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Of Wealth and Taste


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Dante watches the hatted individual enter the coach, waits a moment or two and then, after an appraising glance at the driver, ascends the steps to its interior.

Catching the tail end of the woman's comment, he says, nodding to each in turn, "Garant, Davian, Arilleus, Lady - I greet you. I am Dante. This," indicating the crystal on his shoulder, "is Hordan." "Take a bow, Hord!" "We are recently come to this place, cutters - and fascinated to find that someone, at any rate," - here, another wry nod to Arilleus - "already knows of us. It seemed far too interesting an invitation to pass up."

Dante takes a seat beside the tall woman and examines his fellow passengers politely but carefully. His nerves and his senses are exquisitely tuned to the task.

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Isida Kep'Tukari

"Dante, Hordan, I am Vestra. Pleased to meet you, I'm sure. Sir Arilleus, may I ask why you have been intriguing us with mysterious messengers today?"


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The man gives a slight smile and a polite nod to each person as they step inside the coach.

"A warm welcome to you all," he greets in his low, rich tones. "It is a very valid question that you ask Miss Morger. I trust that my rather presumptious manner of bringing you to me has not caused any serious offense - I fear that from time to time I am overtaken by my own flair for the dramatic.

"As I have made clear, I have approached you in the hope of employing you in certain capacities. Sigil is a city in which most things can be discovered if one knows where to look and what to pay. My own researches have made it apparent to me that you all would be suitable for the task I have in mind, and I am sure that you will find the reward sufficient to pique your interest. What I desire from you is your services as guardians. There is a certain man, currently residing in Curst, who's under very considerable threat. There are those who would have him dead, and this must be prevented. I will not attempt to deceive you - the task is a dangerous one. Those who would kill the man will stop at nothing in their efforts to get at him, and their power is not inconsiderable, though I do not believe it is too great for you to handle.

"I would expect you to keep him alive and, as far as possible, unharmed for an unspecified time period. I do not yet know how long he will require protection, but for as long as he does it will fall to you to give him that protection. In return for this service, I will pay handsomely. The pay is not necessarily non-negotiable, but my offer is one thousand jinx per day, for each of you.

Arilleus sits back with a sigh as he finishes his long speech, puffing on his strange pipe. "What say you? Do I have your interest?"

Isida Kep'Tukari

"Well, you certainly have me interested, at the very least! Tell me, who is this man, that you wish him alive? Does he have a name? And what kinds of people seek his death?" Vestra asks, still feeling terribly guilty in the back of her mind that she might be breaking her contract with Deel so soon after signing it.


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"Interesting. Yes, interesting. Vestra has asked the questions which are uppermost in my mind. Your answers may bring more questions to the fore. Say on!"

((Expend psionic focus on bonus to Sense Motive versus Bluff:
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 28 [19] = 47))


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Davian Immersmere

Davian's eyebrows rise for a moment, and then he leans forward in a posture of interest. "A bodyguard service? Not exactly my usual line of work. You've certainly got my interest - but as the lady says, who wants to pen this berk in the dead-book? Seems with the kind of jink you're offering, there's got to be a whole host of darks to this matter, and I never liked walking blind very much."


"Babysitting is usually not a job I'll take, although," his eyes gleam for a moment, "for that kind of jinx, I'll put myself up to it."


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Arilleus nods, puffing on his pipe, as he digests the questions fired at him. "Very reasonable questions, all of them. You shall have answers. The man's name is Irithan, and he's a scholar first and foremost. A mage, as well, though his power is not great. He holds much knowledge, and though he does not realise it the case is that certain pieces of information he holds have recently become extremely important. It has recently become clear that there are those who would wish to erase his knowledge forever. I am uncertain of the identity of these persons, but it is clear that they wield considerable power and influence in their efforts to destroy him.

"Time is of the essence, for even now there are those working towards Irithan's destruction. Will you accept the terms I offer?"

As far as Dante can tell, Arilleus has spoken truthfully - though it does not take a master inquisitor to see plainly that he is not giving away all the information available to him.


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"Very well, I accept your terms - although it is clear that you are withholding some information from us. Mind you, I would do the same, were I in your shoes. Nevertheless, if we are to operate effectively, we will need to know as much as you can tell us."

"Naturally I would expect to be given as much information as possible about our opponents - who they are, what special skills and abilities they may have, and anything else that might give us an edge in keeping Irithan alive."

"One question that occurs to me - are we to make ourselves known to Irithan, or do you wish us to operate clandestinely?"

"Oh, and another - how often are we to be paid, and how? If this is an ongoing task, as you have indicated, regular payments would be appreciated. Myself, I prefer payment in diamonds, especially black ones."


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"As I said, I'm not certain myself of who precisely wants Irithan dead. All I know is that a certain assassin was approached by a nondescript man and paid a very considerable amount to kill Irithan. Luckily that particular assassin is tied to me, and reported to me rather than do the task, but it seems safe to assume he was not the only one approached with this job.

"Feel free to approach Irithan and tell him of the danger to his life if you wish. He does not know me, though, so telling him that I have employed you will not gain his trust. You will need to convince him yourselves that he is in danger if you wish to work with his knowledge and blessing. And as for payment... black diamonds, is it?" Arrileus' dark eyes sparkle with amusement. "A man who knows what he wants, plainly. Very well, I shall arrange it. If anybody else has similar preferences, do tell me. At any rate, payment will be delivered upon full completion of your task - which means that I must be convinced Irithan is safe from harm before I give you your due. Payment is provided for services rendered, after all, and you will have rendered me no services at all if you manage to keep him alive for a few days but ultimately do not prevent his demise."

Voidrunner's Codex

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