Why is that NPCs are presented in the way that they are. It has been the method of choice for a few editions now and I don't fully understand why. Assassins are CR8, Nobles are CR1/8, Mages are CR6. It seems like what would be useful, as either a reference document or a manual, is a full listing of NPCs with multiple CRs. Start with the PC classes. Barbarian, Ranger, Fighter, Warlock, Bard, etc. at CR 1/8, CR 1/4, CR 1, CR 3, etc. Then move on to the non-PCs: Nobles, Merchants, Gladiators, Necromancers.... at CR 1/8, CR 1/2, etc. etc. etc. Even contemplating such a project myself, I am struck by how little advice there is on monster building. Surf's blog has some great data, but its more fact, less process. Am I the only person this kind of resource would be useful for? It is mostly for encounters with other people, rather than monsters. Is that the problem? We only fight battle droids because otherwise we're bad people?