Character 1 (“Hans Studemacher”) Fighter with a soldier background. His clan sent him to fight in a far-off battle. He returned home to learn that his wife and child were killed in an orc raid. The religious authorities bemoaned the loss to the clan, but treated his personal loss as unimportant. He forswore his clan and the dwarven gods, and has taken up adventuring. He gives off an unfriendly demeanour because he is still grieving the loss of his familly.
Recognizably a dwarf, but not Scottish nor Norse inspired, not a miner or an artisan.
Character 2 (Volomyra Halcyonova): Born into the ruling clan of dwarves. Doubly blessed as as she seemed to be favoured by the dwarven gods. Trained in the priesthood and groomed to become either a ruler or priest in her kingdom. She negotiated the possibility of leaving her kingdom for 5 years to better understand other peoples (her parents were against it, but she’s stubborn). Could be either a divine soul sorcerer or a cleric. Very traditional, but feeling immense pressure to conform and hold up standards of “dwarvenness”.
Recognizably a dwarf. Not Scottish or Norse or a miner or an artisan.
Clearly Hans and Volomyra are different notes of dwarves, despite being a fairly straightforward application of the themes described in the 5e PHB write-up of dwarves.
Tolkien's dwarves have too much plot armor holding together a single theme for those two to be meaningfully different.