was much more difficult with Fenwick. "You will both see you families again, one day soon." He offered nothing but confidence to backup the statement.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Aye, it's hard to loose a family. And home."

audibly mutters dwarf that silently brooded on the table nearby. He then lowers his voice to mutterings without looking up.

"Faces screaming in the dark...the dark coming alive...Life! life is what you make of it. Feeling alive to stave off death even by inviting it. What do they know? Bah!"


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"Well...the cold is bitter and relentless. There are times when the sun shows through and it's warmth feels like a miracle, but most of the time thick clouds cover the sky and all is grey." she replied, thinking back upon her time at home. Though it had been years, the memories of the northern lands were still fresh in her mind. They were her home after all.

"But there is a certain beauty to them. When everything is covered in white it all seems so...pure. The nights there are the most quiet I have ever experienced. You can hear nothing but the air moving, in that way I suppose it was very peaceful." she remarked, leaning back in her chair slightly as her eyes and mind drifted, thinking back upon her homeland.


"Ah, my dear lady, where you find peace I fear I would find only a feeling of being alone." Jynxx tried to imagine a land of pure white, and found that his imagination was lacking. "Tell me more about your people milady, if you would so like. I would imagine a city such as this one... would be hard stressed in a state of perpetual cold and snow. Am I wrong?

Voidrunner's Codex

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