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OGL 1.1 Phone Campaign

To be frank, I don’t believe I’m responsible for the actions of every individual if I’ve made a reasonable effort to encourage people to be civil.
I agree with your sentiment (and really can not stress how much I think you did it well) but I have to admit "it's not my fault bad people are on my side and will take my work and do bad things" leaves an icky taste in my mouth.

Yeah, if people get fired over this (under the level of decision makers) or people terrorize those call center reps that DOES look bad on all of us. I will just resay what was already said "PLEASE BE NICE"

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I agree with your sentiment (and really can not stress how much I think you did it well) but I have to admit "it's not my fault bad people are on my side and will take my work and do bad things" leaves an icky taste in my mouth.

Yeah, if people get fired over this (under the level of decision makers) or people terrorize those call center reps that DOES look bad on all of us. I will just resay what was already said "PLEASE BE NICE"
I will be nice, and I will reaffirm that it would be my fault if I promoted action irresponsibly or allowed malicious behavior to stand without comment and correction. But I struggle to think of a single worthy cause in history that didn’t have unsavory people involved for their own motives at some level, but if that had stopped good people from the pursuit of justice, we’d either have no progress or worse: only the kind of progress the unsavory people wanted.

But I struggle to think of a single worthy cause in history that didn’t have unsavory people involved for their own motives at some level, but if that had stopped good people from the pursuit of justice, we’d either have no progress or worse: only the kind of progress the unsavory people wanted.
okay, but we aren't talking about a human right violation or a war crime... yeah sometimes those ends justify working with bad people... I just don't want to get painted with the gamergate brush.


okay, but we aren't talking about a human right violation or a war crime... yeah sometimes those ends justify working with bad people... I just don't want to get painted with the gamergate brush.
Well, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. No one is forcing you. But I think we’ve probably reached the end of where we can have a productive conversation about this, so with all due respect, I don’t intend to reply to further comments on this subject. Thank you for providing an opposing voice!

Well, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. No one is forcing you. But I think we’ve probably reached the end of where we can have a productive conversation about this, so with all due respect, I don’t intend to reply to further comments on this subject. Thank you for providing an opposing voice!
I am not a opposing voice... I agreed with the OP. I even said that the script was well written. I only said to be careful... this whole "If you are not 100% with me with no reservations you are the enemy" thing gets weird at times like this...

I just know that when I asked someone who someone was I got pushed (yes physically pushed) out of a place being told that was "A gamergate dog whistle" and the kicker... I didn't know who the person they brought up was.

So the same way I caution us not to let the bad people do bad things in our names, I ALSO want to caution against labeling people as 'opposing'


I am not a opposing voice... I agreed with the OP. I even said that the script was well written. I only said to be careful... this whole "If you are not 100% with me with no reservations you are the enemy" thing gets weird at times like this...

I just know that when I asked someone who someone was I got pushed (yes physically pushed) out of a place being told that was "A gamergate dog whistle" and the kicker... I didn't know who the person they brought up was.

So the same way I caution us not to let the bad people do bad things in our names, I ALSO want to caution against labeling people as 'opposing'
Oh, sorry. I got your username mixed up with someone else’s. My bad.


Josh Gentry - Author, Minister in Training
Made my call, predictably got a voicemail.

(WotC customer service line tries to divert like 90% of calls to email.)

I was a supervisor/manager at a call center years ago for a large company. When the queue gets big, what happens first is the employees start getting pressured more to cut their AHT (average handle time) and micromanagement of personal time (bathroom breaks) gets worse.

It’s the reps who will suffer most, long before senior leadership gets the message.
As someone who also worked in a call center environment for over a decade as a rep and manager as recent as 2018 I can confirm this.

It will depend highly on the policies and how they manage their call centers (frak off Carbonite, may you rot in the lowest levels of the Abyss).

Yeah upper management will get a breakdown of the general gist of the calls, but unless WOTC policies are different it'll be a broad overview ( "call volume is up 35%, We are estimating that 85% of said call volume increase is due to the new OGL policy" as an example) that would only be drilled down if management deems it's worthy. They'll note the change and it may, MAY, factor some into some decision making, but overall you're going to be adding a lot of stress to employees that are likely getting underpaid to handle the stress from both callers and management a campaign like this will cause.

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