OK, we're gettng a little annoyed here!


Charwoman Gene said:
The posters HAVE changed.

People's posting habits went BERSERK in August. Most of the people getting modded or low-post count lurkers or old-timers coming out of retirement.

I am not sure what you're directly referencing about August but I would offer a word of caution. Post count is a double edged sword. A low post person can have a well thought out opinion or statement just as much as a high post count person. They may have arrived on board late or simply spend their time doing other things rather than be on the internet.

This board has been around long enough that I am starting to think some of the high post people get a lot of leeway in what they say. By that I mean that they may make a joke or respond in an almost private conversation that is off topic (threadjack) without any repercussions. They may contribute nothing to the thread, but everyone knows (so and so) and no one seems to mind.

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First Post
So we have to tiptoe around everyone and pray our use of language doesn't offend someone? That's utter crap. If I were to say Game designer X' idea is lame, that does not equate to insulting Game designer X. He may in fact be a wonderful person with a lame idea. I've had plenty of those myself. But if we are to follow this stupid policy, I hereby declare the use of the word "the" off limits, as it offends me. Posters who use that word should be banned immediately.

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
JRRNeiklot said:
So we have to tiptoe around everyone and pray our use of language doesn't offend someone? That's utter crap. If I were to say Game designer X' idea is lame, that does not equate to insulting Game designer X. He may in fact be a wonderful person with a lame idea. I've had plenty of those myself. But if we are to follow this stupid policy, I hereby declare the use of the word "the" off limits, as it offends me. Posters who use that word should be banned immediately.

Can you see the difference between:

"Game designer X's idea is lame"


"I think that proposed rule X is lame because as far as I can see it makes rogues completely useless, treading on their toes as a scout"

The former is implicitly saying that game designer X has lame ideas, and is mere name calling since there is nothing to back it up.

The latter is impersonal, puts the focus on the rule that you are concerned with and expresses the reason why you think it is lame.

Admittedly the second option takes a bit more work to think about and write up, but it is much more conducive to discussion, since it is a discussable opinion rather than just an assertion.

In general opinions make better discussion points than assertions, IME.


Kahuna Burger

First Post
rounser said:
Unfortunately, groupthink moderation also encourages "the truth" to get moderated down or deleted when it doesn't make intuitive sense or toe the party line/political correctness/personal beliefs.

Happens on Wikipedia a fair bit I gather, where "the truth" as posted by some expert seems unlikely to the layman (who far outnumber said expert), doesn't match their beliefs or takes too long to explain, so keeps on getting deleted in favour of fallacy that seems to make intuitive sense, or reflects the world as people wish it was.

Imagine an enworld poll for each post, determining whether it should get shown or not. :confused:
yes, there are drawbacks to the method. They are sometimes different then the drawbacks to the top down moderation method or the unmoderated method, but personally I don't find them to be universally worse. The comparison to Wiki seems inapt to me, as we are not trying to establish any sort of "truth" here, but maintain a discussion board.

And really, the same thing happens in all methods, the process just changes. In an unmoderated or lightly moderated board, the truth gets shouted down with insults (it's amazing how self righteous some people can be in their ignorance) and on a moderated board, more subtle insults are declared acceptable by moderators who share the poster's point of view, or at best a remainder is made to be civil in a way not so subtly indicating the discussion at hand is just a matter of opinion.


Writer for CY_BORG, Forbidden Lands and Dragonbane
JRRNeiklot said:
But if we are to follow this stupid policy, I hereby declare the use of the word "the" off limits, as it offends me. Posters who use that word should be banned immediately.

I'm okay with that, and I'll abide by your ruling as soon as you assume total ownership and control over EN World, or maybe even start a forum of your own which I find worthwhile enough to register to.

The majority of those posting here don't have to tip-toe and pray they don't offend. They simply don't use the kind of language or argumentative techniques that offends. It is possible to be civil and still express very critical opinions of rules and their implementations, and I wager most posters pull off that feat with ease.



First Post
Maggan said:
I'm okay with that, and I'll abide by your ruling as soon as you assume total ownership and control over EN World, or maybe even start a forum of your own which I find worthwhile enough to register to.



See, I find the above much more insulting than someone insulting my game of choice, but apparently it's okay to suggest I'd never have any kind of a forum worth a crap. But god forbid I criticize some fanboys idol's golden shower feat.


Writer for CY_BORG, Forbidden Lands and Dragonbane
JRRNeiklot said:
See, I find the above much more insulting than someone insulting my game of choice, but apparently it's okay to suggest I'd never have any kind of a forum worth a crap. But god forbid I criticize some fanboys idol's golden shower feat.

Well, you call them as you see them. I know my preference for games and settings, and I have read a lot of your posts over the last year, so I know our tastes differ, and that I probably wouldn't enjoy your forum. I'm not saying other people might not enjoy it, or that it wouldn't be a high quality site for other people. I wouldn't fault anyone for not providing me with a forum that's exactly fitted to my tastes, nor would I call it "crap", which is a word you yourself chose to use.

There are plenty of forums out there for me to join. They all have their standards or lack of standards. That doesn't make them crap, but it makes some of them not suited for my posting habits.



First Post
And really, the same thing happens in all methods, the process just changes. In an unmoderated or lightly moderated board, the truth gets shouted down with insults (it's amazing how self righteous some people can be in their ignorance) and on a moderated board, more subtle insults are declared acceptable by moderators who share the poster's point of view, or at best a remainder is made to be civil in a way not so subtly indicating the discussion at hand is just a matter of opinion.
Hmm, good points. And admittedly it does seem to work on Slashdot. But Slashdot is keyed towards religion and politics flamewar stuff on occasion, so probably needs the supermoderation powers that large razor gangs of moderators bring. (Some people still make a point of browsing Slashdot on -1 for the reasons discussed, though. Not me, but they exist apparently.)

Nevertheless, I think we can trust a small group of well chosen people more than people in general. Thank goodness democracy only occurs once every few years in countries where it's employed, imagine the mess we'd be in if it was used for every decision. ;)

Voidrunner's Codex

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