I've gotten more into the whole "don't call for the roll until needed".
Consider Stealth. The PC always
thinks they are being steathy, don't they? They are doing their best, I assume. When they finally get into range of a creature which might hear, see, or even smell them (
), then I have the player roll because
at that moment is when it is actually important. Prior to that, they should
think they are being quiet, unseen, or whatever.
Other skills cause issues as well. Particularly with Perception. They whole "he failed, can I try?" thing. Breaking open a stuck door is also a problem. Now, with many things it is ok, but sometimes it just strains believability especially when you consider the swingyness of the d20.
The raging barbarian rolls Str with advantage, getting just a 1 and 3, failing the DC 15 check to open the door. Then, the sorcerer with 8 Str rolls a lucky 19, beating the DC and opens the door. Yes, this can be comical... the party looks to the barbarian, who shame-faced says, "Um, I weakened it for him..." and people snicker. But in general it doesn't really fly for me.