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D&D General NPC stories & personalities

As a DM, I love NPC’s. The pregen PC’s in modules can be fun to use as competitors, enemies, allies, or just people the PC’s meet.

It doesn’t even matter to me what rules set they are from - a fun NPC to me is good story, hook, and personality, with ability score stats, class, and gear to fit the story - and hopefully a picture. I can easily convert a MU in 1e or Elf in Basic to a Wizard in any other edition, etc.

I see there are tons of PDF’s and books with NPC’s. But they seem to be a lot of stats without stories, or build exercises and “look at how tricked out and bizarre I made this one”, as opposed to: here’s a regular race, regular class character who is cool because it’s well written - not because it has the optional Kung Fu grip from X edition splatbook number 147.

What I crave is stories, hook, and personalities for specifically ”classic” pregens like those in Original Adventures Reincarnated. Anybody write up the story of old Krago of the Mountains from B1, pregens from old tournament modules, etc.?

Feel free of course to share your opinion on NPC’s ...

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