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Old monsters we still haven't seen...


First Post
Official, schmofficial. Dackad/Pants' version of the Yugoloth and the Gehreleth is much better than the official versions. (For one, they're consistant with the established cannon that ultroloth are the smartest of the top fiends, and that shator are the physically strongest.) The official versions of monsters like the Dragonnel are new monsters, not conversions or updates. If you want a creature from 1e or 2e, the Tome of Horrors is for you. If you want official WotC stuff, then don't look back at the old TSR stuff, and just pretend that all these monsters never existed. Instead, you got the Ethergaunts and the Nerra.

As for the Leprechaun... :) The Leprechaun is in, guess what, the Ubiquitous Fantabulous Mandatory Tome of Horrors. Buy it!

Seriously, if I had to recommend only one third-party d20 book, it would be the ToH. You won't find any better opportunity, the ToH was underpriced and will not be reprinted with such a generous price. Hurry!

Staffan said:
Giant, Athasian

There's the psionic half-giant in the EPH, as well as a Sun Giant and a Sand Giant in the MM2 & 3. (Also a Sand Giant in ToH.) Could one of them qualify?

Staffan said:

Monster Manual 2

Staffan said:
Strangling vines

What about the Assassin Vine?

Staffan said:
Sloth, Athasian

The Forest Sloth in the MM2 is very close, from what I've heard.

Staffan said:
Zombie, Thinking

Wouldn't the Corpse Creature template from Vile Darkness replace it?
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Staffan - some of those Dark Sun monsters were updated in recent issues of Dungeon - I don't have the issue numbers with me (I'm at work), but I'm pretty sure they were from this year, and they were two consecutive issues.



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Micar Sin said:
Well, I have one that comes to mind as I was looking for it recently and thats the Seawolf lycanthrope!

We updated the seawolf as the sea stalker in Ravenloft Gazetteer II. Their base animal is the MM 3.5 sea cat (sea lion, at the time).


Creature Cataloguer
gez speaks the truth. :)

if i could print a papery version of the Creature Catalog (eh... ToH 1.5?) i would, but in the meantime we have what we have. ;)

T-Bone JiuJitsu

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My altime favorite... the NORKER has only seen print in an obscure side bar of the Living Grewhawk Journal for 3.0

This HAS to be the biggest 3.5 monster book oversight!!


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Mmmm, half-fiend half-dragon feral flumph of legend.
Mmmm...can we make it rabid too? :D

And can we have purple psionic lizard men from outer space riding it? :D :D :D

The wandering encounter table just got a whole lot more interesting...


First Post
Gez said:
Oh, and the Brownie is in the Tome of Horrors as well. Together with the Buckawn, the Korred, the Killmoulis, the Nereid and a few other fey so that he doesn't feel alone.

Brownies in the Tome of Horrors? *Sigh* I'd been wondering what happened to the little buggers.

I guess that source would be appropriate for my fondest memory of the species, which was an encounter with a seemingly friendly Vampire Brownie (back in oh, 1979 or thereabouts).

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