D&D 5E Old Spice D&D Class: Thoughts?

Hey, everyone! So I saw mention of this in a "News" thread, but thought it might deserve its own unique thread! Old Spice, the deodorant company, came out with a character class "for the greatest role playing game of all time, which we cannot mention for legal reasons." The class is called The Gentleman, and it looks pretty hilarious, but totally usable (as far as I can tell). Some of the Special Traits it gets for increasing in level aren't particularly useful, but could be interesting for social interactions. What does everyone think of the class? What are its strengths and weaknesses? Is it OP or UP?

gentleman 1.PNGgentleman 2.PNGgentleman 3.PNGgentleman 4.PNG


  • OS_Gentleman Class_Public (1).pdf
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Firstly, it's not a 5e class. I believe it's actually for Pathfinder.

Otherwise, yeah, it's pretty funny. According to their Twitter account, they're going to be putting out a new version that doesn't make reference to "opposite sex" and things like that. More of a "gentleperson" class than a "gentleman" class.

My apologies. I'm not very familiar with Pathfinder, and I guess I just assumed it to be 5e, as that's what I have the most experience with. What gives it away as Pathfinder?


My apologies. I'm not very familiar with Pathfinder, and I guess I just assumed it to be 5e, as that's what I have the most experience with. What gives it away as Pathfinder?
No worries. I think Old Spice were just as confused, what with the reference to "the world's greatest roleplaying game", which is 5e's tagline, not Pathfinder's.


No worries. I think Old Spice were just as confused, what with the reference to "the world's greatest roleplaying game", which is 5e's tagline, not Pathfinder's.

THat phrase was actually used a lot in Pathfinder era stuff as legally they could not use D&D.

Worlds Greatest Roleplaying game is codeword for D&D nod nod wink wink you can't sue us.

Jacob Lewis

Ye Olde GM
At last, I can finally breach an important subject to some of the local players in the area about good hygiene and deodorant! I wish I was just making a joke this time.


Rotten DM
At last, I can finally breach an important subject to some of the local players in the area about good hygiene and deodorant! I wish I was just making a joke this time.
And Mr Lewis wonders why I use a $ tree size of Old Spice Deodorant for inspiration, when he games with use. VERY EVIL GRIN.


Guest 6801328

It's too bad it is so tongue-in-cheek; I could see an actual balanced (and fun) class being developed around this concept, while retaining the humor.

Voidrunner's Codex

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