D&D 5E NPCs-on-a-page?


Most here are probably familiar with the "Monster Manual on a single page" tool put together by Blog of Holding.

Before I re-invent something, has anyone seen a "NPC statblocks on a single page" type tool?

My concept is to include the base statistics we should see in a short chart:
  • "Level"
  • HP range, low end to high end (low end = d6 class, high end = d10-d12 class)
  • Strong saves (based on a +3-+5 stat and PB), DM to determine which ones these are based on concept
  • To-hit
  • Weak save/skill score (probably +1-+3 for most things)
Then add a second chart showing "Class"
  • AC by level ranges (1-4, 5-10, 11-15, 16-20) based on general stats going up, armor availability, etc.
  • Best saves
  • # of attacks
  • Attack damage (factors in unarmed strike improvements, barbarian rage, etc.), possibly with options for a couple of classes that may build different, like big weapon vs sword/shield
  • Special: 1-2 abilities per class that are very defining and should be part of an encounter: Sneak attack, Rage DR, Paladin smites, Twin single-target spells, etc.
Then a third short chart showing spell slots by level, so the DM can tell that a 9th level wizard should cast 1 5th level spell, 2 4ths, 3 3rds, etc.

Optionally, a 4th "Subclass" chart giving 1-2 very brief abilities for noteworthy subclasses, for things like Shadow Monk, or Swashbuckler rogue...this may be too long.

The idea is that for at least 70% of NPCs, I could go "Ok, 12th level barbarian"
HP x
AC x
To hit X for Y damage
Moves 10' faster
Good Str, Dex, Con saves
If I need to make an Athletics check it's probably X
Resists B/P/S damage

Without ever cracking a book or pulling out a calculator, in less than 2 minutes.

Same for a wizard except I have to pick spells, but I can just go "Ok, this guy likes fire spells, probably has Shield and Mage Armor" and then just pull out my spell app on my phone to sort and come up with Wall of Fire, Scorching Ray, Fireball, etc.

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Limitless Adventures has something like this, although I like how you condense it into the most important bits. I think what is missing from your proposal above and the Limitless Adventures offering is a sense of the NPC's personality. This could be defining the bond/ideal/flaw for the NPC in a small table or maybe even condense that into a simple sentence that describes their motivation(s).

Here's an excerpt from a sampler on the Limitless Adventures Freebies page:



Yeah, that's one NPC though. I'm trying to get a chart to build most of them out for combat purposes. Creating PC-like statblocks with a few class features is a bit slower than monsters... although casters are worst of course.


A suffusion of yellow
I’m not sure why you dont just use the “Monsters on a single page” chart as it already exists rather than trying to create another one. Even the example they use in the link is for an NPC (Icendia a CR 3 Spellcaster)

Then you can concentrate on a tool to give NPCs personality traits, abilities and spells rather than flat mechanics


Yeah, that's one NPC though. I'm trying to get a chart to build most of them out for combat purposes. Creating PC-like statblocks with a few class features is a bit slower than monsters... although casters are worst of course.
Ah, ok, so you're wanting to have a brief summary of Player Character Class stats across levels 1-20 as an at-a-glance reference for creating your own NPCs modeled after the Player Character Class rules?

Voidrunner's Codex

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