D&D 5E On 5e Splatbooks

Fair enough. I just don't want half of my fluff books to be useless crunch I never even look at.


Where I am just the opposite, I like rules and rulebooks, but high fluff books I almost never use. I tend to create my own worlds and such, so the fluff never matches what I do in my games, so the real benefit to my playstyle is more rules that the players and I can use to create cool fluff at the table.

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For the books generally, the Paizo model isn't bad - the Core Rulebook provides a fairly large set of classes, there is one additional PHB (or "Advanced Player's Guide") and then a small set of splatbooks covering fairly wide topics.

Ehhh... I am not really sure I would call Ultimate Magic and Ultimate Combat "splatbooks" . I think they are sort of half-way between that and full PHBs. I mean, the "splat" in "splatbook" comes from an assumed proliferation of books, which is not really how Paizo does their rulebooks. (Their settings books are something else entirely, however.)


I'm fine with rules heavy splat books as long as they are big discrete packages that are easily browsed. I'd rather not have tiny fiddly bits (I'm looking at you, feats) spread across multiple books for the same character concept. So I dont want to consult 5 different books and 12 Dragon articles to see the options for making a wizard.

Now DDI gives me access to this stuff, but not in easily browsed format. It's searchable but you have to know what you're looking for. So eg if you don't meet the prerequisite's for a feat you won't see it.

I think the optimal number might be 3: a PHB, a mechanical module book, and a setting book. In fact, that doesn't sound like a bad house rule.

Alternatively, they could utilize the concept of modules + POD to let me generate my own Splatbook. That way you get the material but in usable book format.


Krampus ate my d20s
Splat books should be campaign focused. Not just new spells and rituals, but rules modules to bring out a style of play. Think of a necromancy themed splat that had undead themes, organizations, gear and magic items. Maybe a ruleset for controlling a horde of reanimated minions.
There could be a second splat for DMs or split the splat in half, but I prefer to keep it separate. DMs get the monsters, magic items and rules for negative energy use.
I agree that DDI should debut some of the crunch early to get some playtest before release.


First Post
Books should be 80% fluff, and 20% crunch. Or less crunch. But additional abilities is the least thing I want from a book.

This is probably close to what actually will happen. Wizards is not going to release any 90% crunch books because all that information will be available for free on DDI anyway. On the other hands, lots of players like crunch. I wouldn't be surprised if it's closer to a 50/50 ratio, like Heroes of the Feywild.


That way everyone will end up with about 50% stuff they don't want in their books. Which is good from a business persepective, as get people to pay for stuff they neither want nor use, but could also make people more likely to just not buy the books at all.


First Post
Books should be 80% fluff, and 20% crunch. Or less crunch. But additional abilities is the least thing I want from a book.

Something like Complete Warrior can be closer to 80% crunch, but I'd like setting and theme based books to be 80% fluff. Same for the monster manual - short stat block, lots of useful fluff, please.


First Post
That way everyone will end up with about 50% stuff they don't want in their books. Which is good from a business persepective, as get people to pay for stuff they neither want nor use, but could also make people more likely to just not buy the books at all.

There are plenty of people who enjoy fluff and crunch. And even if Wizards has to settle for some sort of compromise, there's just no way they can get away with selling a book that's 90-100% crunch if all that crunch is going to be on DDI anyway.

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