D&D General OAR 7: Dark Tower

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Ein Jäger aus Kurpfalz
99% sure that was a 1E Unearthed Arcana spell or, at least, there was a spell that shared its name.
No, I definitely remember it from the Gygax 1E era. Maybe it was in a Dragon magazine article he wrote and it didn't make the jump to UA. (I have been big into illusion spells for a very long time.)
Unearthed Arcana, 1985, p.70, lower right corner, continues to p.71; Phantasmagoria (Illusion/Phantasm), Level: 6; "By means of this spell, the illusionist prepares a special form of spectral forces spell which is triggered by some special action. The phantasmagoria typically includes a full visual, audial, olfactory, and touch illusion which involves falling, sliding, or moving rapidly. The effect can be aimed at making the subjects believe that they are so doing or that something else is doing so."


Golden Procrastinator
... I'm not doubting that phantasmagoria was a 1E spell in Unearthed Arcana, folks.
OK, I had misread your reply. Now, you've made me curious and I've started looking for this spell, but so far I've had no luck. It is not in the Wizard Spell Compendium (it might have been re-published there) and I've also tried looking it up through an index of Dragon Magazine.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
OK, I had misread your reply. Now, you've made me curious and I've started looking for this spell, but so far I've had no luck. It is not in the Wizard Spell Compendium (it might have been re-published there) and I've also tried looking it up through an index of Dragon Magazine.
It's also possible that I saw it in an OSR game. I don't have my copies of Castles & Crusades any more, but it would make perfect sense for them to have put in a bunch of 1E illusionist spell clones.

In any case, Dark Tower! Snakes! Set! Bookshelves unable to sustain the weight!


I have the OAR Keep on the Borderlands, which is a very nice book. I wish they had done a DCC conversion, but I understand why they made it 5e. 5e is where the money is.

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