O.G.R.E: Online Generic Randomizer Engine


How do you do a line or paragraph break? I can see the HR code for putting a line across but I just want to start a new line.

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It doesn't seem to work.

{Bagpuss(871A)} {Bagpuss(871B)}


Iron Tower of the Hills23

{loop: 4}{Bagpuss(871A)} {Bagpuss(871B)}



Lord Guardian of the MoorsKeeper of the WastesHigh Champion of the Highland PaleLord Governor of the Isles

When you go back in the the generator has removed the returns.


First Post
I've seen this before myself. Are you using Internet Explorer? If so switch the compatibility mode on or off, depending what you have it set to now. I've seen this exact thing a couple times now and switching the Compatibility mode always fixes it.


First Post
Can I request a new category for tables and generators? Bagpuss and I have begun a project to revive the amazing (and Long out of print) resource "Central Casting: Heros of Legend" book into OGRE. It seems like a natural connection. However it will require us to create a LOT of tables and (eventually) generators. We're hoping for a new category so that we can put all this there and make our combined work a lot easier.

I'm not sure though what the most appropriate taxonomy would be though... I'm thinking "Backgrounds/NPC/Personalities" or could a dedicated category for this project be created? "Heros of Legend Generator"? That might be too specific. "Central Casting Revival"?


First Post
Never used Chrome... does it have a function like compatibility mode? That might be the issue. Some sort of enhanced rendering tool or something similar?


Well, that was fun
Staff member

Can I request a new category for tables and generators? Bagpuss and I have begun a project to revive the amazing (and Long out of print) resource "Central Casting: Heros of Legend" book into OGRE. It seems like a natural connection. However it will require us to create a LOT of tables and (eventually) generators. We're hoping for a new category so that we can put all this there and make our combined work a lot easier.

I'm not sure though what the most appropriate taxonomy would be though... I'm thinking "Backgrounds/NPC/Personalities" or could a dedicated category for this project be created? "Heros of Legend Generator"? That might be too specific. "Central Casting Revival"?

Are you sure that's not "Heroes"? :)

Yeah, sure.

Voidrunner's Codex

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