4.9.20 (Lair Action) A
shrieking spirit rises from the cracks in the stone near Pyre, and
strikes! Pyre suffers a
failed death save (failed 1, made 0) as the spirt vanishes.
4.9.19 (Pyre) Pyre's body
convulses and goes rigid, her breath hanging above her lips like a ghostly mist... (Roll 9
FAIL death save; failed 2, made 0).
4.9.12 (Vecna) Howling with an almost giddy delight, Vecna
rushes forward and
teleports next to Vyrlim, motioning to Pyre behind the archlich, "
Your last ally dies!" Vyrlim suffers
12 psychic damage and Pyre her final
failed death save, as Vecna's wounds
heal. Vyrlim watches as the Pyre shakes once more and lies still... "
Do not fret, you will all serve ME soon!"
necrotic magic engulfs Vyrlim, but he stands firm against the barrage (
SUCCESS Roll 18,19+7=26 vs. DC 22 CON save), but still takes
22 necrotic damage (half 45 of half 90).
"Now, DIE!" Vecna cries as he
stabs Vyrlim with Afterthought,
HITTING (16+13=29 vs. AC 21) for
13 total damage (9 piercing + 4 necrotic (half 8)),
reducing him to 0 hit points...
The shadow of death falls over Vyrlim as darkness claims him. The last thing he feels is himself falling...forever.
This concludes our third (and maybe final? LOL) Vecna battle. I will posting the complete "Vecna Lair" later, this weekend, if not sooner.
A special
thanks to
@Smythe the Bard, and
@sleepyInsomniac for making characters and/or participating. I hope you all (and those viewing!) enjoyed playing as much as I enjoyed running the scenario.
thanks to all the others who commented on rulings and such to help make this play as smoothly as possible!
May you always roll 20s!