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New Town Generator


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It's so funny to me that I spent hours tweaking around with probability distribution curves to get the randomize to do what I wanted and ZERO time on minor simplistic user interface stuff.

Ok, Ok, I hear everyone. Fix the minor GUI stuff then we can comment on the contents ...

Oh well, so much for trying to do the fun part first. Now, I gotta do the boring debugging stuff that my lazy procrastinating ass was putting off ...

But mommy! I don't wanna clean my room! I wanna go out and play first!

Don't get me wrong I'm extremely happy that people are commenting (and generally favorably! Wow!) on my work. So just ignore my pathetic moaning about boring stuff ... :)

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towngen said:
It not going to take long to start with the output part of the program so fire away with any more suggestions you have.

As far as customizability, I'm starting to realize that my original plan of just creating the tool I really wanted to have as a DM will leave a lot of people frustrated. Adding a list of custom gods would be relatively easy, so I guess I'll need to decide on what method I'm going to use to support it.

But, adding more/different races will get really tricky when it comes to applying racial preferences for different occupations. In an orc city, some of the occupations won't even exist. Most of my logic will break down for all kinds of different things. I really don't think I'm going to support this kind of thing. Not yet anyway. I need to make it work good for normal stuff first, then worry about weird stuff later. [/B]

hehehehe you asked for it. ;D

I would suggest the easiest way to handle user defined data just be in plain txt files. Provide a list of tags that the user can change. i.e.

Occupation:City Guard
Occupation:Bar Wench

This would allow a LOT of flexibility if all your doing is reading the names that the user supplies. Most of your calculations are not really dependant on the names of things, but what people set the bar/% to... so this should be fairly simple (I know enough VB to get into serious trouble, but not enough to be useful. ;p).

Using a txt based file, a user could then make multiple 'Town Generator' files and opt to load the ones they needed at that moment (Load Data Set/Unload Data Set in the options menu to select which files the user wants).

Allow National Armor/City Guards/Milita to have # of units Like Wizards/Churches/Merc Groups. Add a button that opens a new window to define these units/organizations (By name, Unit #, Breakdown of units, Churches, Guilds, etc)

Allow specifying each Guild/Group/Tradesmen a differing size and name (generic is good, but most DM's have multiple organizations of varying sizes).

By using plain txt files, you remove that much more hardcoding that has to be done, and you only need to focus on making the tag names and the GUI and output sheets.

I've attached a simple example of what I mean... just a couple things mentioned above... If you like, I would be more than happy to write up a complete list of stuff that I as a long time GM would find highly useful, that I have customized for my game world... I work on PCGen which uses plain txt files as well, so the tag idea is from that (Another reason I was plugging Java, PCGen is written in Java. ;p)... but if you opt to use plain txt files, I can badger one of the coders of PCGen into making a simple interface in PCGen to import your output (Thus making about many, MANY users of PCGen VERY happy, and getting more exposure for yourself. :))


- #1 Evil assistant to the PCGen Code Monkeys (Code Badgerer)
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  • sample_user_data.txt
    673 bytes · Views: 665


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That's definately going in the generator! :)

Cool. Thanks for the tips/advice!

Give me a bit to digest this and think some. I gotta figure out how this is going to fit in with my ideas about other stuff in the actual generator part of the program.



First Post
I wanna try too!

Hello! I'm new to the site, ran across your thread and thought I would ask where I might get a copy of your program. I would like to try it. Thank you


Rule Lawyer Groupie
Seems mass blindness/deafness has been cast, and we all failed our saves. Where do be the file? :)



Probably didn't make it over from the server switch -- or some other long-past catasrophe (the thread is over 3 years old).


Rule Lawyer Groupie
EricNoah said:
Probably didn't make it over from the server switch -- or some other long-past catasrophe (the thread is over 3 years old).

Holy Mystra! I hadn't noticed! LOL. :D


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