Old Approved Rules & Content Thread

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This thread contains historical records from the 3.5 Living Eberron. Please see the appropriate 4E Living Eberron thread for up-to-date information.


This thread if for approved rules and content, and will be posted in by the LEB judges only.

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Approved Sources and Restrictions

Approved General Books:
Players Handbook
Dungeon Master's Guide
Monster Manual I
System Reference Documents
Expanded Psionics Handbook
Monster Manual III

Eberron Specific Books:
Eberron Campaign Setting
Races of Eberron
Sharn: City of Towers (Note Restrictions)
Explorers Handbook
Five Nations
Magic of Eberron

Restrictions and Modifications.
  • NOTE: All current Eratta applies to all sources
  • ECS: The Artificer's Metamagic Spell Trigger ability only be used once a round, so it applies only one metamagic effect to a wand of your choice per round. This is stackable with the Metamagic Infusion for a total of two metamagic effects per round.
  • ECS: Valenar clerics who worship and ancestor must justify their selection. Provide a write-up for said ancestor that supports the Domains chosen. In addition, clerical adherents to that ancestor must match that ancestor's alignment exactly.
  • XPH: Of the psionic races, only the elan is allowed, using the background that they are hosts to punished quori spirits, with no ability to control to control the host.
  • MMI/PHB: Of the normal subraces (no level adjustment) of the standard races, only the gray elf is allowed, and their region of origin must be Aerenal. Not all Aerenal elves need to be gray elves, though.
  • MMI: All of the strong subraces (having a level adjustment) of the standard races are allowed (for example, svirfneblin, duergar and drow).
  • MMI: Hobgoblins have a LA of +0 instead of +1.
  • MMIII: The Fleshraker Dinosaur from the MM3 is not allowed. Even if the GM uses this monster (or any other Animal type monster that is not allowed), Druids will not be able to Wildshape into that monster (this applies to Polymorphing as well over all creature types).
  • Explorers Handbook:The Artifacts listed in the back are not player craftable.
  • Sharn: City of Towers: As per the WoTC errata, the Citadel elite’s combat sense ability should be changed as follows:
    Combat Sense (Ex): At 2nd level, the Citadel elite develops an intuitive ability to avoid danger and gains a +1 insight bonus to Armor Class.
    Beginning at 4th level, a Citadel elite applies the same intuitive sense to striking opponents in combat as well as avoiding blows. The character gains a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls.
    In addition, the Citadel elite does not get any bonus feats.
  • Five Nations: The Knight Phantom has D6 HD instead of D8 as listed.
  • Five Nations: The Silver Pyromancer has the following ability advancement chart instead of the one in the book. Changes are in bold.
    1 smiting spell 1/day, bow proficiency
    2 Sacred flame
    3 Smiting spell 2/day, divine blessing
    4 Persistent fire
    5 Smiting spell 3/day (blinding), improved sacred flame
    Divine Blessing - May choose to reroll any one save per day
  • Five Nations: The Flamebound Symbol spell has been banned
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Additional Approved Material

The following material has been approved. It is listed by source book.

Complete Adventurer
Base Classes
-Dread Pirate
-Ascetic Hunter
-Ascetic Knight
-Ascetic Mage
-Ascetic Rogue
-Chat of Fortitude
-Danger Sense
-Devoted Inquisitor
-Devoted Performer
-Devoted Tracker
-Disguise Spell
-Extra Music
-Green Ear
-Hear the Unseen
-Improved Swimming
-Ironskin Chant
-Lingering Song
-Lyric Spell
-Obscure lore
-Open Minded (Approved already per XPH SRD)
-Quick Reconnoiter
-Versatile Performer

Complete Arcane
Base Classes
-Draconic Breath
-Draconic Claw
-Draconic Flight
-Draconic Heritage
-Draconic Legacy
-Draconic Power
-Draconic Presence
-Draconic Skin
-Practiced Spellcaster
- Earthen Grasp
- Low-light Vision
- Shadow Binding
- Stony Grasp
- Swim

Complete Divine
Base Classes
-Favored Soul
-Spirit Shaman
-Augment Healing
-Empower Turing
-Spontaneous Wounder

Complete Psionic
Base Classes
- Divine Mind [See Restrictions & Modifications]
- Ardent
- Lurk
-Practiced Manifester
- Githzerai Racial Class

Complete Warrior
Base Classes
-Swashbuckler [See Restrictions & Modifications]
-Exotic Weapon Master [See Restrictions & Modifications]

-Blade of Orien [See Restrictions & Modifications]
-Cyre Scout
-DragonMark Battle Strike
-Quicken Dragonmark
-Dancing Dragonmark
-Fortify Dragonmark
-Ignite Dragonmark
-Mask Abberant Dragonmark

Heroes of Horror
Base Classes

Miniatures Handbook
Base Classes

Player's Guide to Eberron
-Manifest Druid
-Chosen of the Deathless
-Manifest Spellshaper Feats [See Restrictions & Modifications]
- Mastery of Chaos and Order
- Mastery of Dreams
- Mastery of Faerie Enchantment
- Mastery of Ice and Fire
- Mastery of Madness
- Mastery of the Azure Sky
- Mastery of the Battleground
- Mastery of the Dead
- Mastery of the Silver Void
- Mastery of Twilight Denizens​
- Overload Metabolism
-Shifter Acrobatics
-Shifter Magnetism
-Shifter Stealth
-Shocking Fist
- Jungle Juice

Player's Handbook II
Class Options
-Metamagic Specialist
-Shapeshifting Variant (Druids)
Base Classes
-Beguiler [See Restrictions & Modifications]
-Dragon Shaman [See Restrictions & Modifications]
-Knight [See Restrictions & Modifications]
-Crossbow Sniper
-blinding colour surge
-crown of veils
-friend to foe
-greater mirror image
-incite riot
-inevitable defeat
-legion of sentinels
-mass whelm
-phantom battle
-stay the hand
-swift etherealness
-vertigo field
-whelming blast

Races of the Dragon
-Draconic Arcane Grace
-Draconic Persuasion
-Draconic Resistance
-Draconic Toughness

Spell Compendium
-Familiar Pocket
-Wall of Gloom

Unearthed Arcana
Alternate Base Classes
-Battle Sorcerer Base Class Variant
-Divine Bard Base Class Variant [See Restrictions & Modifications]
-Urban Ranger Base Class Variant
-Racial Paragons

WoTC Website
-Kobold Paragon

- Quiver of Endless Arrows [See Restrictions & Modifications]

Restrictions and Modifications:
  • Complete Psionics: Valenar Divine Minds and Ardents must follow the same restrictions as Valenar Clerics listed above.
  • Complete Warrior: The Swashbuckler base class has the following changes:
    • D8 Hit Dice
    • 6 Skill points per level
    • The following are additional class skills: Disguise, Intimidate, Knowledge (nobility & royalty), Ride, and Sleight of Hand
    • The class ability progression has been modified to use the following (changes in bold):
      1. Weapon Finesse
      2. Grace +1 (Initiative, Reflex)
      3. Insightful Strike
      4. Improved Disarm
      5. Graceful Defense (AC, Disarm)
      6. -
      7. Acrobatic Charge
      8. Improved Flanking
      9. Accelerated Tumbling
      10. Critical Finesse
      11. Grace +2, lucky
      12. -
      13. Acrobatic skill Mastery
      14. Weakening critical
      15. Improved Insightful Strike
      16. Really Lucky
      17. Slippery Mind
      18. -
      19. Wounding critical
      20. Grace +3
      Grace - Adds competence bonus to Initiative as well as Reflex Save.

      Improved Disarm - As feat, even if swashbuckler doesn't qualify for it normally.

      Graceful Defense - Grace bonus is also added as a dodge bonus to AC when wearing light or no armor and to disarm attempts/resisting being disarmed when using a finesse weapon.

      Accelerated Tumbling - When wearing light armor or no armor and not carrying more than a light load, a swashbuckler may Tumble up to their full speed instead of half their speed.

      Critical Finesse - When wearing light or no armor, and using a finesse weapon, the swashbuckler is considered to have the Improved Critical feat with any finesse weapon he wields.

      Improved Insightful Strike - A swashbuckler may add their Intelligence bonus (if any) to attack roles to confirm a critical hit with a finesse weapon.

      Really Lucky - May use luck a second time per day, though only once on any roll.
  • Complete Warrior: The Exotic Weapon Master PrC does not gain the Uncanny Blow ability.
  • Dragonmarked: The Orien's Fury ability of the Blade of Orien PrC is modified as follows: As a full round action, you may combine Swift leap with a full attack action at the end of the swift leap movement.
  • Player's Guide to Eberron: The Manifest Spellshaper feats require membership in the Manifest Spellshapers (should be in a PCs background and requires the mark of justice as specified on pg. 124 of PGtE); in addition, they apply to spells only (not infusions).
  • Players Handbook II: The Beguiler currently can only use SRD-only spells or spells from approved sources on their spell list.
  • Players Handbook II: Dragon Shaman are limited to characters from Argonessen, kobolds, and the lizardfolk of Q'Barra (i.e., cultures with large Draconic presence).
  • Players Handbook II: The Knight has the following modifications to its abilities:
    - Fighting Challenge: [Mind affecting] (Though as it targets the knight, it still usefull against opponents who are immune to mind affecting stuff)
    - Test of Mettle: [Mind affecting, Compulsion] The opponent does not need to attack, but if he does, he must attack the knight according to his abilities and normal tactics if he is not threatened by others in melee. The opponent can also flee, if that is more desirable.
    - Call to Battle: [Mind affecting]
    - Daunting Challenge: [Mind affecting, Fear]
    - Bond of Loyalty: [Mind affecting]
    - Loyal Beyond Death: [Mind affecting]
  • Quiver of Endless Arrows: Creates normal arrows, not masterwork.
  • Unearthed Arcana The Divine Bard adds Heal as a class skill.
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All characters begin with one hundred (100) Craft Days (CD), regardless of starting level. These CD are expended when enchanting magical or creating nonmagical items outside of an adventure. A CD can be split among creating multiple nonmagical items, but any remaining fractions are rounded down after crafting is complete (to a minimum of 1 CD).

Characters gain one CD per real-time day not spent adventuring. Items crafted while on an adventure do not subtract from a character's CD total, but does take up time in the adventure timeline. Any item creation during an adventure must be approved by that adventure's DM and that adventure's judge beforehand.


Non-magical crafting happens at a rate of 1 GP per (check result - 10) per CD. A character may choose to take 10 on this check or roll using Invisible Castle. LEB follows the SRD in all other regards to the Craft skill.


One CD is expended per 1000 gp of the item's base price (not market price), to a minimum of 1 CD. Potions always only take 1 CD regardless of their base cost.


All uses of CDs must be recorded on a character's sheet. An example of the preferred logging method can be found here.

1. I'm playing an artificer. How does my Craft Reserve factor into the LEB Crafting rules?

The Craft Reserve class feature for the artificer class has no effect on crafting times. Craft Reserve allows an artificer to spend his reserve points rather than his own XP.

2. How do feats like Exceptional Artisan affect CD?

Exceptional Artisan reduces the amount of time it takes to enchant an item by 25%. Calculate the normal amount of time it would take to enchant the item and multiply it by .75 to reach to correct number of CDs.

Extraordinary Artisan, while reducing the base amount needed to craft items, does not affect crafting times.

Legendary Artisan has no effect on the number of CDs used to enchant an item.

3. I want to sell items! how do I do that?

The in-character marketplace can be found _here_. (Link Pending Approval)

4. I want to buy items! How do I do that?

The in-character marketplace can be found _here_. (Link Pending Approval)

5. I don't understand how I get more Craft Days!

Let's use an example. If it is February 3, and your character is not currently in a Living Eberron adventure, your character gains 1 CD on February 4.

6. Why do I need approval before crafting an item during an adventure?

Because the timeline of an adventure is dictated by the DM, you will need to make sure that you will have the time and resources necessary to manufacture or enchant items during an adventure.

7. I want to make customized magic items. There aren't any rules on the site for that!

You will need approval from the LEB judges to craft custom magic items. You will need to start a new proposal thread to the Living Eberron forum. The standard number of judge approvals is required (as per the Guide to LEB thread). Once the item is approved, you can begin enchanting it.

8. I just leveled up! How many Craft Days go I get?

Under the Living Eberron system, Craft Days accumulate on a basis of 1 CD per real-life day not spent in an adventure. You do not get additional CD for leveling.

9. Can I buy a masterwork item and then enchant it? I don't want to have to buy Craft (jewelry) to make an amulet.

Yes. You can always spend the gold to purchase an item, and then spend CD to enchant it.

Just because you are paying for the material component of an item, you will still need to spend the appropriate amount of CD to enchant the item.
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Material Created by Community Members

Natural Talent [General]
A particular skill just comes naturaly to you.
Benefit: Choose one skill when you take this feat. You gain a +2 bonus to the skill, and the skill costs 1 point per rank to purchase, regardless what type of skill it is for your current class. Rank limits for class or cross class skills still apply, and this does not make the skill a class skill. Previously spent skill points are not refunded.
Normal: Buying a cross class skill cost 2 skill point per rank.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times, each time applying to a different skill.
-Created by Bront, With help from Icycool, Taken from LEW.

Prerequisite: Wis 13, any one shifter feat.
Benefits: You gain a number of floating +1 insight bonus equal to half the number of shifter feats you possess (minimum 1). The bonuses last 24 hours, and you must reassign them at the start of each new day. You can assign each bonus to one of the following:
  • AC
  • Attack rolls
  • Initiative
  • One saving throw (Fort, Refl, or Will)
  • One skill of your choice
As these are all insight bonuses you cannot apply more than +1 to the same kind of roll or check as they will not stack.
Special: -2 penalty on Spot checks.
-- proposed by Rystil Arden, based on Precognitive Visions from Fiendish Codex 1
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