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New Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man

Voda Vosa

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"Is that so? Well, we shall see: I'll withdraw from this quest, just to let you my possible place. Go on and test your skills in that island. But do come back, if you are not physically incapacitated, and tell me exactly how difficult or how easy it was, and how much of your wits you put to it." The wizard declares, before suddenly turning, warping himself with his cloak. He walks away to his far table, where he sits down and resumes his lethargic posture.

OOC: Thinking this throughout, I'll leave my spot to Bell, Mri'Thas is already level 3 and Bell is in her first adventure

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Soldier spots Mri'thas as the gith seem to have not spotted his friends and then begins waving his arms, almost hitting some patrons, and shouts towards Mri'thas, "MRI'THAS, CALLEN AND KAMA'ZER ARE SITTING OVER HERE WITH ME!!" while pointing at his other friends at the table where he is standing and then continues shouting, "COME OVER HERE AND SIT WITH US!"
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Yurian glances from the eladrin, to the gith, to the young woman, and then back to the gith as they trade barbs. Things certainly moved fast here in Daunton! He sets the stack of coin on the table as Veruzak walks away. Smiling slightly at the exchange between the two newcomers, he shakes Bell's outstretched hand. He never did catch the gith's name.

"As I said to the eladrin, you'll get 30 gold up front, but please only take it if you're serious on following through with the job. We leave for the Isle in the morning."

Yurian moves the stack of coins so that it is in front of the young girl. As he does, he hears the warforged on the other side of the room call the gith Mri'Thas. So that's his name.

"Now, Ms. Bell, do you have a last name, or is my calling you Ms. Bell fine?"

[sblock=Adventure Thread]Ok, so that sounds like we have the minimum, or at least will soon! I'll start the thread tomorrow (blasted work getting in the way of gaming!), but recruiting is still opening for the final slots. I'll post a list tomorrow with the slots still open showing.

For anyone who wants in but doesn't want to roleplay in the tavern (why wouldn't you want to?!?), you can still post OOC here and claim the spot and we'll call your recruiting an off-camera scene between "now" and "tomorrow morning."

One last bit of book keeping before I sign off tonight: treasure. I'm going to work hard to fit in what you get to the adventure storyline, but is anyone here really dying to get a certain magical item? If so, let me know and I'll see if I can make it fit, but no promises.[/sblock]
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[sblock=OOC]And, ugh. That looks like three posts in under two minutes, all of which somewhat contradict the other. Voda, there's a spot if you want it, but if you don't since your friends are here no worries. CaBaNa, do you want to see what happens with 7-Rabbit before deciding if you're back in or staying out?

Regardless, Bell's in for sure so that's three definites with two wizards potentialling orbitting. Based on the posts, I'll edit my previous to just be to Bell, and we can go from there. If it still has the old stuff, give me ten minutes and come back, it should be updated...[/sblock]

Lord Sessadore

Raiyek, who was just pulling a chair towards himself with conviction on his face and looking like he was going to stand on it, is suddenly brought up short by Hacker's display. Standing shocked for a minute as he stares at the horrible gnome's exit, he says, "You're welcome," out of reflex as Rabbit thanks him for his attempt to help.

When the elf finally snaps back to reality, things have calmed down considerably. "Yes, Kruk, I think it's time for us to go." He turns to Lily and gives her a closer look, with no more chaos claiming his attention. "Hmmm." His brow knits as he scrutinizes her young face, the leather breastplate haphazardly fastened over her dress, her seemingly innocent exuberance ... Ah, but there's more to her than that, the elf thinks. Besides, who are we to be picky? We need a healer, and the choices are that gnome, Lily here, and another terribly young face.

"Lily, you said? I don't like getting someone as young as you involved in this, but we could use your help. We are planning to go pay a visit to a crimelord and teach him a lesson about manners - tonight." He offers his hand to the girl. "What do you say? Will you help us?"
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7 Rabbit stares open mouthed as the dandy collapses. He shakes his head ruefully. "Thank you!" he calls after Hacker - with his accent, it's hard to tell whether he's being ironic or not.
Hacker, in the midst of picking bits of regurgitated food from his teeth, waves absently. "You're welcome."

The gnome rubs his jaw and mutters to himself, "Now, if only I could remember what he was thanking me for..."

"Oh, my sweet, sweet cuddly-wuddly Hacker! You really are the greatest, don't you know?"
"Yes," says Hacker, standing up and flicking vomit on the floor, "Yes, I do."

Hacker walks over to an apprentice wizard--obviously underaged and desperately attempting to hide it--and grabs the man-child by the nose. "You! Clean up this mess!"

The bespectacled boy with the lightning bolt scar hastily prestidigitates away the mess. Hacker hurls him back into his booth, where the child begins crying softly to himself, as a drunken young female wizard and a thoroughly drunken red-headed male wizard attempt to comfort him.

"The Earth Mother has a way of guiding the way when two people are meant to be together."
"Especially when she's still ***** off at one of those people for a minor indiscretion that wasn't necessarily his fault," Hacker mutters to himself.

"That, and my sense of smell is as keen as a dog's," she adds, winking mischievously.

Hacker sighs.

"Okay, honey, I know it's been a while since I last esca--I mean, since we last saw one another, so let's go over the ground rules again...
  1. Maintain a minimum safe distance of five feet from Hacker at all times.
  2. If Hacker leaves his possessions unattended, do not root through the contents and keep the interesting bits.
  3. No sniffing Hacker's undergarments on laundry day.
  4. Hacker's name is 'Hacker', not 'Snoofy-Woofins' or 'Cuddly-Wuddly' or... [The gnome goes on for quite some time.]
  5. No retelling stories about Hacker's more shady exploits while in the presence of the city guard.
  6. No staring at Hacker while he is sleeping.
  7. No painting murals of Hacker from the entrails of critics--because, for some odd reason, that keeps getting blamed on Hacker.
  8. No claiming to be Hacker's wife and requesting conjugal visits, if and when the authorities decide to arrest Hacker."
"And I know I've mentioned this before, but it bears repeating: Hacker Brass is a married man! (Even if his divine wife no longer acknowledges it.) Having tasted bliss from heavenly lips, I can no longer find comfort in a mortal embrace. It's just part of the burden that I bear."
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"Bell Jabson" She replies forgetting that she was purposely not giving her full name. "And I assure you sir, I am a very serious person." Her smile spreads a bit wider.

I can't believe the Gith stepped aside for me! I am so good at this! She had to contain herself from squealing out loud.


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Georg quietly gets up and follows Kruk and Raiyek out of the tavern.
There goes another one... Veruzak watches as possible members file out of The Hanged Man, *Hopefully things go better after I get this paperwork filed...* he thinks to himself.


So I assume this means Georg is not going to apply with The Institute for Arcane Ciphers?

Veruzak will apply for whichever adventure is open, keeping in mind that Kamotz (my first character) is already slated for adventure, and therefore newbies and people without a character on adventure get first dibs.

He isn't particularly picky, as raising funds to start a new secret society is arduous.


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