Hello everyone, Darryl here with the summary of this week’s gaming news from EN World.
EN Publishing News
EN World Feature Columns
Tabletop Roleplaying News
That’s all from me for this week! Don’t forget to support our Patreon to bring you more gaming news content.
EN Publishing News
- For a quick summary of the week’s news, Jessica Hancock will bring you up to speed with EN Live's This Week in TTRPG every Friday.
- Don’t forget, you can keep up with all the week’s gaming news in detail with Morrus’ Unofficial Tabletop RPG Talk.
- On this week’s episode of Not DnD, Jessica spoke with Kenneth Hite and Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan about Trail of Cthulhu.
- EN5ider #609 is another Dangerous Scenario, Climbing to Freedom. Somehow, the 4th party has found themselves imprisoned in the notorious Felspike and must figure out how to escape the hostile prison where so many others have failed.
- With the alpha testing of the Level Up Gateway underway, check out what kind of characters you’ve been making.
EN World Feature Columns
- Rob Wieland reviewed the new Cyberpunk RED campaign book Tales of the Red: Hope Reborn, the spiritual successor to a classic Cyberpunk adventure.
- Charles Dunworthy spoke with Studio Hermitage’s Justin Achilli about Our Brillian Run.
- Michael Tresca’s RPG Evolution this week is a gift guide for gamemasters your DM/GM/Storyteller/Referee/etc.
- Lewis Pulsipher’s newest Worlds of Design discusses how to create a consistent ecology for your fantasy world.
- M.T. Black continues his journey through RPG periodicals past with Dragon Reflections #86 covering the June 1984 issue of Dragon.
- Don’t miss out on the newest RPG crowdfunding projects ending soon with Egg Embry’s RPG Crowdfunding News.
- Keep up with all the new print RPG releases with Charles Dunwoody’s RPG Print News.
- Find the big TTRPG sales, bundles, and charity fundraisers with the Freebies, Sales, and Charity Bundles News.
Tabletop Roleplaying News
- Paizo released playtest documents for new Pathfinder 2nd Edition classes, the Necromancer and Runesmith.
- Free League’s Lord of the Rings Roleplay and The One Ring getting new sourcebooks detailing the elves of Middle Earth.
- The ink is dry and Henry Cavill will officially be making a Warhammer 40K TV series for Amazon.
- Indie game distributor Itch.io was down for several hours early Monday morning due to an “AI”-generated takedown request from Funko.
That’s all from me for this week! Don’t forget to support our Patreon to bring you more gaming news content.