3PP Release New! The Dragonfly Titan! Elite CR 22

PJ Coffey

PJ Coffey (they/them)
I feel the title of the thread does a lot of explaining...

Flying towards you comes a glowing, glittering creature, it's wings a brightly-coloured blur such is the speed of movement, as it arrives, a second later a deafening roar makes you feel like the world is being torn apart around you, you my friend are in trouble now because this is the

Dragonfly Titan

Designed to be an elite solo encounter for parties of level 15 and up this beast hits like a challenge 22 creature but has the defences of a challenge 44. Spewing acid and deadly glittering scales like a corrosive, glittering tornado, it casually eats dragons, rocs and anything fool enough to fly near it.

Party heading towards epic level and getting cocky? Three of these criss-crossing their path will give them pause for thought. :D


  • Dragonfly Titan Cover.jpg
    Dragonfly Titan Cover.jpg
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