Anyone come up with new warlock invocations?
In the meantime any suggestions on the following -
False Persona - (least 2nd lvl)
When first used this invocation creates an illusionary disguise. Only the general features of the new form can be picked, making disguise as a specific indiviadual impossible. You can change your height by up to a foot, and may appear fat, thin or in between you cannot otherwise change our body type. (ie a human may become any human shaped bipedal creature)
The spell does not mimic any abilities or tactile sensations of the new form. A creature who interacts with the illusion (as disguise self) recieves a will save to recognize the illusion.
Once the persona has been chosen it cannot be changed.
In the meantime any suggestions on the following -
False Persona - (least 2nd lvl)
When first used this invocation creates an illusionary disguise. Only the general features of the new form can be picked, making disguise as a specific indiviadual impossible. You can change your height by up to a foot, and may appear fat, thin or in between you cannot otherwise change our body type. (ie a human may become any human shaped bipedal creature)
The spell does not mimic any abilities or tactile sensations of the new form. A creature who interacts with the illusion (as disguise self) recieves a will save to recognize the illusion.
Once the persona has been chosen it cannot be changed.