D&D (2024) Playtest 7 Warlock Invocation Groups


Technically yes, but you still have to be attacking with a weapon. It doesn't carry over to natural attacks. So as long as the Wildshape form can wield a weapon, it could work. But why?

The point of Wildshape is get better physical stats and better natural attacks. You'd be ignoring both of those to continue to attack with Cha with a weapon. All you're getting is some Temp HP, and in return you can't cast spells and lose the benefits of any gear that's incompatible with the form. Like your armor. That seems like a very poor combat style.
Second question.

Does Gaze of Two Minds let you cast spells while in wild shape?

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Does Gaze of Two Minds let you cast spells while in wild shape?
No, it doesn't. There is no escape clause in Wildshape for that.

Also, the Monkey King is not a monkey. He's an anthropomorphic humanoid with some monkey-like features. If you want to do a Monkey King expy, I'd suggest talking to your DM about a custom PC race. That'll be far simpler than some weak and messy Druid/Warlock multiclass.


No, it doesn't. There is no escape clause in Wildshape for that.
Does Gaze of Two Minds allow you to cast spells while standing in Silence and your target is not?

Also, the Monkey King is not a monkey. He's an anthropomorphic humanoid with some monkey-like features. If you want to do a Monkey King expy, I'd suggest talking to your DM about a custom PC race. That'll be far simpler than some weak and messy Druid/Warlock multiclass.

Also. Doesn't need to be a moon druid.


Prince of Dorkness
Does Gaze of Two Minds let you cast spells while in wild shape?

No, it doesn't. There is no escape clause in Wildshape for that.
Not only that, but Gaze of Two Minds won't even work if you use it before you Wild Shape. GoTM requires that you use a Bonus Action on subsequent turns to maintain the connection. But once you use your BA to Wild Shape instead, you'll lose the connection.


Not only that, but Gaze of Two Minds won't even work if you use it before you Wild Shape. GoTM requires that you use a Bonus Action on subsequent turns to maintain the connection. But once you use your BA to Wild Shape instead, you'll lose the connection.
Why can't you use it after you wild shape?
Obviously not. Your senses are projected, but you're still casting the spell, not the target of GoTM.
Not sure if that is obvious.

GoTM specifically says.

"you can cast spells as if you were in ...the other creature’s space..."

So one rule says no casting. The other says you can.

And if the other creature’s space is not affected by silence...


But can you if they are in the silence zone?
I would believe so. GoTM does two things. You project your senses, and spells can originate from either your square or your linked creature's square. This gives you two options for the originating location and mostly applies to things like range or orientation. You are still the one casting the spell, so it's done with your action and you supply the VSM components.

If you're bound or silenced, you can't supply the VSM components, so no spell. If your linked creature is bound or silenced, it doesn't matter because they're just a conduit and the spell still happens.


GoTM specifically says.

"you can cast spells as if you were in ...the other creature’s space..."

So one rule says no casting. The other says you can.

And if the other creature’s space is not affected by silence...
Disclaimer: I am not your DM. My opinions are not substitutes for your DM's rulings. With that out of the way, let's get into the details.

You can't highlight sections and take them out of context. GoTM is talking about casting spells as if you were in the other creature's space. This means it's primarily about the originating location of the spell. What square on the battlefield counts as the source for purposes of range and orientation.

It doesn't over rule the Wildshape ban on spellcasting because it isn't saying "You can cast spells when you normally couldn't". It's saying "When you cast a spell, it can originate from a square that isn't your own." You still have to be able to cast the spell. Which you can't if you're Wildshaped or Silenced.


It doesn't over rule the Wildshape ban on spellcasting because it isn't saying "You can cast spells when you normally couldn't". It's saying "When you cast a spell, it can originate from a square that isn't your own." You still have to be able to cast the spell. Which you can't if you're Wildshaped or Silenced.
I agree with wild shape. If you walked over there, you still wouldn't be able to cast.

Disagree about about Silence though.

"Casting a spell that includes a verbal component is impossible there (in the zone)"
You're not casting the spell from there.

I think it would make more senses if you still did the verbal component from where you are, but that's not the current wording.

Also, makes me wonder about stealth. If you use GoTM on an invisible rogue, and they sneak up behind someone, and you cast Thunderwave from their location, does the rogue get revealed?

What about a touch and attack spell (i.e. Contagion)? Do you get advantage if they don't see you, or if they don't see where you are casting from?

Voidrunner's Codex

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