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Nifft Does Shadow Magic (work in progress)


Penguin Herder
Shadow Magic:

Mechanics: Shadow Magic works off a chakra-point system (mana point, spell point, that thing). It's explained at the bottom. I'm calling the points "PP" (penumbra points).

Flavor Text: Go buy Tome of Magic. The Shadowcaster has more than adequate flavor. It's super-cool. (The Binder is super-cool, too. ;) )


1/ Shadowcaster

2/ Shadow Ninja

3/ Tenebrous Theurge

4/ Tenebrous Master

5/ Shadowcrafter

Paths of Shadow: These function vaguely like the ToM's Mysteries. There are three levels of each Path: Apprentice, Initiate and Master. In order to learn an Initiate Mystery, you must know the corresponding Apprentice Mystery from the same Path. In order to learn a Master Mystery, you must know the corresponding Apprentice and Initiate Mysteries of the same Path.


Black Magic:
- Apprentice: Steal, Ward
- Initiate: Dispel, Echo
- Master: Dampen, Reflect

Long Shadow:
- Apprentice: Bind, Entangle
- Initiate: Wrestle, Rend
- Master: Imitation, Choke

Midnight Crossroads:
- Apprentice: Flicker, Detect Teleportation
- Initiate: Shadow Walk, Vanish
- Master: Banishment, Shadow Gate

Dream Skein:
- Apprentice: Charm, Sleep
- Initiate: Cloud Mind, Calm Emotions
- Master: Shadow Fog, Dream Travel

Nightmare Forge:
- Apprentice: Aversion, Fear
- Initiate: Confusion, Phantasmal Killer
- Master: Insanity, Nightmare

Dark Thoughts:
- Apprentice: Mindlink, Brain Lock
- Initiate: Dominate, Read Thoughts
- Master: Mind Blank, Mind Switch

Ebon Body:
- Apprentice: Shadow Blend, Shadow Armor
- Initiate: Mirror Image, Mislead
- Master: Shadow Body, Project Image

Silent Night:
- Apprentice: Fatigue, Silence
- Initiate: Slow, Deafness
- Master: Exhaustion, Stun

Onyx Cloak:
- Apprentice: Grapple, Shield
- Initiate: Inertial Barrier, Energy Adaptation
- Master: Power Resistance, Timeless Body

Fleeting Darkness:
- Apprentice: Skate, Catfall
- Initiate: Body Equilibrium, Wall Walker
- Master: Temporal Acceleration, Air Walk

Ebon Pupils:
- Apprentice: Darksight, Clairvoyance
- Initiate: Aura Sight, Remote View
- Master: Aura Alteration, True Sight

Dusk and Dawn:
- Apprentice: Control Light, Control Flames
- Initiate: Control Air, Control Water
- Master: Dispelling Buffer, Telekinetic Sphere

Twilight Veil:
- Apprentice: Disguise Self, Silent Image
- Initiate: Dark Terrain, False Vision
- Master: Persistence, Programming

Dark Voice:
- Apprentice: Command, Shatter
- Initiate: Song of Discord, Shout
- Master: Irresistible Dance, Disintegrate

- Apprentice: Enfeeblement, Vigor
- Initiate: Enervation, Hostile Empathic Transfer
- Master: Disjoin, Assimilate

- Apprentice: Shadow Blade
- Initiate: Night Blade
- Master: Void Blade

Call of Night
- Apprentice: Animate Darkness
- Initiate: Call Shade
- Master: Shadow Pact

Some Augments are only available via a Feat.

[size=+2] Fundamentals [/size]
- Black Candle: (see Tome of Magic)
- Dancing Shadow: as the spell dancing lights.
- Daze: as the spell.
- Detect Magic: as the spell.
- Detect Undead: as the spell.
- Dusksight: Gain low-light vision for 1 min/level.
- Icy Grip: Deal 1d6 Cold damage as a touch attack.
- Jump, Swift: Gain a +10 bonus on one Jump check.
- Liquid Night: (see Tome of Magic).
- Lullaby: as the spell.
- Shadow Sound: as the spell ghost sound.
- Shadow Strike, Swift: +2 bonus to one Feint attempt.
- Sight Obscured: (see Tome of Magic).
- Sticky Shadow, Swift: Gain a +4 bonus to a single Climb or Balance check.
- Read Shadows: as know direction, plus learn distance underground.
- Shadowstep, Swift: Gain +10 ft. movement for one round.

[size=+2]Black Magic[/size]

If this is your first Path, you gain a +2 bonus on all Spellcraft and Psicraft checks.

Apprentice - Ward: You can protect yourself or an ally from magical effects.
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Action: Standard
Base Cost: 1
Duration: 1 min/level
Save: Will negates (harmless)

The target gains a +2 resistance bonus to saves, and is immune to possession and mind control ([charm] or [compulsion] effects).

  • +4 PP: the duration increases to 1 hour/level.
  • +2 PP: the target also gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC, and the effect hedges out summoned creatures.
  • +8 PP: instead of the listed effects, you grant immunity to a single spell, power, or mystery.
  • For every +2 PP you spend, you can increase the provided bonus by +1.
  • Mass: +2 PP, the area changes to a 10 ft. radius emanation, and functions as a magic circle vs. alignment.

Apprentice - Steal: You can steal an ongoing effect.
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Action: Standard
Base Cost: 3
Duration: 1 minute
Save: Will negates

You can steal any ongoing (non-instantaneous) effect that could be dispelled using dispel magic, gaining the benefits of the effect yourself, for the effect's remaining duration or for 1 minute (whichever is shorter). If you are an invalid
target for the original effect (due to your type or the effect's range, for example)
the effect dissipates harmlessly instead.

You always steal a random effect (determined by the DM).

  • For every +2 PP you spend, the save DC increases by 1.
  • +6 PP: The duration increases to 1 min/level, or the effect's duration, whichever is shorter.

Initiate - Dispel
Level: 3
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Action: Standard
Base Cost: 5
Save: Will half (damage augment only)

As dispel magic, targeted only, max caster level 10.

  • For every additional PP you spend, your max caster level increases by 2.
  • +4 PP: For every effect you dispel, the target takes 1d6 damage. For every +1 PP you spend over the initial +4, the target takes an additional +1d6 damage per effect dispelled.
  • +4 PP: The effect emulated is break enchantment rather than dispel magic.
  • +6 PP: You can cast this mystery as an immediate action, with a target of self only.
  • Mass: as the area version of dispel magic (20 ft. radius burst).
  • For every +4 PP you spend on the Mass version, you can attempt to dispel one additional effect on each target.

Initiate - Echo: You can cast a shadowy version of any spell you've just seen cast.
Level: 4
Action: Standard
Base Cost: 7
Save: Will partial (and see below)

This effect functions similarly to shadow evocation or shadow conjuration, except as noted here.

First, you can only emulate a spell, power or mystery that you successfully identified, and which was cast since your last action started. (Thus, you may emulate an effect that you cast or emulated last round.)

You can emulate any spell, power or mystery of 3rd level or lower. In addition to whatever saving throw the original effect allows, your emulated version also allows a Will save, just like shadow evocation, and any who succeed on that Will save take only 20% damage. (Just like shadow conjuration, any critters summoned have only 20% HP, other non-damage non-summoning effects are 20% real and thus work 20% of the time, etc.)

The save DC for both the Will save and the emulated effect are equal to the save DC of this mystery.

  • For every +2 PP, you can echo a spell, power or mystery of one level higher.
  • For every +1 PP, you increase the "reality" of the emulated effect by +5%.
  • For every +2 PP, the save DC(s) for this mystery increase by +1.

Master - Reflect: As spell turning, except as noted here.
Level: 6
Range: Personal
Action: Standard
Base Cost: 11
Duration: 1 round/level (or until discharged)
Save: None

You reflect the next four spells, powers, or mysteries which target you. You are considered to be warded by a spell turning effect for the purpose of resonating field creation.

  • +2 PP: This mystery's duration increases to 10 minutes/level (or until discharged).
  • +2 PP: You reflect +1 additional spell, power or mystery before the effect is discharged.
  • -2 PP: This mystery can be cast as an immediate action with a duration of instantaneous to reflect one successfully identified spell, power, or mystery.
  • Mass: +6 PP, as an immediate action you can reflect one successfully identified area effect which would include you in its area, causing it to be centered on the caster instead.

Master - Dampen: You smother your foe's spell with an entropic miasma.
Level: 7
Range: see below
Action: Immediate
Base Cost: 13
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: None

The variable numeric effect of any successfully identified spell, mystery or power that targets you or includes you in its area is minimized -- it is as if the caster rolled the minimal value possible. This minimization affects the spell, power or mystery as a whole -- all other targets (or critters in the effect's area) also suffer minimal effect.

[size=+2]Long Shadow[/size]

If this is your first Path, add Escape Artist to the skill list of all shadowcasting classes.

Special: Several mysteries within this path have a duration of Concentration or Concentration + a constant. While you are concentrating on a mystery from this path, you may cast any other mystery from this path without disrupting your concentration. This is an exception to the normal concentration rules.

Apprentice - Bind: You fire a mote of darkness, pinning your foe's shadow in place.
Level: 1
Range: 30 ft. or see below
Action: Standard or supplemental
Base Cost: 1
Duration: 1 round
Save: None

There are two versions of this mystery. Both require that your target be within 5 ft. of a solid surface.

The first version: as a standard action, you can hurl a mote of darkness at the shadow of a medium (or smaller) foe within 30 ft. If you succeed at a ranged touch attack, your foe is immobilized for the duration of this mystery, or until he frees himself (see below).

The second version: you can imbue any ranged attack with shadow-energy. If your attack strikes a medium (or smaller) target, the target is immobilized for the duration of this mystery, or until he frees himself (see below). You can imbue any number of attacks, paying the PP cost for this mystery each time.

A creature who is the target of a light or daylight spell is not affected by this mystery. Any form of instantaneous transportation also breaks the effect, as can the power control light.

A creature can attempt to rip free of its shadow as a full-round action. Ripping free requires a DC 26 Strength check, and any attempt (even failure) inflicts 3d6 nonlethal damage on the target. Critters that are immune to nonlethal damage (like constructs) take no damage at all from an attempt.

Incorporeal undead are never able to free themselves by any means. They are always immobilized for the full duration. The first version of this mystery bypasses the normal 50% incorporeal miss chance.

  • For every +2 PP you spend, this mystery can affect a target one size category larger.
  • For every +1 PP you spend, the duration increases by +1 round.
  • For every +1 PP you spend, the strength check DC increases by +2.
  • For every +1 PP you spend, the nonlethal damage increases by +1d6.

Apprentice - Entangle: Your shadow entangles a foe's feet, hindering his movement.
Level: 2
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One Medium or smaller creature
Action: Standard
Base Cost: 3
Duration: Concentration + 1 round
Save: Reflex negates

A medium (or smaller) target who fails his save is slowed so long as you maintain concentration and he remains within range. Even after you cease concentrating or he leaves Close range, he is slowed for one more round.


  • For every 2 points you spend on Augments, the save DC increases by +1.
  • For every +2 PP you spend, the post-concentration duration increases by +1 round.
  • For every +2 PP you spend, this mystery can affect a target one size category larger.
  • Mass: +2 PP, you can affect one additional target per 4 caster levels. All targets must be within Close range.

Initiate - Wrestle: Your shadow manhandles your foe.
Level: 4
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Action: Standard
Base Cost: 7
Duration: Concentration
Save: None

(Based on telekinetic maneuver.)

You can affect a foe sympathetically by magically manipulating its shadow. Once per round, you can perform a bull rush, a disarm, a grapple (including a pin), or a trip. Resolve these attempts as normal, except that they don’t provoke attacks of opportunity, you use your caster level in place of your base attack bonus (for disarm and grapple attempts), you use your Intelligence modifier in place of your Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier, and a failed attempt doesn’t allow a reactive attempt by the target (such as normally allowed on disarm or trip attempts). No save is allowed against these attempts, but spell resistance applies normally.

  • For every +2 PP, this mystery grants a +1 bonus on your maneuver checks.

Initiate - Rend:
Level: 2
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Action: Standard
Base Cost: 3
Duration: 1 round/level
Save: Fort partial

You can only use this mystery on a foe who is currently under the effect of a mystery from this path.

You twist your foe's shadow into a horrible shape, and his body suffers sympathetic torment. The wracking pain imposes a -4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. If the target makes his save, he takes only a -2 penalty.

  • For every +2 PP, this mystery's save DC increases by 1.
  • Mass: For every +2 PP, this mystery can affect an additional target.

Master - Imitation: Entangled in the force of your will, your foe shadows your movements.
Level: 4
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One Medium or smaller creature
Action: Standard
Base Cost: 7
Duration: Concentration
Save: Will negates

(Based on control body.)

You sympathetically control the actions of any humanoid (including undead or outsiders with a humanoid physiology) by seizing its shadow. This mystery doesn’t require mental contact with the subject, since you are actually forcing limb movements independent of the target’s mind. You can force the subject to stand up, sit down, walk, turn around, and so on, but operating the vocal cords is too difficult. You can also hold the subject immobile, rendering it helpless. You cannot force the subject to manifest powers, cast spells, or use any special ability that is not a function of just its body movements. If you lose line of sight to the subject, the effect of this mystery ends.

If you force the subject to engage in combat, its attack bonus is equal to your base attack bonus + your Intelligence bonus, and its bonus on damage rolls is equal to your Intelligence bonus. A subject of this mystery cannot make attacks of opportunity. The subject gains no benefit to Armor Class from its Dexterity, but it does gain a bonus to its AC equal to your Intelligence bonus.

Although the subject’s body is under your control, the subject’s mind is not. Creatures capable of taking purely mental actions (such as manifesting powers, or using spell-like abilities) can do so.

This mystery only works on targets that share your general form (e.g. a human caster could affect giants, humanoid golems, and humanoid zombies, but not a horse, dragon or grell).

You make the same motions and take the same actions as the target. If you are unable to move, your target is likewise restricted.

  • For every +2 PP, this mystery can affect a target one size category larger.
  • Mass: for every +4 PP, you can affect another target within Close range.

Master - Choke: A dark hand reaches up, gripping your foe's throat.
Level: 3
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Action: Standard
Base Cost: 5
Duration: 1 round/level
Save: Will negates; Fort partial (see text)

(Based on crisis of breath.)

Your shadowy hand grips the victim's throat, choking it. The subject’s lungs do not automatically function again while in the grip of this mystery. Because it is a magical effect rather than a physical one, the subject must fight the choking grip with will rather than brawn.

If the target succeeds on a Will save when you cast this mystery, it is unaffected. If it fails its Will save, it can still continue to breathe by taking a standard action in each round to gasp for breath.

An affected creature can attempt to take actions normally (instead of consciously controlling its breathing), but each round it does so, beginning in the round when it failed its Will save, the subject risks blacking out from lack of oxygen. It must succeed on a Fortitude save at the end of any of its turns in which it did not consciously take a breath. The DC of this save increases by 1 in every consecutive round after the first one that goes by without a breath; the DC drops back to its original value if the subject spends an action to take a breath.

If a subject fails a Fortitude save, it is disabled (0 hp). In the following round, it drops to -1 hit points and is dying. Curing effects can revive a dying subject normally, so long as this mystery’s duration has expired; if the power is still in effect, a revived creature is still subject to Fortitude saves in each round when it does not consciously breathe.


  • For every 2 points you spend on Augments, the save DC increases by +1.
  • If you spend 2 additional PP, this mystery can also affect an animal, fey, giant, magical beast, or monstrous humanoid.
  • If you spend 4 additional PP, this mystery can also affect an aberration, dragon, or outsider in addition to the creature types mentioned above.
  • Mass: This mystery can affect up to four creatures.

You can only use this mystery on a foe who is currently under the effect of a mystery from this path.

[size=+2]Midnight Crossroads[/size]

If this is your first Path, add Survival and Knowledge(geography) to the skill list of all shadowcasting classes.

Apprentice - Detect Teleportation:
Level: 1
Range: Personal
Area: 40 ft. emanation
Action: Standard
Base Cost: 1
Duration: Concentration (or see below)

As detect teleportation except as noted here.

  • +2 PP: The area increases to a 100 ft. emanation.
  • +4 PP: The duration increases to 1 min/level.
  • +10 PP: The duration increases to 24 hours.

Apprentice - Flicker (Teleportation)
Level: 2
Range: Personal (or personal and touch)
Target: You (or you and one or more willing creature)
Action: Standard
Base Cost: 3
Duration: Instantaneous

(Based on dimension slide.)

You instantly transfer yourself from your current location to any other spot within 20 ft. range to which you have line of sight. You can bring along possessions that amount to as much as a medium load, including living creatures that weigh as much as 20 pounds. Movement caused by the use of dimension slide does not provoke an attack of opportunity (though casting the mystery might).

If you somehow attempt to transfer yourself to a location occupied by a solid body or a location you can’t see the power simply fails to function.

  • +4 PP: You cast this mystery as a Move action.
  • +8 PP: You can cast this mystery as an Immediate action. If you cast this mystery in response to an attack, that attack suffers a 50% miss chance.
  • For every +1 PP, you can travel an additional 10 ft.
  • Mass: For every +4 PP, you can take one ally (who is similarly carrying a Medium or lighter load).

Initiate - Vanish: (Teleportation)
Level: 3
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One Medium or smaller creature, or one object weighing 300 lb. or less
Action: Standard
Base Cost: 5
Duration: 1 round/level
Save: Will negates

As time hop, except as noted here.

  • For every +2 PP, you can affect a target one size category larger, or double the weight of an object to be affected. Also, the mystery's DC increases by +1.
  • +8 PP: You can cast this mystery on yourself or an attacking opponent as an Immediate action. If you cast this mystery on yourself in response to a damaging attack or effect, that attack or effect suffers a 50% miss chance, as though you were incorporeal.
  • Mass: For every +4 PP you spend, you can affect an additional target.

Initiate - Shadow Walk: (Teleportation)
Level: 4
Action: Standard
Base Cost: 7

As the spell shadow walk, except as noted here.

This mystery can only be used to travel in the Plane of Shadow and the Prime, not to other planes which might border on the Plane of Shadow.

  • +4 PP: You (and other participants) can travel to any other plane, as the spell plane shift. This takes 1d4 hours of travel through the Plane of Shadow.

Master - Banishment: (Teleportation)
Level: 4
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One extraplanar creature
Action: Standard
Base Cost: 7
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Will negates

As the spell dismissal except as noted here.

  • For every +2 PP, the save DC increases by +1.
  • +4 PP: This mystery functions as the spell banishment, but only affects one extrapalar creature.
  • Mass: You can affect multiple creatures with the banishment version of this mystery.

Master - Shadow Gate: (Teleportation)
Level: 6
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Action: Standard
Base Cost: 11
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Save: None

You can connect any two points on the same plane, so long as both points are in shadowy illumination. This mystery creates a dark rift from 5 ft. to 20 ft. in diameter (caster's choice) which allows travel in either direction.

Travel between one end of the shadow gate and the other is instantaneous.

  • +2 PP: You create a one-way pit-trap instead of a true shadow gate, which teleports those inside it to any point within Medium range (that is, both the origin and destination must be within Medium range of the caster). Like any magical trap, the DC is 25 + mystery level. The shadowy nature of the trap inflicts a -4 Circumstance penalty on Search checks made by characters who do not have low-light vision. If you create the trap where critters are standing, they gain a Reflex save to negate the effect. For every additional +2 PP, the trap's Search and Disarm DC increase by +1.
  • +4 PP: The duration increases to 10 min/level.
  • +6 PP: One of the endpoints of the shadow gate may be on a different plane.

[size=+2]Dream Skein[/size]

If this is your first Path, add Diplomacy to the skill list of all shadowcasting classes.
All Mysteries of this Path count as Enchantments so far as resistance is concerned (e.g. Elves and Monks get a +2 bonus to resist them, and a high-level Rogue's slippery mind class feature would allow an additional save).

Apprentice - Charm (Charm) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: 1
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One humanoid
Action: Standard
Base Cost: 1
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
Save: Will negates

As the charm person spell, except as noted here.


  • For every 2 PP you spend on Augments, the save DC increases by +1.
  • +2 PP: You can also affect an animal, fey, giant, magical beast, or monstrous humanoid.
  • +4 PP: You can also affect an aberration, dragon, elemental, or outsider in addition to the creature types mentioned above.
  • +4 PP: The duration increases to one day per level.
  • Mass: For each +6 PP you spend, you can affect one additional target within range.

Apprentice - Sleep (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: 2
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One humanoid
Action: Standard
Base Cost: 3
Duration: Concentration + 1 round/level (D)
Save: Will negates

As the spell deep slumber, except as noted here.
There is no limit to how many hit dice you can affect.


  • For every 2 PP you spend on Augments, the save DC increases by +1.
  • +2 PP: You can also affect an animal, fey, giant, magical beast, or monstrous humanoid.
  • +4 PP: You can also affect an aberration, dragon, elemental, or outsider in addition to the creature types mentioned above.
  • +4 PP: The duration increases to one day per level.
  • Mass: For each +2 PP you spend, you can affect one additional target within range.

Initiate - Obscure Vision [Mind-Affecting]
Level: 3
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: One creature
Area: 10 ft. cube
Action: Standard
Base Cost: 5
Duration: Concentration + 1 round
Save: Will negates

The targeted creature ignores anything unusual in a 10 ft. cube also located within the mystery's range.


  • For every 2 PP you spend on Augments, the save DC increases by +1.
  • +2 PP: The target ignores an additional 10 ft. cube (anywhere within the mystery's range).
  • Mass: For each +4 PP you can affect an additional target.

Initiate - Calm Emotions (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: 4
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: 20 ft. emanation
Action: Standard
Base Cost: 7
Duration: Concentration or Instantaneous (see below)
Save: Will negates

(Based on spell calm emotions.)

This mystery calms agitated creatures and negates morale effects for all creatures in its area. You have no control over the affected creatures, but calm emotions can stop raging creatures from fighting or joyous ones from reveling. Creatures so affected cannot take violent actions (although they can defend themselves) or do anything destructive. Any aggressive action against or damage dealt to a calmed creature immediately dispels the mystery from all calmed creatures.

This mystery automatically dispels any morale penalties or bonuses granted by spells such as bless, good hope, and rage, as well as negating a bard’s ability to inspire courage or a barbarian’s rage ability. It also removes all fear effects and the confused condition from all targets.

While you maintain concentration, anyone in the mystery's area is affected.

You can choose not to concentrate, in which case this mystery has a duration of Instantaneous.

Master - Shadow Fog (Darkness) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: 6
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: 20 ft. spread
Action: Standard
Base Cost: 11
Duration: Concentration and see below
Save: Will negates

The shadows in the area thicken, creating a dark miasma that sucks at the mental resistance of those caught within it. Creatures in the shadowy spread that fail their save are subject to one of the following effects, chosen when the mystery is cast:
  • Mind Fog: Any creature within (or who later enter) the mystery's area must save or suffer a -10 competence penalty on Wisdom checks and Will saves for so long as it remains in the area and 2d6 rounds after it leaves. If a creature leaves and returns, it must make another save.
  • Demanding Daydream: Each round on your action, all creatures within the area must save or be dazed (lose their action for the round).
  • Panphantomium: Each round on your action, all creatures within the area must save or be fooled by illusory images and whispers from the depths of their own mind, rendering them flat-footed for the round. (Creatures can still take actions, they are merely regarded as flat-footed.)

Master - Dream Travel
Level: 7
Range: Touch
Action: Standard
Base Cost: 13
Duration: 1 hour/level
Save: Will negates

You and any creature you touch are drawn along a shadowy path of reverie to the edge of conscious thought and into the region of dreams. You can take more than one creature along with you (subject to your level limit), but each one must be touching another one. You physically enter the land of dreams, leaving nothing behind.

In the region of dreams, you move through a menagerie of thoughts, desires, and phantoms created by the minds of dreamers everywhere. For every minute you move through dream, you can "wake" to find yourself five miles displaced in the waking world. Thus, a character can use this power to travel rapidly by physically entering where only dreams normally prowl, moving the desired distance, and then stepping back into the waking world. You know where you will come out in the waking world.

Dream travel can also be used to travel to other planes that contain creatures that dream, but doing this requires crossing into the dreams of outsiders, where you are subject to the vagaries of many dream realities -- a potentially perilous proposition. Transferring to another plane of existence in this fashion requires 1d4 hours of uninterrupted travel.

Any creatures that come along when dream travel is manifested also make the transition to the borders of unconscious thought. A creature separated from you wanders off into the dreamscape. When the duration ends, all affected creatures return to the waking world as much as 1,000 miles (d% x 10) from their starting point. If a creature remains in the dreamscape, it is powerless to leave unless it can plane shift or unless someone casts this mystery and seeks out the lost creature.

  • +2 PP: The save DC increases by +1.

HD: d6
Good Saves: Will
BAB: 1/2
Skills: 4+Int/level -- Concentration, Craft, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana, the planes, psionics, religion), Move Silently, Profession, Psicraft, Spellcraft, Spot.

Level   BAB   F/R/W  Mysteries	PP/day	Special Abilities [/u]
1	+0   +0/0/2	1	2	Apprentice Mysteries, 2 Fundamentals
2	+1   +0/0/3	2	6	
3	+1   +1/1/3	2	11	Fundamental
4	+2   +1/1/4	3	17	Resist Cold 5
5	+2   +1/1/4	3	25	Bonus Feat, Fundamental
6	+3   +2/2/5	4	35	Initiate Mysteries
7	+3   +2/2/5	4	46	Fundamental
8	+4   +2/2/6	5	58	
9	+4   +3/3/6	5	72	Resist Cold 15, Fundamental
10	+5   +3/3/7	6	88	Bonus Feat
11	+5   +3/3/7	6	106	Fundamental
12	+6   +4/4/8	7	126	Master Mysteries
13	+6   +4/4/8	7	147	Fundamental
14	+7   +4/4/9	8	170	Resist Cold 30
15	+7   +5/5/9	8	195	Bonus Feat, Fundamental
16	+8   +5/5/10	9	221	
17	+8   +5/5/10	9	250	Fundamental
18	+9   +6/6/11	10	280	
19	+9   +6/6/11	10	311	Fundamental
20	+10  +6/6/12	11	343	Bonus Feat, Cold Immunity

Special Abilities:
  • Mysteries: Mysteries are generally similar to spells, but some Paths impose additional constraints (or remove them). Unless otherwise stated, all Mysteries:
    - Are simply known (like a Sorcerer's spells) -- you do not need to prepare them before using them;
    - Cost a certain number of PP ("penumbra points") to initiate, and might have an Augments section detailing how you can enhance the Mystery for additional PP;
    - Are Arcane spells;
    - Can be identified with a successful Spellcraft check vs. the same DC as a spell of the appropriate level;
    - Provoke an AoO exactly like a spell of the appropriate level, which requires a Concentration check to cast defensively;
    - Have Somatic and Verbal components (and incur Arcane Spell Failure);
    - Are subject to Spell Resistance.
    The Path that you choose at 1st level may grant additional class abilities (often in the form of additional class skills). Choose carefully.
    Regarding your pool of PP ("penumbra points"):
    - They return to you at dawn, dusk or midnight (chosen when you take your first level of Shadowcaster).
    - You gain additional bonus PP depending on your Int bonus and your caster level.
    - You may never spend more PP than your caster level. This means that a Mystery may have effects that you cannot immediately access. For example, a 1st level Shadowcaster who chose to learn Dream Skien as his first Initiate Mystery would have access to its Charm effect, but not its Sleep effect, because he could not spend 3 PP. At 3rd level that Mystery could be used.
  • Apprentice, Initiate, Master: Your first three Mysteries known must be chosen from the Apprentice list. When you gain 6th level, you may choose to learn a 4th Apprentice Mystery, or the Initiate-level Mystery of any Path for which you already know the Apprentice-level Mystery. Starting at 12th level, you can choose to learn any Apprentice level Mystery, any Initiate-level Mystery for which you already know the Apprentice Mystery of the same path, or any Master-level Mystery of a Path for which you already know both the Apprentice and Initiate-level Mysteries. (At 20th level, most Shadowcasters know three Paths in full and Apprentice-level mysteries in an additional two paths.)
  • Fundamentals: These are the cantrips of the Shadowcaster's world. Casting a Fundamental counts as a 0th level spell for saves and concentration checks. They cannot be augmented. You can cast a number of Fundamentals equal to your Int bonus + your Shadowcaster level for free each day; any Fundamentals cast beyond that number cost 1 PP each.
  • Resist Cold (Ex): You gain cold resistance as indicated. At 20th level you gain cold immunity (but not the Cold subtype).
  • Bonus Feat[/b]: Starting at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, you gain a bonus feat drawn from the [Shadow] list (see below).

[size=+2]Shadow Feats[/size]
Shadow Feats always require at least one caster level in a Shadowcasting class, in addition to whatever other prereqs they list.

After Images [Shadow]
When you move through an area, after images of your motion hang in the air for a moment, confusing would-be attackers.
Prereq: Dodge, Mobility
Benefit: When you would provoke an AoO due to movement, your attacker suffers a 20% miss chance on the attack.

Blessed by Dream [Shadow]
Your sleep is always deep and refreshing.
Benefit: You never suffer ill effects from being asleep. You are immune to nightmare effects. Furthermore, when you rest for a full 8 hours, you heal a number of hit points equal to the standard healing rate + your Con bonus.

Claws of Shadow [Shadow]
Your natural attacks are chilling.
Prerequisite: Natural attack, BAB +4
Benefit: Your natural attacks deal an additional +1 point of cold damage with each successful strike.

Mass Mystery [Shadow]
You can cast mysteries that effect many targets.
Benefit: Choose one path from which you can cast a mystery. From now on, you can use the Mass augmentations for that path.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time, choose a different path.

Meta-Mystery [Shadow]
Like sudden meta-magic, but all one feat, to save space.
Benefit: Choose one of the following effects. You can apply that effect to
- Extend: 4/day any mystery you cast doubles its duration.
- Silent: 4/day you can cast any mystery without using verbal components.
- Enlarge: 3/day any mystery you cast doubles its range.
- Empower: 2/day any mystery you cast deals +50% more damage.
- Widen: 1/day any mystery you cast doubles its area of effect.
- Quicken: 1/day any mystery you would normally cast as a standard action is instead a swift action.
Special: You can take this feat more than once. Its effects stack (if you choose the same effect twice) in that you get more daily uses of the meta-mystery effect.

Path Focus [Shadow]
You cast one Mystery better than others do.
Benefit: Choose one path for which you can cast at least one mystery. The save DC for mysteries from that path increases by +1.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time, choose a new path.

Path Focus, Greater [Shadow]
You cast one Mystery much better than others do.
Prereq: Path Focus
Benefit: Choose one path for which you already have Path Focus. The save DC for mysteries from that path increases by +2, replacing the bonus from Path Focus.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time, choose a new path for which you have Path Focus.

Speed of Dark [Shadow]
Your speed increases as darkness falls.
Benefit: When in illumination less than full daylight (or the radius of a daylight spell), you gain +10 ft. to your movement speed(s).
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green slime

First Post
Would you mind calling the "PP"something else, like Shadow Essence (SE), instead? Calling them PP just really riles my sense of demi-reality, I'm not sure why. Its just the marriage of psionics and mysteries just jolts my senses too much.


Penguin Herder
green slime said:
Would you mind calling the "PP"something else, like Shadow Essence (SE), instead? Calling them PP just really riles my sense of demi-reality, I'm not sure why. Its just the marriage of psionics and mysteries just jolts my senses too much.

Sure. Think of them as Penumbral Puissance if you'd prefer :)

In the setting that this caster is really designed to fill, they are called "Chakra" (since that setting is Naruto... did I mention I'm a nerd? Why yes, I'm a nerd.)

Cheers, -- N


Penguin Herder
Fieari said:
Question... what makes the "Black Magic" list there... black?

It deals with the shadow of magic -- anti-magic, if you prefer. It's a Path that will make Mages really, really hate you.

-- N

Dog Moon

Nifft said:
Sure. Think of them as Penumbral Puissance if you'd prefer :)

In the setting that this caster is really designed to fill, they are called "Chakra" (since that setting is Naruto... did I mention I'm a nerd? Why yes, I'm a nerd.)

Cheers, -- N

Naruto. eh? Have you made anything else dealing with Naruto? Would love to see some more of Naruto's abilities statted out. :)

Not sure if I like the idea of these behaving like Psionics [since I'm not a Psionics fan at all], but when I get home, I'll definitely have to give this a bit more of a look-through.

Land Outcast

Hey Nifft, 'tis was some time ago, but could you just make a quick summary of the Special Abilities (if you do remember what you were thinking about, o' course) :cool:

Voidrunner's Codex

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