D&D General Nobody likes an edition warrior.

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Of course we all have our preferred editions. But I think that the way we talk about them is important. Whenever we launch into the story of, “I play XYZ games because reasons,” we’re talking about what we prefer, not what is objectively best. It’s about finding the right game for the right person, not about finding the right game period. That’s why, when it comes time to compare systems, I always try to speak in terms of “this edition delivers on these design goals,” not “this other edition is trash because it doesn’t do all the things I want.” There's no "best" version of D&D. Just the one that's best for you.

That is all. Soapbox dismounted.

(Comic for illustrative purposes.)

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You know, we made this argument a lot better back in 3.5 era. I mean, some people thought the argument was a clear winner during the 3E era, but I think it is clear that it was best when 3.5 was going on...

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