WOIN [OLD] which secret to use

Cat in the Hat

Hi all,
My high grade fire mage wants a mount but is afraid that they will accidentally incinerate a flesh-and-blood horse. Their solution is to make a statue of a horse then animate it.
If I have a stone statue of a horse and want to make an animated stone horse I’m assuming I use the ‘animate’ enhancement of Transform … but which secret should I use?
Is it Transform Earth
Or Transform Beasts
Or Transform Automatons?

I can see arguments for all three. I’d love to have input from the playing community (and maybe an idea of what Morrus intended)

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Just a tourist passing your way...
I'd say first you need a statblock for the steed. That's a Task for your gm or your Task if he agrees.
The creature types will show which creature secret you need.
Alternatively use animate earth. Seems ok for me.

In my campaign one player also plays an fire mage and starts to face similar problems :-D
Sometimes if she's angry enough her fire runs wild, also at very bad Dreams (all player-driven and I love it :-D)

Cat in the Hat

In my campaign one player also plays an fire mage and starts to face similar problems :-D
Sometimes if she's angry enough her fire runs wild, also at very bad Dreams (all player-driven and I love it :-D)
My fire mage has to wear gauntlets to stop setting everything they touch on fire. Next grade they get flaming aura and the fun really starts (not a good idea to startle them)


Just a tourist passing your way...
If outside of sure terrain my mage always casts a revenge burst spell on herself; If her HP drop below 50% (first spell) and 0% (2nd spell) two big fire aoe burst from her setting everything into burn 2 (doesn't hit comrades).
One time there were civilists and other npc's involved too... bright moment for the party 😆

Voidrunner's Codex

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