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Re: Re: Re: Re: Big Statues

jdavis said:

They should put out a hardbound edition of the Amazon reviews of Crossroads of Twilight, it is much better reading, and more actually happens in the reviews. Feel free to post a review and rate it one star so we can get the rating down even lower, 1 and a half stars is too high. It's a good way to send him a message about his crappy book and you are adding to the literary masterpiece that is the "Crossroads of Twilight Customer Review", the best reading I have found in years.

Thanks for the tip, jdavis. This past Saturday, on your recommendation, I sat there and read quite a few of them. You were right, great reading! My wife, who only recently "got off the wheel", was cracking up as I read her the titles of each review...."Wheel grinds to a halt!"...."Pathetic!"......"Nothing happens!". It was hysterical. 1,000+ reviews and an average of 1 1/2 stars. That's bad. Really bad.

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Big Statues

King_Stannis said:

Thanks for the tip, jdavis. This past Saturday, on your recommendation, I sat there and read quite a few of them. You were right, great reading! My wife, who only recently "got off the wheel", was cracking up as I read her the titles of each review...."Wheel grinds to a halt!"...."Pathetic!"......"Nothing happens!". It was hysterical. 1,000+ reviews and an average of 1 1/2 stars. That's bad. Really bad.

I read the first 400 in a sitting and I couldn't drag myself away, it was a hoot and it also made me feel much better about buying such a crappy book, at least I wasn't alone. I wonder how many reviews the average book gets at Amazon? This book is getting more and more every day and most all of them are real bad, and real funny.

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