The High Aldwin
So, we've played out a couple test battles with the new Vecna stat block here:
But it's time to shake things up a bit!
We are looking for volunteers to follow the encounter and play their PC. So far, from the prior battles, we have
@FitzTheRuke playing a rogue, Pyre (D&D Beyond Character Sheet)
@Stalker0 has two PCs made: Ezabard the Stormforged (D&D Beyond Character Sheet) and Sir Arthur Damless (D&D Beyond Character Sheet)
A cleric would fill out the "classic 4", but is not a requirement.
If anyone is interested in joining this next phase, please let us know! Thanks and let's hope for a great encounter!
EDIT: Here is the flow of the battle:
The initial scene:
Looking for Traps and Scanning ahead...
The First Hints that Vecna is Near! Pyre begins to turn to stone...
Reactions to Vecna.
4.2.21 - Selossen casts bless and 4.2.20 (Lair Action) Shadows attack!
4.2.19 Pyre teleports and slays a Shadow.
4.2.12 Ezabard's fireball is foiled...
4.2.12 Ezabard (con't) teleports to the front to see what lies ahead.
4.2.12 Ezabard (concluded) sees numerous symbols and glyph spells throughout the lair.
4.2.12 Vecna dispels the magic on Ezabard!
4.2.12 Vecna (concluded) misses Ezabard with dagger attacks.
4.2.2 Vyrlim slays two Shadows and moves to help Ezabard.
4.3.21 Selossen destroys the last Shadow and dispels the flesh to stone on Pyre!
4.3.20 (Lair Action) Ezabard is tethered to Vecna by necrotic magic!
4.3.19 Pyre runs to join the fight, teleports, and strikes Vecna!
4.3.12 Ezabard hits Vecna with arcane hand!
4.3.12 Vecna uses Rotten Fate on Ezabard and attacks him with Afterthought!
4.3.2 Vyrlim uses lay on hands on Ezabard
4.4.21 Selossen misses Vecna with sacred flame
4.4.20 (Lair Action) Venca summons Shadows again and they attack
4.4.19 Pyre maneuvers around two Shadows to attack Vecna but misses!
4.4.12 Ezabard attempts meteor swarm but Venca interrupts it...
4.4.12 Vecna uses Rotten Fate on Ezabard again, and stabs him with Afterthought -- killing the wizard!

D&D 5E - Vs Vecna battle simulations.
There was some discourse on Vecna and how effective he is. So I am prepared to run some fights against him. My Basic plan is to you have people make four characters at levels 20, then 17, 15, 13, and 10. This will let us see how well they do against Vecna at all stages. I expect the top levels...

But it's time to shake things up a bit!
- PCs are 20th level. Making them through DND Beyond is preferable, but not required of course.
- Use either standard array or point-buy, no rolling scores.
- Nothing from Critical Role please!!! (I don't know their stuff and would not want to spend the time doing it! Thank you!)
- Any published race and class is allow (other than the aforementioned CR material...)
- You get two uncommon and one rare magic item OR one very rare magic item (magic weapons are assumed for purposes of damaging Vecna, so are not "required" choices), plus any normal equipment (armor, weapons, etc.) you want. Please limit items such as alchemist's fire to 5 uses maximum.
- New battle map (nothing too great, but made by yours truly) to be revealed when the battle begins!
- This is an actual Vecna "lair", so includes some lair benefits/ actions to make the fight more challenging (and hopefully memorable!).
- Running it like an actual encounter, not just "ok, there he is, FIGHT!"
- Vecna gets the Book of Vile Darkness this time. Shutter
- Rolling will be done via Roll20 and results will be given in the turn descriptions.
We are looking for volunteers to follow the encounter and play their PC. So far, from the prior battles, we have
@FitzTheRuke playing a rogue, Pyre (D&D Beyond Character Sheet)
@Stalker0 has two PCs made: Ezabard the Stormforged (D&D Beyond Character Sheet) and Sir Arthur Damless (D&D Beyond Character Sheet)
A cleric would fill out the "classic 4", but is not a requirement.
If anyone is interested in joining this next phase, please let us know! Thanks and let's hope for a great encounter!

EDIT: Here is the flow of the battle:
The initial scene:

D&D 5E - New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED
@DragonBelow, @FitzTheRuke, @sleepyInsomniac, @Stalker0: You have just finished your long rest. Please let me know the following for your characters: 1. Any preparatory features or spells you want pre-active prior to the encounter beginning. I will be tracking rounds for anything active. 2...

Looking for Traps and Scanning ahead...

D&D 5E - New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED
@DragonBelow, @FitzTheRuke, @sleepyInsomniac, @Stalker0: You have just finished your long rest. Please let me know the following for your characters: 1. Any preparatory features or spells you want pre-active prior to the encounter beginning. I will be tracking rounds for anything active. 2...

The First Hints that Vecna is Near! Pyre begins to turn to stone...

D&D 5E - New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED
To be clear, what do you mean by "the scene"? Where the body is on the altar??? Are you waiting for Pyre to give you the "all clear"? This seems to indicate you're waiting for Prye to give the "all clear"? Right

Reactions to Vecna.

D&D 5E - New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED
To be clear, what do you mean by "the scene"? Where the body is on the altar??? Are you waiting for Pyre to give you the "all clear"? This seems to indicate you're waiting for Prye to give the "all clear"? Right

4.2.21 - Selossen casts bless and 4.2.20 (Lair Action) Shadows attack!

D&D 5E - New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED
Did we hear casting? or any words being spoken? other than my companions

4.2.19 Pyre teleports and slays a Shadow.

D&D 5E - New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED
The problem with 3 is that the lines are not crossing opposite sides of the target. Opposite sides mean parallel sides. But it isn't just opposite sides, it is also corners, which the red circles show the lines crossing corners of the target's space. Now, perhaps you believe it means "opposite...

4.2.12 Ezabard's fireball is foiled...

D&D 5E - New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED
The problem with 3 is that the lines are not crossing opposite sides of the target. Opposite sides mean parallel sides. But it isn't just opposite sides, it is also corners, which the red circles show the lines crossing corners of the target's space. Now, perhaps you believe it means "opposite...

4.2.12 Ezabard (con't) teleports to the front to see what lies ahead.

D&D 5E - New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED
The problem with 3 is that the lines are not crossing opposite sides of the target. Opposite sides mean parallel sides. But it isn't just opposite sides, it is also corners, which the red circles show the lines crossing corners of the target's space. Now, perhaps you believe it means "opposite...

4.2.12 Ezabard (concluded) sees numerous symbols and glyph spells throughout the lair.

D&D 5E - New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED
Vecna's CS ability doesn't require any components and IIRC has no discernible visible effect. Are you trying to say what you said should have prompted a Perception check? And there's nothing to say that he couldn't have used his reaction and then just moved away from a slit

4.2.12 Vecna dispels the magic on Ezabard!

D&D 5E - New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED
Vecna's CS ability doesn't require any components and IIRC has no discernible visible effect. Are you trying to say what you said should have prompted a Perception check? And there's nothing to say that he couldn't have used his reaction and then just moved away from a slit

4.2.12 Vecna (concluded) misses Ezabard with dagger attacks.

D&D 5E - New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED
Thanks! I figured I was missing something... :) That brings up an interesting issue. If we allow DEX to break ties, I think Vecna would still have gone first, but I assumed your +3 was just from DEX so gave the tie to the player. I'll just keep the order as is I guess. 🤷♂️ 4.2.12 (Vecna)...

4.2.2 Vyrlim slays two Shadows and moves to help Ezabard.

D&D 5E - New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED
Thanks! I figured I was missing something... :) That brings up an interesting issue. If we allow DEX to break ties, I think Vecna would still have gone first, but I assumed your +3 was just from DEX so gave the tie to the player. I'll just keep the order as is I guess. 🤷♂️ 4.2.12 (Vecna)...

4.3.21 Selossen destroys the last Shadow and dispels the flesh to stone on Pyre!

D&D 5E - New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED
Forgot about Pyre, let me amend my round. done

4.3.20 (Lair Action) Ezabard is tethered to Vecna by necrotic magic!

D&D 5E - New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED
If I'd thought to make her a scout instead of an assassin I could probably have pulled it off, but no. I can't think of anything.

4.3.19 Pyre runs to join the fight, teleports, and strikes Vecna!

D&D 5E - New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED
If I'd thought to make her a scout instead of an assassin I could probably have pulled it off, but no. I can't think of anything.

4.3.12 Ezabard hits Vecna with arcane hand!

D&D 5E - New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED
ah yes I forgot. LOL I appreciate that, but you didn't have to pretend to forget just to make me feel better about forgetting lair actions... ;) :D I will need the ruling outlined in my 2nd spoiler. No issues here. 4.3.12 (Ezabard) Ezabard steps back between Selossen and Vyrlim, upcasting...

4.3.12 Vecna uses Rotten Fate on Ezabard and attacks him with Afterthought!

D&D 5E - New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED
ah yes I forgot. LOL I appreciate that, but you didn't have to pretend to forget just to make me feel better about forgetting lair actions... ;) :D I will need the ruling outlined in my 2nd spoiler. No issues here. 4.3.12 (Ezabard) Ezabard steps back between Selossen and Vyrlim, upcasting...

4.3.2 Vyrlim uses lay on hands on Ezabard

D&D 5E - New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED
Did you want to do anything with your bonus action? I'll also cast Branding Smite 2nd lvl. I'm just worried about that symbol at the entrance, I don't think I can shim around it.

4.4.21 Selossen misses Vecna with sacred flame

D&D 5E - New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED
Did you want to do anything with your bonus action? I'll also cast Branding Smite 2nd lvl. I'm just worried about that symbol at the entrance, I don't think I can shim around it.

4.4.20 (Lair Action) Venca summons Shadows again and they attack

D&D 5E - New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED
Did you want to do anything with your bonus action? I'll also cast Branding Smite 2nd lvl. I'm just worried about that symbol at the entrance, I don't think I can shim around it.

4.4.19 Pyre maneuvers around two Shadows to attack Vecna but misses!

D&D 5E - New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED
4.4.19 (Pyre) Surrounded by three shadows, Pyre says "Agh. Not these jerks again!" in frustration, nimbly slips from their reaching arms and darts along the balcony wall behind the altar. She then steps out between the altar and southern statue, stabbing at Vecna with her rapier and but misses...

4.4.12 Ezabard attempts meteor swarm but Venca interrupts it...

D&D 5E - New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED
... But it goes to show that games of this high level are complicated. I mean, look at how many mistakes we've made, and I would think that we count as "very good" at this game! I wouldn't really say it is that complicated, honestly. The first mistake about lair actions is something that is an...

4.4.12 Vecna uses Rotten Fate on Ezabard again, and stabs him with Afterthought -- killing the wizard!

D&D 5E - New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED
... But it goes to show that games of this high level are complicated. I mean, look at how many mistakes we've made, and I would think that we count as "very good" at this game! I wouldn't really say it is that complicated, honestly. The first mistake about lair actions is something that is an...

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