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O.G.R.E: Online Generic Randomizer Engine

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Guide of Modos
I promise that I'll assign a category to all of my tables as soon as I can get them to pop up on the My Tables tab, under the Create tab in OGRE. Now I'm just getting a fatal error.


Guide of Modos
I'm back. Weirdly, when users post comments to a generator, the hyperlink formed by their names links to a search for tables and generators with their name in it, not to the user's profile.


Color me stupid, but I can't find the answer to the following question anywhere. I've mucked about with the generator view page, I've scoured the help page, and I've searched this discussion thread. Nothing.

Q. How do you view and copy-paste a generator's code? (Not a reference to the generator, i.e. its name)

Doing this for tables is trivial: the contents of tables is shown directly as soon as you browse their pages. But generators only have the two buttons "execute" and "copy generator to clipboard". And the second of those is, as far as I can see, only a strangely elaborate way of copying a reference to the generator, presumably for use in your own generators. How do I look at the actual generator code?

For instance, here's a generator:


How do I view the code; the actual implementation? Even if the answer is "you can't; generator source is protected; ask the creator" don't you think this should be discussed SOMEWHERE?

Exasperated regards,


Monster Manager
I just encountered O.G.R.E. today!

WOW!!! :cool: I had no idea this existed. Fantastic!! I usually spend my time here at ENWorld looking at the home brew forums for 5E and PF and rarely look elsewhere on the site, so while I've seen tiny snippets of OGRE written here and there, without thinking I dismissed it as referring to Steve Jackson's game by that name (gawd I'm dense). So checking out the Technobabble discussion today brought me round about into the O.G.R.E. I am amazed that such tools are here!

Thank you Morrus! :D

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