D&D (2024) New Unearthed Arcana Playtest Includes Barbarian, Druid, and Monk

New barbarian, druid, and monk versions, plus spells and weapons, and a revised Ability Score Improvement feat.

The latest Unearthed Arcana playtest packet is now live with new barbarian, druid, and monk versions, as well as new spells and weapons, and a revised Ability Score Improvement feat.


Here are the new and revised elements in this article:

Classes. Three classes are here: Barbarian, Druid, and Monk. Each one includes one subclass: Path of the World Tree (Barbarian), Circle of the Moon (Druid), and Warrior of the Hand (Monk).

Spells. New and revised spells are included.

The following sections were introduced in a previous article and are provided here for reference:

Weapons. Weapon revisions are included.

Feats. This includes a revised version of Ability Score Improvement.

Rules Glossary. The rules glossary includes the few rules that have revised definitions in the playtest. In this document, any underlined term in the body text appears in the glossary.

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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Speaking of new bits in UA 8, here's a catch courtesy of Reddit. In the "Parts of a Feat" section, this has been added. It's brand new and wasn't in UA 7.

"Category. A feat is a member of a category, which is noted in the feat. If you are instructed to choose a feat from a specific category, such as the Background category, that category must appear under the feat’s name."

Which tells us both that feats can have a Category tag, and that "Background" is one of them.
Seems like an attempt to separate background feats from other feats, without calling them “1st level” and “4th level” feats, and implying the existence of other level-based categories of feats.


Seems like an attempt to separate background feats from other feats, without calling them “1st level” and “4th level” feats, and implying the existence of other level-based categories of feats.
That, but there's definitely going to be a few others too. "Epic" and "Fighting Style" are a given. Maybe something to condense the "Proficient with a Martial weapon" clause.


It looks like both are true, and are only mentioned in the context of the subjects themselves.

When talking about your Move: "BREAKING UP YOUR MOVE"
You can break up your Move, using some of it before and after any action you take on the same turn. For example, if you have a Speed of 30 feet, you could go 10 feet, take an action, and then go 20 feet."

When talking about your Attack action: "MOVING BETWEEN ATTACKS"
If you Move on your turn, you can use some or all of that movement to move between the attacks of this action if you have a feature, such as Extra Attack, that gives you more than one attack as part of the Attack action.

Both are true, not mutually excusive, and don't need to reference each other.
Agreed. The first clause talks about actions in general. The second provides a special clause for the attack action (which can have multiple attacks within it).

Now if you want to get really technical, you could argue a monk cannot move in between their flurry of blows attacks, as that is not an “attack action”. You can move before and after the bonus action “flurry of blows” but not during.

I don’t think that’s the intention but I think that’s the technical reading of the new clause

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