news scoop: insider account of how the statement was drafted, and the fear-based culture in Wizards offices

Except clickbait form implies clickbait content, which is often not the most accurately presented content the world has ever seen... to put it mildly.

If he wants to be seen as a trustable source, mirroring the behavior of untrustworthy sources is a bad choice.

"Wait until you actually have the story you can print," is pretty basic. If he has to wait until sources are protected, then he should wait, not tease.
Well Umbran, you and other ENW moderators/news gatherers, as representatives of respected ENW, are in a position where if y’all personally reached out to these sources (not just DnDShorts but also others), perhaps you could get a better idea of their trustworthiness, and if legit, develop a more direct and trust-engendering news pipeline as events continue to unfold over the coming months.

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I came across this yesterday on Facebook. There's part of it we can check: "Numerous employees have reportedly been fired from Wizartds of the Coast's D&D division for nothing more than voicing their opinion when asked for it."

Has anyone heard even a glimmer of multiple firings?
Ray Winniger?


Mod Squad
Staff member
Well Umbran, you and other ENW moderators/news gatherers, as representatives of respected ENW, are in a position where if y’all personally reached out to these sources (not just DnDShorts but also others).

I am in no such position. I just moderate the messageboard. It is kind of like you are telling the janitor in the New York Times package room to follow up on news stories.

I am in no such position. I just moderate the messageboard. It is kind of like you are telling the janitor in the New York Times package room to follow up on news stories.
Well, its a small world here a ENW, and in the TRPG community in general. Actually, I think your credentials might take you pretty far, if those in your position reached out.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
On twitter, no doubt.
/where's that sit on the Morrissette scale?

Actually, I thought that someone would probably notice from, you know, the change in status on linkedin?

Or the gossip in the industry ... when the biggest player starts terminating a lot of people, it tends to get noticed, simply because they start looking for jobs at other publishers.

Voidrunner's Codex

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