D&D General NFTs Are Here To Ruin Dungeons & Dragons

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So, I've looked at some of the art revealed for this project: And it's REALLY good - right in line with the style I like and the artist (artists?) is hella talented!

I've liked what Stephen has worked on in the past - heck If we weren't so wrapped up in some other stuff, I'd run Abomination Vaults for my group right now (since they're planning a 5e version I'll definitely pick that up whether I run it or not).


I just can't get past the NFT, crypto model that this is structured with. Not only do I not see it as adding anything, I think It's actively harmful to the way any shared world could/should be run.

And then on top of that are the regular NFT/crypto issues, all of which have been hashed out here plenty.

So it's a bit sad for me, I like to support new, innovative gaming ventures - but I just can't see it for this one!


Lord of the Hidden Layer
Thier boss is literally a billionaire. They know best.

Tangent to thread subject:

Musk is a breath of fresh air pushing his way into a stuffy room.

I do not have a Twitter account, so I'm just going to sit back with popcorn and watch the fireworks.


I will say one thing for the concept of NFT that in theory they could profit the artists and creative people directly. A lot of art is shared nowadays with nothing ever going back to the person that are responsible for it. Sadly, as it's being used it's primarily being used to make rich people richer.

I will say one thing for the concept of NFT that in theory they could profit the artists and creative people directly. A lot of art is shared nowadays with nothing ever going back to the person that are responsible for it. Sadly, as it's being used it's primarily being used to make rich people richer.
Like all things crypto-related, the closer you look, the uglier and scammier it gets. Self-dealing NFT sales with huge numbers made big news, creating the myth of NFTs as salvation for artists. But that’s just not materializing so far. So few working artists are profiting that it’s truly just more cryptobro evangelism, because all crypto is, on some level, just value-less evangelism.

I know I’m preaching to the converted, but that’s what gets me—that this crowd spins new mythologies and false use cases for their snake oil, and moves on to the next pitch so fast the media has no time to expose the last one as bogus.


I will say one thing for the concept of NFT that in theory they could profit the artists and creative people directly. A lot of art is shared nowadays with nothing ever going back to the person that are responsible for it. Sadly, as it's being used it's primarily being used to make rich people richer.
NFTs do not a damned thing to help artists get paid. An NFT is just an entry on a blockchain, which just means a naughty word database. It isn't some form of DRM that sends an artist money every time a picture is viewed.


Yeah, they rolled out that "Can get artists paid!" thing back in the initial wave of this, accusing anyone questiong anything about it as stopping artists from getting paid.

It proved to be nothing but smoke, and a lot of artists who jumped on in that 'try to get paid' side of things instead wasted a lot of money. Artists got absolutely burnt. The way the system is built doesn't allow for anything like that, its just a tool for speculation


No, they are not.

I mean, I think they are pure speculation, and their values have no basis in reality (or even...value). But "Ponzi scheme" has an actual definition, and they do not meet that definition.
Fine. They're a pyramid scheme.

As detailed in the Bitcoin whitepaper.

It's a system that requires more people to put money in so that anyone can get money out. When new investors stop, everyone loses everything.

Bernie Madoff was in jail for the exact same type of scheme.

Crypto fails at being a currency (7k transactions/second vs. Visa's 4 something million, not to mention gas fees in the hundreds of dollars), has no intrinsic value and the creator of NFTs declared them not fit for purpose when he realized you couldn't actually encode everything into the token.

It's a scam, a grift, a way to separate desperate people from their money in the hopes of getting rich.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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