One of my favorite small publishers, Gaming Ballistic, is at the tail end of their Nightmare Fuel backerkit fundraiser for three new books of monsters for the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game (powered by GURPS). Each book focuses on a particular type of creature: snakes, insects, and plants. The latest update includes more art and lists of the monsters included in each book. I've been involved in a number of playtest sessions for the snakes book, and have been gloriously eaten, drowned, and poisoned by the terrors within. Between these books, Douglas Cole's harcover Nordlond Bestiary, and the two DFRPG Monsters books from Steve Jackson Games, I think we've got more monsters available than ever before. (When I first dove into GURPS in the early '90s, I spent a lot of time converting monsters from my D&D books. It's fabulous that we've got such a big menagerie now!)