D&D 5E New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED

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So now that we have a pally and a hexlock I'm debating whether to play the fighter or wizard. I'm guessing the wizard would be better to represent a more "balanced party" since I assume the frontline elements will be handled by those guys.

On the other hand I am kind of curious to see if it really is easy to beat down Vecna with "raw martial power". Which do you prefer, I'll play either.


The High Aldwin
To all, please post you character concept and either a link to your PC or attached a character sheet to your post.

I believe we have:

@FitzTheRuke playing a rogue, Pyre (D&D Beyond Character Sheet)
@Stalker0 has Ezabard the Stormforged Evoker Wizard (D&D Beyond Character Sheet)
@DragonBelow offers a Favored Soul Air Genasi Sorcerer
@sleepyInsomniac with a paladin
@Sulicius with a "straight up" hexlock.

So, I was planning on four PCs, but Venca might be willing to "entertain" five. ;)

Please do not offer to play unless you are willing to commit to the encounter.

I'll reiterate (to be clear) I am planning on running this scenario like an actual encounter (not just a "fight"). The PCs will have made their way through trial and challenge to the final portal, which will take them to Vecan, himself, in his secluded sanctum. After finishing a long rest, the PCs are geared up and ready to press on.

I will give every one a chance to "interact" with the scene and tell me from turn to turn what each PC will do. I will be finishing up the scenario tonight and tomorrow, so please upload your PCs (and don't forget what magic items you are choosing). I will need a bit to review each PC to make certain I understand your features.

Finally, two "rulings" we need to make certain we are all agree on:

1. Dread Counterspell works against Subtle Spell. (Personally, I do NOT agree with this, but it was the result of the poll thread.)
2. You cannot Counterspell a spell cast by using the Ready Action feature when the spell is released by the trigger reaction.

A note on item 2: I will however, make certain the target or AoE (if any) IS seen by the caster during the casting and NOT on the release. This was my oversight in the last fight and carried heavy significance to the party's defeat. I feel Vecna still would have won that fight, but it would have been harder in all likelihood.

So, please respond with your PC or an updates to your PC and your thoughts on the two rulings outlined above. Thanks! I hope you enjoy this encounter as much as I think I shall. And good luck! :)


As much as 5 would be cool, 5 players have a major major major impact on the action economy. If the goal is still to see if Vecna is punching at his weight class, I think we should stick with 4, which I believe is still the default party assumption for CR calculations (I believe).

I am fine with both ruling.

Unless Vecna gets some help.

Edit: in fact giving Vecna another decently powerful ally in backup could be a decent way to counter builds intended purely to counter him. Just keep the backup secret until the fight start.
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As much as 5 would be cool, 5 players have a major major major impact on the action economy. If the goal is still to see if Vecna is punching at his weight class, I think we should stick with 4, which I believe is still the default party assumption for CR calculations (I believe).

I am fine with both ruling.
I think @DND_Reborn is testing to see if he can make a "true to actual play" encounter with Vecna work. I know I would like to see how it works. I have 5 players, more often than 4.

Voidrunner's Codex

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