O.G.R.E: Online Generic Randomizer Engine


I'll remove it. You might want to put a check in to stop it in future then, I've notice the checks are actually pretty good at picking up code you haven't closed and the like.

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Hi Morrus, I was wondering if there would ever be an upgrade to the table creator so we can put in some kind of delimited text or even select a file with the text to upload? I have some tables of names I wouldn't mind uploading, but with a couple hundred entries it would take forever to manually add them row by row...


I'd love that too, I stopped most of my naming lists at around 100 entries because I was bored, the original list I had ran over 1000 entries in some cases.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
At the risk of sounding repetitive, if someone wants to compile the infinitely growing list of requests for me, I can ask the developer how much it would cost and how long it would take to do them all - I suspect we're stretching into 2014 by now. But, as I said, the user input variables are next, followed by the mobile API, so I won't even be asking until those are done.


I'm a developer and DBA by trade... If you want to read my resumé and do some kind of interview and you feel at all like you trust me, then I would be more than willing to donate my time coding features that I'd personally use. I'm not offering myself out for hire (unless you're paying well!) but I'd gladly volunteer to implement the features I'd personally be interested in seeing. Probably not worth it to you to share your code with someone who is basically just offering to work on the projects I *feel like* working on, but if you want free help, maybe we can work something out?


First Post
The system is not designed to handle self-referencing tables. Worse, one could easily bring down the entire server, so please don't be tempted to try!
That's too bad... That would have been a great tool. What about, as a work-around to get the same result, if you had a second table that was identical to the first? Then the d10 result would just call the duplicate table (with possible adjustments). In fact, if there was a way to "Copy" or "Save As" a table, that would make something like that quite simple and straight-forward.


Well, that was fun
Staff member

That's too bad... That would have been a great tool. What about, as a work-around to get the same result, if you had a second table that was identical to the first? Then the d10 result would just call the duplicate table (with possible adjustments).

That's exactly what I said earlier in the thread! This subject has come up before. ;)

In fact, if there was a way to "Copy" or "Save As" a table, that would make something like that quite simple and straight-forward.

I refer you to my previous posts on feature requests. :)


First Post
Oops. Must have missed that post. I take it this means no one has taken you up on compiling requests? If you have no takers by Monday I MIGHT be able to free up some time to do that. Can't commit right now, but possible.


First Post
Is there anything going on with the OGRE site lately? Last couple of days when I try to save a table I get a 502 error. I sometimes have to re-create the ENTIRE table 3 or 4 times before I can get it to save. In one case, I had to add a couple lines, save it, add a couple more, save it, etc. Quite the PITA...


Well, that was fun
Staff member

Is there anything going on with the OGRE site lately? Last couple of days when I try to save a table I get a 502 error. I sometimes have to re-create the ENTIRE table 3 or 4 times before I can get it to save. In one case, I had to add a couple lines, save it, add a couple more, save it, etc. Quite the PITA...

Nothing that I'm aware of! Anyone else having the same issues?

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