I've just done a
self-reference table You have to saved the table at least once without it referencing to itself as otherwise it doesn't exist to call at that point. The original table I was basing it on had a last entry on a 1d10 table
10 Roll two more times on this table and combine the results in some logical manner. Reroll duplicates.
So I tried entry 10 like so...
{Bagpuss (534A)} and {Bagpuss (534A)}
Ran this sixty times with these four odd results. Bold
and's show breaks between results.
Bob was forced into a life of crime by threats against loved ones
and needed money to pay debts
and was forced into a life of crime by threats against loved ones
Bob does it for the thrill and excitement the danger brings
and does it for the thrill and excitement the danger brings
Bob is punishing those responsible for misdeeds
and seeks to wield power in the criminal underworld
and was forced into a life of crime by threats against loved ones
Bob needed money to pay debts
and has a pathological urge to do wrong
and was forced into a life of crime by threats against loved ones
Only once did it happen to call exactly the save value twice, and three times it called result 10 again for one of the two and so ended up with three values.
So I modified the last entry of a 1d10 table is as follows.
{$var1: {Bagpuss (534A)}}{$var2: {Bagpuss (534A)}} {if: $var1=$var2}{print: $var1}{else}{print: $var1} and {print: $var2}{/if}
I ran it sixty times as a test I got two odd results.
Bob wants to to be rich
and wants to to be rich
and was forced into a life of crime by threats against loved ones
Bob needed money to pay debts
and want to defy authority
and needed money to pay debts
and want to defy authority
and succumbed to peer pressure
So no doubles except when it calls 10 again.
So good news is it doesn't break the table by calling itself, bad news is it is impossible to stop it coming up with some odd results that don't make much sense.