OGL 1.2 survey is now live

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The EN World kitten
Well, I just submitted my response. No profanity, no name-calling, but I absolutely excoriated their conduct, made it clear that anything more restrictive/less open than the OGL v1.0a is utterly unsatisfactory, that revocation/de-authorization of the old license is not acceptable, and that they need to abandon their current course completely if they want to recover any of their tarnished image.

Now let's wait and see if they actually listen.


Golden Procrastinator
Well, I just submitted my response. No profanity, no name-calling, but I absolutely excoriated their conduct, made it clear that anything more restrictive/less open than the OGL v1.0a is utterly unsatisfactory, that revocation/de-authorization of the old license is not acceptable, and that they need to abandon their current course completely if they want to recover any of their tarnished image.

Now let's wait and see if they actually listen.
I wrote pretty much the same, but in the last comment I added that I've loved D&D since 1985 and thanked the person(s) who are collating the comments.

I might have thanked a bot, hopefully they'll remember this after the Great AI Uprising...

Voidrunner's Codex

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